Just Be more realistic and may be Wise when you set a particular number of days for a water fast. Try to find that 'Golden middle' in your attempts to do so. To me you sound logical.. I mean you do not sound to me like some here - I am going to 45 days of water fast!! Who is with me and then... Hey can you tell me something about
Water Fast - what is that really.... U know, it is just Rediculous to hear that!....
See, if you are Mentally ready for prolonged one and prepeared yourself for it (I found before that if I prepare myself even for couple of days prior to it by eating healthy foods) then it is Easier for me to pass those 3-4 initial days of it. I still beleive Autoimmune requires Nutritional approach on Most part so if you really want to do that kick start then may be just go for 10-15 days the most and then just do your re-feeding (which should be equal to the same number of days - start with fresh perferably veg and green based juices and at times fruits one like orange, then fruits, then salads.. actually healty fats u can start by little from day 4 or so and on day 6-7 some proteins or charbs.. the ones which should be eaten Separately - read the Right combining of foods rules too).... Chew food very well and try not to distruct urself on watching Tv or talking much.
I understand how it feels like when you loose a kid. I also lost my son wen I gave him a birth (doc said separation of placenta) being 28 weeks into it and he lived only slightly more than a month... so ya....but Life Continues, u know.... :)... It All will be Good. :)
I also was and kinda is addicted to
Sugar but I am Fixing it now. Bought some Probiotics, L-glutamine (to heal my gut), digestive enzymes and so on (based on that book and extra reading). I was not eating meat for 3 years and tis year when I hit that 3 year level I ate this year the meat may bee 5 times...... The doc I mentioned was also vegetarian but after she got Autoimmune and realised what was the problem.. she became a meat eater again (Sorry Archus, I know you do not eat meat)... but she advises organic grass fed one though. In the book I mentioned she also giving many recipes you can choose from. :)....... I did not plan to start eating meat but I guess I will again 1-2-3 the most (chicken mainly) coz as I read recently that grains, legumes and nuts basically are HUSH for our digestive system and they Affect the gut lining too causing leaky gut with time - GLUTEN and Milk do so a BIG time too.. Meat is also (to my knowlede (I am into Nutritional field for more than 15 years) I heard canserogenic too but that doctor's mum was pure vegetarian and she Stil died of cancer. And I read many stories that the main accent should be done on HEALTHY eating like fresh (mainly veg and green juices), raw salad added to your meals, almost avoidance of grains, limitations of legumes and nuts if any (soaking in hot water for number of days - legumes, nuts in slightly salty warm water for 24h at least), organic foods and no cemical, loads of greens, even organic grass fed meat did Wonders and I watched the video about how a lady cured MS through this diet but, ya, she also ate healthy meat in moderations.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLjgBLwH3Wc – Multiple Sclerosis Cure
So, I might have leaky gut too (due to wrong eating habbits and diet full of Sugar) so I am Going to follow that protacol (ways) that doc advises for a few months and yes I will be eating organic chicken up to 3 times a weeks plus fish ones.... and after I fix it and my gut lining becomes stronger then I surely atart adding 2-3 times a week soaked for number of days legumes and nuts ones a week (also soaked prior).. mainly I will drink veg fresh juices with greens and fruits for breakfast and without mixing with other foods... u knowthis way.. plus probiotics and L-glutamine (3-5g a day) to Heal my gut lining and then maintain it. Read also about dangers of Fructose (15-25g a day Max in a frm of fruits I guess)... If you want me to post you some links about healthy gut, probiotics, my healthy plan (obviously fee :p ) then find me on fb - nadia_spiridonova@hotmail.co.uk and send me your email that way and I will direct you all that info (all people who read that can do so - I will be Happy to help). :)
Dr. Fuhrman also suggest his successful autoimmune protocol but I did not read it so you need to study Urself :)
Read this post of mine too. It is about Probiotics and, at the end of that post, I gave another link where I say how to stick to Healthier ways of eating based on my own knowledge about all that plus the advices of doctors. :)
Be Well. :)