“Orthodox medicine has not found an answer to your complaint. However, lucky for you, I happen to be a quack.”
- Richter cartoon caption
Hey, hello everyone. Here I am anna. i"m so much conscious about health and out daily workout. Because we all should take care of our health. For better immune system need better and healthy food. So I through a question for you that, what you think that, running or belly and push up which exercise is most effective?
So for good health, we need a daily healthy diet chart. where we need to include green veggies and fruits more than meats. And another side we need proper exercise to fit. Good fitness means you are lucrative to everyone.
Stay with me,
This diet was really helpful for me, for reducing joint pains and inflammation, as well as for improving energy levels. I tried a lot of different approaches, but this by far got me the best results and was the first thing that actually helped me to feel significantly better. It is similar to paleo in a number of ways but also different.
If you’ve ever heard of gluten, then lectins are similar. They’re also anti-nutrients and apparently can set off food sensitivity reactions. So if the person is sensitive to certain lectin foods, then they can experience negative reactions. It’s also not necessarily right after eating the food, so it’s not very easy to tell unless you know to look for it or that it’s even possible. So literally, avoiding certain lectin foods can get rid of certain problems, at least as long as you don’t eat that lectin food. It’s a very good remedy in that sense.
High lectin foods are the ones people tend to avoid most. Some examples of high lectin foods are nightshades, beans, bread, and legumes.
Some examples of lower lectin foods but still can cause some issues would be something like rice. White rice is probably the lowest in lectins, followed by sprouted rice.
When it comes to lectin foods you want to avoid foods that you are sensitive to and/or foods high in lectins. You possibly even want to avoid foods low in lectins if they cause you problems and in this diet, mostly the lower the better.
That brings me to my next point, which is that lectins can actually be lowered in amount in foods. For example, lectins are often already lowered naturally through cooking, like in the case of beans, which are toxic with high lectin content when raw. Processes like sprouting can lower the lectin content further and actually increase the nutritional value.
The foods that would be considered good to eat on a lectin-free diet are typically meats, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Starchy foods are mostly sweet potatoes, yams, and white rice. Interestingly, white bread has fewer lectins than whole wheat bread.
Even the gluten-free breads, cookies, etc. typically have lectins in them. They typically will include potato which is a nightshade or pseudo-grains. Some people are sensitive to lots of lectin foods and so would want to avoid those foods too. It seems that people can be sensitive to lots of foods and even chemicals if they are not in optimal health, so that’s a good place to start.
As far as ease of implementation, the lectin-free diet is fairly easy to follow, especially if you feel way better as a result of eating that way. Perhaps the most difficult part is even knowing that the lectin food sensitivities are there in the first place. Once you start to notice a certain food definitely negatively affects you, then it’s pretty easy to avoid it completely. Once you get into the habit of eating that way, then it’s really quite easy also.
I found it easier to start sort of “from the ground up” where I cut out a lot of high and lower lectin foods first. Then once I did that, I stuck with that for a while, eating what seemed like pretty safe foods that seemed to be really low in lectins or lectin-free. With that, I was able to feel a lot better and it made it easy to recognize how much it was helping. Then, I was able to add foods back in to see if they affected me. If I had tried to remove foods one by one it may have been much harder to tell if it was helping, so I decided to go for a pretty disciplined approach, although again, it was easy to stick with. The hardest part was getting past the habits I had formed of eating certain foods.
Also, I will say that having my lectin diet foods planned out ahead of time, before I started “from the ground up” so to speak, helped with the transition a lot.
The idea of a low lectin diet and the effects that lectins can have on the body is pretty interesting. There are quite a few studies about them. Seems certainly similar to when gluten became a big thing when some people started to benefit greatly from removing it from their diet. Lectins and inflammation seem to be correlated in that they can drive up immune response. Consider that lectin foods could be setting off an immune response, such as in an autoimmune disorder, but the person is unaware they have a sensitivity to it. This was talked about specifically in one study about dietary lectins setting off Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms, although quite frankly it seems more widely applicable than just that when you look at all the other disorders and food sensitivities that come with them. Either way, leaky gut has been prominently talked about in the past half a dozen years, and food sensitivities seem to be running more and more rampant. Until we can find a way to systematically heal the gut and possibly resolve the problems our increasingly toxic world is causing, a lectin-free diet can prove highly beneficial for some people in the meantime.
A lot of great advice in this interview with Greg Parham, Elite Endurance Mountain Biker and Multi-Sport Athlete.
"Leaner. Stronger. Faster. I made the switch to the Paleo Diet in January 09 and these are but a few of the benefits I’ve experienced. As an elite athlete, I was looking to take my performance to the next level. I didn’t buy all the marketing junk about high carb intake, sports drinks, powerbars, goos, protein drinks, you name it. My body needed real food. Making the switch was easy..." ~ Greg “Caveman” Parham, Elite Athlete
This is a Paleo Diet Debate Forum, and you asked for some Paleo endurance athletes. A race is a very small window of time in these athletes lives. Overall he's Paleo, follows a Paleo diet and performs at a very high level. I've added and highlighted in blue, the parts of each of his answers that you intentionally omitted.
"He may be lower-carb, but he is certainly not low-carb"
Again, he follows a Paleo Diet. Lower-carb, low-carb, whatever you want to call it, it's in the Paleo diet realm.
Notable quotes from his interview:
- The main time I supplement is during races that I anticipate performing at or above 75% of my max heart rate (MHR) for 90-150 minutes (what I would consider cross country pace). At this point I’m anaerobic and relying quite heavily on carbs rather than fat. However, I don’t believe in sports drinks that only have carbs, and I don’t need much carbs.
No one is zero carb, and of course we all need carbs. So what's your point here? You asked for Paleo endurance athletes. Are you saying that he isn't Paleo, or are you saying that he isn't Paleo enough by your standards? It's more likely that you don't even know.
- For races in the 4-6 Hour range I definitely need more carb intake because I’m likely running at 80% MHR the whole time. I’m still burning quite a bit of fat, but also burning a lot of carbs.
- Again, I’m mostly burning fat, but I am burning carbs here and there and need to replenish them if I wish to continue at the intensity it takes to win the race.
- In this case, I rely on Puresport, caveman energy bars, beef jerky, and fruit, especially grapes, strawberries, and bananas. I might even use some Organic Brown Rice Syrup
All Paleo.
- If I need a big boost late in the race I've been known to eat pizza, bread, or other forbidden processed carbs like muffins or cookies just to get me through it.
So what's your point here? Do Kenyans never eat processed foods? Do vegetarians not eat muffins? Do people on low fat diets never eat pizza? Does everyone follow their diet perfectly? At least the guy's honest.
- Keep in mind that the Paleo Diet is not really a low carb diet. It's low by modern standards, but these standards are just grossly out of proportion. Fruits and vegetables do indeed have carbs.
Yes, that's correct. Thanks for highlighting that there's a misconception about the Paleo diet being "low carb". It's really more about trying to eliminate grains, especially gluten, starchy vegetables, processed foods, junk food, legumes, dairy, alcohol, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, high GI fruits and hydrogenated oils.
- So, if I find myself craving carbs, I’ll just eat more fruits and sweet vegetables like carrots and capsicums.
All Paleo approved.
- Caveman energy bars: Dates, Cashews, Coconut flakes, Local honey, 100% Cocoa powder
Yes, that's his own recipe for what he calls "Caveman energy bars". All are Paleo approved, although some super hardcore Paleo followers might exclude dates and honey, even though both were likely available to our Paleolithic ancesters.
I try to live and eat by the 80% rule, which states if you follow the diet 80% of the time, you will get almost all the benefit from it. There are times when it’s next to impossible to follow the diet, like when you’re travelling or having dinner at a friend’s house and they have slaved away at preparing baked potatoes, bread, rice, etc. and it would be downright rude to not eat anything.
I don't know what's wrong with you 80-10-10 people. The human brain is 60% fat so you might want to think about eating some soon. You said he was 40-30-30, not me. There's absolutely no way you can tell. You have no clue what quantities of anything he eats. I'd bet he's running in the 10-30% range. It's extremely difficult to get to 40% carbs when your not eating breads, pastas, grains, starches, legumes, etc. Even the SAD only runs at 50% carbs with all the breads and pastas and pizzas and potatoes and corn syrup and sugar and pastry and bagels that everyone consumes.
I read what you wrote, you just hallucinated that I didn't. Oh, and let me quote specifically what you asked because you clearly can't remember "Where are all the elite Paleo runners and cyclists?"
By the way, there are recent studies that are showing that coconut oil reverses dimentia and alzheimer's symptoms, in case it's needed.
I'm sorry but he's running four times further than the Kenyans so there really is no comparison.
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