Grizz, I was reading the SilverEdge website and it says that nebulizing silver is highly experimental and it could be dangerous according to some animal experiments. It suggests using only temporarily such as infections etc.
But as I read you have used for quite a while with no ill effects. Do you have more information about people that use long term for asthma, please.
thank you
Read the last line FIRST!
Do not waste your money on Steve Barwick's ionic silver generator. Silver is not effective and can be countered by bacteria! You do not need to spend lots on a generator because you can make ionic silver using a few simple components and a cheap multimeter. That will allow you to try it. If it fails then you have not wasted a lot of money on it. A member on this forum, Esstee, made his own generator using a few simple components. If you have some basic DIY skills then you could save yourself a lot of money. It only requires a few leads, a current regulating diode, a borosilcate beaker, pure silver electrodes, some distilled water and a multimeter. Making a magnetic stirrer from a fan which you can find ideas on youtube would be helpful. In that case you would also need a magnetic stir bar.
Here he shows the setup:
Grizz did compile a resource about ionic silver generators. I am not sure where that is now, it was mentioned somewhere in the curezone colloidal silver forum.
One important point is that Bacteria can resist silver like they can resist just about anything. They use several mechanisms to do that:
1/ A high percentage of micro-organisms can construct biofilms which provides protection from antimicrobials, ionic silver and/or antifungals. Biofilms are charged which tends to attract positively charged ionic silver which renders it useless because it never reaches the pathogens. Using reduced ie none charged silver can get around this but see points 2 & 3 for ways that they can still resist silver.
2/ Gram negative bacteria: "The resistance stems from the production of the adhesive flagellum protein flagellin, which triggers the aggregation of the nanoparticles."
3/ Some bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa can counter ionic silver which they can reduce using Pyocyanin. Using reduced ionic silver gets the silver particles inside the biofilm but reduced silver needs to ionized in order to perform it's action. When bacteria are able to reduce ionic silver, it's antimicrobial effects are elimnated!
Green Tea used as a reduction agent for ionic silver which potentiates it's effects in some circumstances. The micro-organism causing your asthma are biofilm protected, it's like a castle/home which protects them and potentiates their resistance by providing an enclosure which retains failed DNA which enables them to quickly reformulate their DNA to gain resistance.
Be aware that biofilms give bacteria multiple attempts at gaining resistance. Biofilms consist of multiple levels and micro-organisms near to the surface can be destroyed and their failed DNA can provide the bacteria in lower levels to quickly gain resistance.
A Silver generator and help forum, instructions on reducing silver is given on this forum:
I have used Reduced Ionic Silver which did beat PART of one of the infections causing my health problems. It was the largest, not totally defeated but reduced. It is not the infection which is causing me the biggest problems. It has reduced my Digestive Permeability but without destroying all the infections present it does not eliminate the autoimmunity. Be aware that autoimmunity consists of two things, 1/ is Increased Digestive Permeability [IDP] which allows large, not fully digested food molecules to enter the circulatory system which promotes an immune system reaction such as antibody production, histamine generation and cytokine generation.
I have successfully eliminated their biofilms but they are still so resistant that I have not yet been able to destroy them. Finding appropriate Efflux Pump Inhibitors would help but I can only guess what bacteria? they are and therefore what EPI's are needed. To eliminate the biofilm, I used Quorum Sensing Inhibitors to stop their chemical message communication. Then enzymes such as Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase plus Interfase or Interfase+ but the + variety is enzymatically weaker, wasting space with EDTA. EDTA is fairly cheap and can be encapsulated into more effective quantities up to around 2 grams. Do not use EDTA too much because it can have some negative effects on blood cells and blood mineral content. You need to keep it away from your teeth because it absorbs metals such as calcium, magnesium which are classed as metals. Using Interfase is preferable but it is more expensive. It does not contain EDTA so the capsules can be opened and consumed in water which gets them to where they need to function best. If you can eliminate their biofilm(s) you will feel a strong discomfort in your stomach. If you feel that, make a note of the location and you will know that you aare getting it right. No discomfort and you are doing something wrong!
Eliminating the infection in your stomach will restore your Digestive Permeability and eliminate your astham/rhinitis at least temporarily until another infection takes hold. BTW your rhinitis is a result of raised histamine levels which is raised by your immune reaction to foods caused by IDP. The other component to Asthma is changes in the nervous system in the lungs which affects the immune system regulation where the nervous system is unable to prevent immune system reaction to antibodies and large food molecules which enter the bloodstream. Restoring the nervous system to a fully functional state and much better immune system regulation. It's quite complicated and difficult to do so I will not go into it here ATM.
BTW your probably better off finding some reduced silver on amazon rather than going to the trouble of making it yourself. If it does not work then there is very little wasted money. I doubt that silver will work TBH.