women are terrible gossips about ther men..
ithink they compete to see hwocan complaint he best...
you guys don't hear this .. itis veyr compalce...
btw there are soem of us outthere.. that dont; do that..
i never ever discussed problems i had withmy ex.. no matter how bad.i neve rput him down publically... or hadan argumetn publically.
i did tho aget er i found out soem relalife thigns had happend and found out he had mad eour entire 13 year smarriage a virtuall open door to any whozitint ehland without my knowldege
then i sure as heck babbled.. outta defense and anger.
but tha tis digressign personally sorry..
yes women talk about you 90 % do/ youcan bet ..
Ami B.
they problem is instea dof talkignand complaining htey shoudl be talkign to the guy ! and fidn ign a solution...
even i fonly start doign them sleve s wha they wan thim to do...
ie: i jstu took my breaht drops / open up honey *)
then reawwrd your sweet puppy with a kiss...
oops are we *traing them ? * *laugh*
hmmm let ssee.. food/drink/water/lot sof hugs an dkisses/a nd amkign sure he gets good slepp and tension releases (however youachieve this *hint* and i thinkyouhave a happy combo..
ant him to shower/why not go take one and call him in...
bet he will like showwers quite well then *)