Hi K!
Yes Ben and Jerries is the devil... something addictive in that stuff...
If it is allergies I have a great suggestion it's called a nettie pot and it basically rinses the nose with salt water! Works wonders!
It's hard to know weather it is adrenal or thyroid since alot of time the symptoms mimic each other. When in doubt get your thyroid checked with a doctor even though they are not always great at making sense of the results..you can read about thyroid stuff on
I personally think that adrenal fatigue is extremely common with the life styles we people live today. High stress environment overstimulation etc. I know for myself that my adrenals got burned out as a kid either when I got mono or from the tough family situation I had. Its amazing what that can do to your stress cortisol levels etc. reaking havoc on your endocrine system which involves all the hormones , thyroid etc.
I think that most agree that in order to fully heal they do some emotional healing. For me what has helped me relax the most and do healing was a lady who did reiki and chinesolgy. But I really kept going to her since she was so damn smart...mother of 9 kids etc!
As for sleep problems sounds like our are rather similar. One thing that has helped me enormously is having a nightly routine. I make sure the lights are out except tv ;-) around eight p.m. I read that all the bright lights make the body think it's time to wake up. Ialso often eat something that makes me sleepy like turkish yogurt or a glass of milk...even though I don't tolerate it so well. I had also read that computers are big nono in the evening for the same reason the bright lights so stay away from that after usually 20:00. Infat if I on it more than 2 hours a day I usually can't sleep well in the night.
One thing that made my situation worse when Iwas desperately trying to get well was that Ibecame obsessed and read and read and read about different diseses on the net and tried every supplement known to mankind... that is the last thing the body needs. Infact when I stopped the surfing and started living my life I met the husband :-)))
I also blew alot of money doing different tests like parasite, hormone and adrenal etc. I am not saying testing is wrong but Itruly believe there are other ways to get the body into balance instead of paying alot of money for a test and not knowing what to do with it afterwards.
I had a friend who suggested a book by an author called Louise M Hays called you can heal your life, Iwas sick of reading books about building self esteem ect. but this is the one book I could reccomend to everyone..pity none of my friends who need help have ever bought it. I went onto amazon and read the reviews and they were great ..so I got it. It is amazing how we can make ourselves more sick by our thoughts and how we can actually make ourselves healthy happy and succesful by our thoughts.
But personally when it comes to sleep issues I think what helped me the most was my nightly routine , having a stress free environment and the 1/4 of B complex every night!
I think the adrenals assist in detoxing yes.