I think your dentist is an expert in holistic dentistry.I had been to a holistic dental care Clinic in toronto..
I undergone root canal treatment there.Their services were just ok.At the same time they were too expensive.
I posted this a few years ago after watching a video of Dr. Thomas Levy giving a talk at a cancer meeting.
I can no longer find it, so I found the same information by another dentist complete with instructions on how to proceed. I would offer a few changes that would be better. How do I know they are better?, because I do this routine regularly.
After I read about it, I started doing it. When I use to get my teeth cleaned, the last thing the hygentist would do would be to measure the gap between the teeth and gum. Mine would range from 2 to 6. These gaps are where food gets trapped and the gaps would get larger eventually causing some kind of dental problems [cavities - Root canals,ETC.] along with receeding gums. At my next visit the hygentist hardly had any cleaning to do, and she wasn't finding any gaps to report.
The dentist comment to me when he came in to check her work was, "I don't know what you have been doing, but what ever it is keep it up".
You mention a oral irrigater, so this link will show you exactly how to use it. The changes I mentioned from this video is to include 3, or 4 TBS of 3% H202 to distilled water. You shouldn't use tap water with all the chlorine, pesticides, ETC. that is commonly foud in tap water. Those are toxins. The H202 should be the kind you get from diluting 35% to 3% with distilled water. Not the 3% they sell at the drug store with fillers, and who knows what else. Here's the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flLt9swaWFM
Of course there are toxic crap in food if it isn't organic, GMO free,ETC..
A bonus is you will notice your teeth will get a shade or two whiter, at least until you eat something that may cause them to have a film.
This works, give it a try. gradually increase the speed of the machine, and brush after. Your gums will eventually heal.
Thank-you for the detailed reply and the link on how to use the oral irrigator correctly.
You are most welcome. That is what it is all about, trying to help each other out with health issues to avoid the many souless people who try to take advantage of us with dangerous products and surgeries.
That isn't to say there are some well meaning people in the health field, but you get the point. Like everything else, there are "good and bad".
I used to see a Hygienist regularly but she never did measure the pockets.
Periodontal probing determines how severe your disease is. A probe is like a tiny ruler that is gently inserted into pockets around teeth. The deeper the pocket, the more severe the disease.
In healthy gums, the pockets measure less than 3 millimeters—about one-eighth of an inch—and no bone loss appears on X-rays. Gums are tight against the teeth and have pink tips. Pockets that measure 3 millimeters to 5 millimeters indicate signs of disease. Tartar may be progressing below the gumline and some bone loss could be evident. Pockets that are 5 millimeters or deeper indicate a serious condition that usually includes receding gums and a greater degree of bone loss. https://www.dentalwatch.org/basic/gumdisease.html
Worth asking about at the very least. Maybe worth changing dentists.
Okay, so you can only buy 12% H202, no problem, just find a jug that's larger than 48 Oz, put one 12 OZ [Food grade H202], and 36 OZ of Distilled water. Shake to mix.
Some good info here about what else you can do with H202.
My irrigator holds 3 1/3 cups of solution, and I probably use to thirds of that. I get amazed at how much food particles are trapped. then brush.
Oh yea, if I could see the roots of a molar in my mouth, I would have to look for a dentist with a cavatat machine to determine if there was a cavitational issue below that tooth. [Xrays can't tell you.]
I hope this isn't the case for you. and all goes well.
Just my opinions
It seems over your side of the pond that you are more aware of dental issues and alternative ways of treating oral problems.
I think what you mean to say is alternative ways to keep from having problems. Once they become problems it is best seek out a holistic dentist. to take care of the problem.
You have the problem of odor coming from the gum around one of your teeth. That is your teeths way of communicating to you that you already have a problem. Probably an infection below the gum line. I doubt very much if oil pulling will take care of an already existing problem.
You might get lucky and find a holistic dentist that does laser treatments that will get below the gum line, or something like that, but it will only get worse if you don't do something.
I understand what you mean about expensive, I have spent multiple thousands on my teeth before I got things under control. It's a bitch, but realistically it's only money and you can do a credit card, or some other form of borrowing to get it done. Your health is much more valuable.
Sorry to be so blunt, but I wouldn't be doing you any favors by telling you different.
So I need to find another Hygienist in this area and would love to see a decent Dentist.
Use what ever your search engine is, and type in the following.
[Holistic dentist -"your town, area", "UK]
If you have a problem I will be glad to help, but I don't know the information.
Regarding Hydrogen Peroxide, does this one look OK to you?
Like you, I would have to rely on what they advertise. Just make sure it is "food grade"
Good luck, need help just ask.
Great news, Bluespring.
That's the kind of report we want to see. Keep at it.
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