According to Tim Bolen, the practice of pharmacy manual around 1943 was removed out of circulation.
Supposedly, it had all the natural potions to cure disease, but Bayer came along with their synthesized drug version and told the pharmacists to give them their old manuals in order for the pharmacists to get the "new and improved" one.
All thru history information was extracted from circulation and we have to keep relearning it.
I asked the librarian to find me a reference copy of the remington from the early 1940s but she was unable to find any and there were large gaps of missing manuals even from the library of congress.
All drugs are made from synthesizing a natural component from a plant because it causes an effect on a problem.
They cannot patent any natural plant or component.
All drugs cause side effects and can never cure a problem.
The deathcare system is nothing more than automechanics for the human body and they should never be used for health purposes.
No drug is a good drug...
Tim Bolen was a friend of Dr Hulda Clark.
Many say he was her PR man, but he was recently interviewed by Rima E Laibow.
Also, he has been on Coast2Coast radio.
The pre 1920's manuals don't seem to have much in them, however, they do have lugol's solution.
The fact that the exact same large gaps in years of missing manuals and that these same gaps appear accross all libraries means they were taken out of circulation on purpose.
Forgot to mention that big pharma synthesized the component of Red Yeast Rice that reduces cholesterol and called it statins.
Why not just eat red yeast rice, instead of taking something that doesn't have the other nutrients to counter the side effects?