cayenne pepper removes toxins from the feet, so probably some odor as well.
Hi! Again!
Forgot to mention that this solution, in the post above, "Castellani" solution, goes on "purple" and is hard to get off stuff... careful that you don't spill it. I took a large sponge block about 2 1/2 inches tall by 4 inches wide...and cut a hole in the MIDDLE of it with sissors, and stuck the little "Castellani" solution bottle down into the hole. So when I use it, it is in a large square sponge base that won't tip over!!! Works perfectly.
Got Allergies? Check Your Digestion!
by Donna Voetee (AKA Granny Good Food) (The Best Years in Life) Recently, a red blinky light came on in my Tahoe. Pesky little thing, so I cut the wire. Ah, peace at last. The next day I heard a rattly sound in the engine and now it won't start.
Naw, just kidding about my Tahoe. I wanted to illustrate how people deal with their bodies, which are much more precious than any car.
See the drugs on the table? (We will deal with the flu shot and donut in a minute.) Allegra and Xyzal are for allergies.
Got allergies? Maybe your blinky light is telling you to check your digestion. Read More.
Each foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, 19 muscles and 107 ligaments, but a pair of feet also has 250,000 sweat glands. These glands can make up to one cup of sweat every day. Our feet produce more sweat per square inch of skin than any other part of our body.
A lot of the moisture that our feet produce evaporates before it has a chance to attract bacteria; however, if we wear socks and shoes that don’t allow for evaporation, that moisture can get trapped and bacteria starts to grow. At first the bacteria cling to shoes and socks, but eventually they stick to the skin causing foot odor. While this is a common problem, it is not the only cause of foot odor. Some people with smelly feet may be experiencing a medical condition known as hyperhidrosis. People with this disorder sweat more than the body would normally need to in order to maintain optimal temperature. It is a condition that can be treated with medical assistance. People can also sweat to the point where they produce foot odor if they are under a lot of stress, take certain medications, are undergoing hormonal changes (puberty or menopause), are under the influence of drugs or have poor hygiene.
Read more Natural Remedies & How to handle sweaty feet
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