Re: Electric toothbrush or manual?
Thanks again for the help.
It seems over your side of the pond that you are more aware of dental issues and alternative ways of treating oral problems.
It is difficult to find a Dentist here as there are waiting lists so when I finally get a call saying there is a free space I jump at the chance and hope they are friendly and competent.
My current Dentist that I have seen only twice is not friendly and is always trying to push expensive treatments on me which I cannot afford.
I am happy to pay for a Hygienist every 3 months but the one working at this practice did the worst job I have ever had since 2008.
She was supposed to do root planing on a tooth that was extracted a couple of weeks later because of an abscess.
She did not even go near that tooth, just polished some random teeth. She was talking to her colleague the whole time so I could not get a word in.
So I need to find another Hygienist in this area and would love to see a decent Dentist.
Regarding Hydrogen Peroxide, does this one look OK to you?
I never hear anyone talk about it in the UK but have been doing a lot of reading since you first mentioned it.
Just for you interest, I visited my Mother at Christmas time in a different part of the country and she had arranged for me to see him, he took an X-Ray of the problem Molar and asked what I had been doing to help, I told him "Oil pulling", he asked me a couple of times to say it again, I even spelled it for him.
When he gave me the X-Ray picture and notes, he had written I am eating oil pudding :)
Here is a thread I posted about the Dental visit.