I am Benedict and my age is 42 suffered with diabetic foot ulcer more than 3 years,Its painful .I had taken treatments from number of docs,So many doctors suggested to remove the leg ,I got scared .So many sleepless nights.
Finally one of my friend suggested one Ayurvedic Doc in India he stays in rural village ,I visited him ,He told me to stay in the village for 3 months every 2 days once he will remove the spoil part from the wound and he will treat us like child he will recruit patients only suffering from ulcers.He will use some Ayurveda medicines and others. with in 2 months my wound is forming skin upside,But we should strictly follow the diet what he suggested ....
Presently i am out of the problem.
My experience most of the docs suggested me to go for remove the leg ...to treat the wounds doc should have patience then only wound will can be healed .now a days who will take this much patience.