Re: diabetic foot ulcers and how to get rid of them!
My friend (66 old) is diabetic, she had rather big open wound on her leg 3 years ago. She is well of, but no many could find medication/ramedy. One day new nurse came to care for her leg, an old experienced woman. she was a replacemant for 2 days only. She told my friend that only saline can help. In short time wound was gone.
Since that, I experiment with it a lot. For sure, it is the best opener/curer of running nose. I poor some in a bowl made of my hand and pull saline into both sides seperetly, only one at the time. My other friend, with some facial skin problem, is happy using it for cleanning that part. If I don't know what to use, I try saline
If I remember right, lots of saline was used, in form of soaked packs.
You can try also aloe vera juice 1:1 with boiled, cooled water, as an every day soak for feet. Amazing, also against toes fungus. It doesn't have to be diluted that much. People drink it as a pure juice too.