Have you taken a look at what's stopping you from manifesting your want list?
For example, you might say "I want Mr Right to come into my life. I want him because it would feel so good to be loved. It would feel so good to love another in a sensual way. It would be wonderful to have a special person to share my life with. It would be amazing to wake up in the arms of someone special. It would be fantastic to feel the bliss of being in love. I love the warm fuzzy feeling of being with someone special who loves me as much as I love them." Etc.
I want Mr Right to be like this: ________________________________
I want Mr Right to treat me like this: ___________________________
I want Mr Right to look like this _______________________________
I want Mr Right to have these interests: _________________________
So, you already know you need to be a vibrational match to what you DO want, in order to manifest it.
Abraham talks about allowing, to raise vibration. There are lots of processes for this, and we've all talked about some of them - BOPA, Virtual reality, Rampages of Appreciation, Creation Box etc.
Allowing is wonderful, but it doesn’t always get specific. So, you allow, by practising the processes like BOPA, Virtual reality, Rampages of Appreciation, Creation Box etc. to find joy ...
But there is a tendency to slap smiley faces everywhere, especially in places where it hurts.
There are really 2 ways to see this. 1. Allowing and 2. Releasing resistance. Same thing but can be different processes.
This post is more about releasing resistance.
Is it clear to you which blocks you have that are causing resistance to allowing?
For example, if Mr Right were to appear in a bar/gym/work place, would you ready for him NOW? Or would you need to lose some weight first, or have your hair done first, or feel a little smarter first, or feel more confident first, or learn to trust again first .. or maybe you'd have to go off and hope to bump into him again in 1/2/3/4 months when you think you might be ready.
So, let’s take a look at some of the blocks in yourself that hold you back from having what you want.
~ Do you feel you deserve a new relationship?
~ Does it feel safe to start a new relationship?
~ Do you need to give yourself permission to start a new relationship?
~ Do you believe it’s a real possibility for you to have what you want?
~ Is there something potentially negative about starting a new relationship or being in a relationship? (What fears come up?)
~ Do you feel you have what it takes to hold on to a perfect relationship?
~ Would being in a relationship deprive you of something (like time to yourself)
~ Would you lose your sense of self if you were to start a new relationship?
~ Do you believe Mr Right just isn't out there?
What other negative/limiting beliefs do you have that are holding you back? What do you Fear and how do you Criticise yourself?
Such as:
“I’m not pretty/thin/funny/interesting/smart enough to have Mr Right”
“There aren’t enough good men to go round”
“I’m too old”
“All the nice men are already taken”
“Men are only after one thing”
“Men are basically selfish and untrustworthy”
“Men are dangerous, I might get hurt again”
“There’s something wrong with me – I’m unlovable”
So, I ask you to take an honest look at something you really want (think work/relationship/body/home etc)
And then write out a list under the heading “The reason I can’t have what I want is .... ”
And then we can take a look at dissolving blocks.
Maya X
(1st step is to always acknowledge where you are and be OK with it.)
Part 2 of this post is here: