Other than water and air, I have yet to see any zero calorie items I considered to be anywhere near healthy.
Insofar as fats, like carbs there are good fats and bad fats. Some fat is not only healthy but necessary to help properly process other nutrients. I tend to prefer a diet of mor vegetables than meats for health purposes, but I do like my meats - as have my ancestors for millenia - and am esctatic to have found an organic meat farm less than 15 miles away. The prices alone (about triple non-orgnic meats in the grocers) pretty much guarantee that my meat consumption will be less than other items.
I do love my custom blend superfoods powder and just received a new non-dairy, non-whey and non-soy low glycemic protein powder (Nutribody) from my good friend Jon Barron that is the bomb too. Now I suppose I need to start exercising . . .
Weight loss has always been calories in versus calories out for me. And good health is all about how healthy and nutrient dense and nutrient varied the source of those calories are - meat, vegetables, fruits or whatever.