Hi Lessa, Autumn, and other kind people around here who shared their thoughts with me earlier!
Since I posted the other "What would yo do" topic, a few things have happened, that I wanted to share with you to possibly get some more feedback from you.
I was really starting to think (as has happened before!) that my wife is on the way out of troubles. She's been totaly sweet and plain normal for so long, that all the bad experiences seemed so distant that I thought I must've exaggarated...
Here's the rest of the story, fresh from this week:
This Monday (five days ago), was quite a busy day for me, but I was still home most of the time except for doing some errands and shopping for food and stuff (in traffic hell though - spent HOURS on it!).
Her and I were really close and feeling was great. I also did something that she asked me to do for her (avoiding details here), that might help her achieve her goals. Since I am into astrology and stuff like that, I picked the best possible moment and so on... we'll see if it worked out for her.
That evening, I wanted to really make her day, and despite having a tough day myself, I made her favorite cake. The recipe is not easy, I screwed up with one ingredient and since it was a middle of the night, I had to go to some stores far away to get the ingredient again.
Came home, finished the cake, she was really happy about it, and I was too. In the meantime I helped as always with our baby. Baby will not sleep without being curled up in our arms; too cute...
So, being dead tired around 4am just as I finished the cake, finaly the little one falls asleep in my arms. I get a bit dizzy, probably from being exhausted. As I was to put baby in bed, I almost fell (really didn't see it coming - I never fainted in my life), and barely managed to put the baby safely on our big bed - right on the little cover which we usually put the baby on.
She came in to see if everything's OK and all at once turned into a witch. I didnt' really notice what happened in her mind. She stormed out of the bedroom, into the living room, almost puffing with anger. I followed her, tired, cranky and not in the mood for arguments. I actually thought that this would be the best evening we had in a long time. She starts angrily criticizing me for putting the baby on the part of the bed which was not covered with baby's blanket. I said it was, she goes "NO!!! it wasn't!!!" and at that point, I get really upset, grab her arm, (I was a little rough - didn't care to be nice at that point) drag her into the bedroom and show it to her that, yes, even though I almost fell, I managed to put the baby on the cover and NOT on our covers (even without waking up the baby!). I again told her that we both could've ended up on the floor and that I am amazed that I managed to put the baby on the bed and even on the cover! Except it was on the very edge of the cover, but none the less - on the cover.
She goes - "yes but earlier today you forgot and sat down on the bed, and your jeans touched the edge of the baby's cover so now all kinds of germs may be in contact with the baby, and we were in the park and who knows what kind of germs you picked up from the bench...". It's all true, except as I corrected her - I remember that my jeans indeed touched the cover, but that was on the bottom edge, and baby is sleeping on the left edge - about 20
inches away from that. She stormed out of the room completely angry as if she just caught me with another woman or something. It is really hard to describe the anger I feel from her at those moments. I feel that I am the most hated person in the world. To say that I am feeling like "shite" in those moments, is not even close... I also added that if she really was concerned about that cover being dirty, she should've changed it. She said, angrily, she forgot to do that
As we had these kinds of things before, and they usually happen when things are going so well that I cannot see the situation coming, I tried not to get too upset and went into the room where I sleep when I need to get rest while baby is crying or when I have a flu and don't want them to get it from me. It wasn't easy to fall asleep as I just couldn't believe how she is capable of ruining a wonderfull day like that, and how she really doesn't care that I am the one earning everything she is enjoying, plus I still manage to cook from time to time, I also buy food, take us out, go for walks with her and baby, take baby to sleep, and carry baby around when baby is crying. I do about 30%-50% of house stuff (she does all the laundry, and we have a woman to help us out with cooking and other house stuff), and 100% of outside stuff (like bring home the bacon or fix our car or do some important paperwok).
The next day she is obviously upset at me, doesn't talk to me and so on. As we had these before, I didn't even try to talk to her as it really boils down to "Is anything wrong?" and she doesn't answer, or at best, she'd say that notihng is wrong - just to spite me as it is obvous that nothing is right.
So days go by, Tuesday, Wednesday, I try to do business at the same time and deal with an emotional problem at home, with a wife who hates my guts during those times, friday, same thing, even though I try to be gentle with her and she slips in some moments and shows that she cares althogh overall she is still pissed and behaving like she's the one who is hurt and rightfully angry.
Last night, Saturday, we are distant - I keep distance because I don't need my emotions to be ruined at her will - but kinda friendly, time seems to be healing things, although I am unhappy inside as she does this and NEVER appoligizes or tries even to hear me or do anything about it. And again I was with our baby and she was in the bathroom I hear that she scratched herself on a piece of glass. One of the windows was broken, I changed the glass myself, but left the old piece there and just never got to throwing it out (if you put sharp piece of glass in a garbage bag, it will cut it in no time). I just simply forgot it was there - and with all of my responsibilities, it is no wonder I forgot.
Well, here comes cruella de Ville again. She is so pissed that she didn't come out of the bathroom for some half hour, while baby was crying like crazy as baby was really hungry and I couldn't do anything about that - although baby loves to "talk" to me so I was trying to calm her down with soothing words which Cruella heard from the distance and yelled not to do it in the middle of the night ( it was around 2am) as that will totaly wake up the baby. Well it was either that or the baby cries incredibly.
Finally, full of anger and poisonous hatred which one could see from the way she looked at me, from the way she behaves and so on, she storms into the bedroom takes the baby, and I walk out.
Again, years ago I would get so upset I wouldn't be able to fall asleep. This time, I took one of my inspirational books read a few lines and fell asleep. It helps that we were not in the same room - being on the same bed with someone who hates you actively and doesn't sleep due to that, and falling asleep yourself is impossible I think.
So that's where we are rigth now, and that probably illustrates our problems well. What was really strange is taht I noticed that she put on some sexy clothes during those few days and I was a little puzzled by that - why would she try to be sexy? Didn't she now she's not really talking to me? Did she think that behaving like an uber bitch makes her sexy??? (not to me - those kind of games only make me want to run away screaming; nothing is LESS sexy to me). And above all - this is all happening while I am negotiating a really important deal. She doesn't really care, only asked if that meant I'd have to travel. I haven't really traveled in months, except once while she was pregnant and only for a week, so I am trying to keep it to a minimum. But you can't really have it both ways - a good life, and no work. At least we are not that rich.
What I'd like to hear from you guys is how do you see all this. Are all women in need of stress and anger every time something important is happening to your BF or husband? Or is that a random thing that has to happen to clear I don't know what type of hormone? Or is she simply a bitch who is too selfish?
In days like these I think she's just a bitch who if there is nothing to complain about, she will just make it up. And will NEVER AND UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES do anything to correct the situation. God forbid that she would appologize. If she did do that, it was kinda half-ass and didn't prevent her from continuing with the same attitude within minutes literally! I told her that even when she does appologize it reminds me too much of the scene from "Fish Called Wanda" where Kevin Klein beats the crap out of John Cleese, realizes he made a mistake, appoligizes with half-ass "Oh, I'm sorry" and then jumps on him, kicks him and screams "But what the hell were you doing robbing your own house!!!! You idiot!!!" and then realizes again what he did, and goes in a soft voice - "Oh, I'm sorry..." only to hit him again and again...
Anyone here has nothing better to do then share some thoughts? I'd really appreciate that. I just can't seem to be able to make sense out of all this. There must be something I am doing wrong too, maybe by being too tolerable, maybe too optimistic, maybe who knows what...