Blog: beyond the rainbow ...
by bluestar

~Feel the Peace~

Within true peace of mind, heart, and body -- all things are possible.

Date:   8/8/2006 9:04:48 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2268 times

Know the peace in our minds, desire the peace in our hearts, feel the peace with our bodies say the Essenes as translated/interpreted by Gregg Braden in "The Isaiah Effect". Modern day research has shown, Gregg reported, that only 1 in each 100,000 individuals is needed to bring into being a state of existence where the peace exists. Mr. Braden explains “It is not about imposing change …. We are choosing, from all the many existing possibilities in the world – peace.”

There are many who desire war, revenge, retaliation – in the Middle East and elsewhere. But there are, I believe, many more who desire peace. Yet do they/we believe that peace is possible? If we continue to believe that there can be no peace, that our fellow man is not capable of ceasing hostilities or capable of living in a peaceful world, we condemn ourselves to live in a world of ever escalating hostility and dis-ease.

However, if we can feel the peace in mind, heart, and body and hold that feeling for however long we can and keep returning to that feeling over and over, together with others of like mind, heart, and body we can literally create for ourselves a world in which a state of peace shall exist for us. It may not be a perfect peace at first, but it will be an important step in creating a world of peace with freedom, honor, trust, and truth for those of us who desire such a world.

Today’s times are complex. Some say we are living in a time of “grace”, a time of “no time”, a time where our mind and heart’s desires become manifest in a world that has worlds within worlds. I feel very fortunate that the world I live in has not succumbed to world wide conflict or worse. I believe that this is due to the millions of us all over our world who still cannot truly conceive of a world of chaos or a peace lacking freedom, honor, or truth. But the fear-mongers know what they are doing ... if they can continue to spread their terror into the hearts of ever increasing numbers of people and suc*** those people into believing that theirs is the only possible outcome ... than those hearts are doomed to live in a world of the terrorists' making.

Consider carefully how you think and feel – try to make them one – believe in yourself, believe in your fellow man. Realize that many more of us desire to be in a world of peace, honor, and truth than do not. Do not let outside forces create your reality, create your view of your fellow human beings. We are all struggling, we all make mistakes, we all are misunderstood. Put your judgemental self on the back burner and then turn the burner on high. Judge not that ye be not judged is good advice.

Rather, let love pour forth from your heart like a fountain permeating the space in and around you. Strive for a peaceful heart full of gratitude for that which you have. And watch the world of love and peace grow within and around you. Shanti.

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Comments (15 of 17):
Re: Very Nice! Doe… blues… 18 y
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