Day 33. Enjoying the switchover to juice from water.
Energy is much better fact hardly able to get to sleep and feel just 100% better than on the
Water Fast in almost every way most important is feel good when walking around now.And know could work or do more exercise on the juice plus after 31 days of pretty much only water with the odd diet drink and odd piece of
Sugar free gum the juice tastes heavenly.Especially this 100% pina colada combo non alchohol of course and the little glasses of clamato have been drinking for the salt in order to get my blood pressure up some.
Yesterday was diluting the juice about 50/50 beginning but more like 80/20 juice/water by end of day and wasn't diluting the clmato. Stomach handled it just fine so today go to undiluted and should be sticking with that till end of day 40 the original day that planned to go on the water only fast.
Am pretty bored ,missing food and have bunch of recipes to try and places to go eat ,carefully thought out healthy things to eat and ways to go out and eat healthier,lower calorie as well. Not just planning some big huge uncontrolled binges. Thats another reason am taking extra week on juice then transitioning over slowly to acquire more control over my eating urges and to help ensure that my behavior changes permanently so dont' gain the weight back.I have not weighed for few days was 220 pre the switch over to the juice.As said have had some clamato juice and it might make me hold some water weight so wait a few days and then weigh in. See whats up.
I am doing aerobics 5x week done it thru the fast even on the darn water and making it a permanent part of my keep the weight off plans.
Today will do treadmill last night did my recumbent bike. Winter here so doing outside running or whatever is not going to happen for another 2 or three momths.Then can do outside or inside.
I will start up my weights 3x week soon as feel up to them likely start them up next week.
Wife is still being a trooper she is on day 23 or her juice fast and doing good.haven't weighed her for a few days but would think she is like 182 from 199. This is her first fast so really impressed she went this far but she is stubborn.
I have considered doing a 7 to 10 day water in month or so if the weight is still not close to where I want it. I think short
Water Fasts aren't as bad but would recommend doing one when you can mostly just stay in bed if need be not when you have to do any work or go out and about much.
Juice won't affect your life you can do juice anytime anywhere as energy stays up pretty much to normal levels in some cases might even be higher than normal. I think I am type of person that if eat much during day get tired and lethargic maybe from carbs..sugar..not sure.
Seems I do best on a one heavy meal a day thing with the meal later at night. Then you naturually get tired later and have good sleep but have more energy and feel better during they day when you need to be energetic. At least thats how it seems to work for me.
I am no longer taking any supplements no multi, potassium pills, no green tea capsules. Just drinking some various 100% juices and the odd bit of that clamato ,the clamato because I really like clamato and because think still need to replenish some of the salt lost when made a few mistakes on the water fast. Drinking too much water a day was think one of them. And the green tea made the salt depletion I think even worse but did give me energy to keep going at times when just wanted to curl up in bed 24/7 on the water.I think it would have drank much less water might have been ok on the water and shorter fasting likely would involve no problem. Shorter being week to mabye 20 days tops.