~ 2010 ~ what came to me . . . 14 y
~ where and whenever God closes a door ~
i think more people than ever will be making good choices and moving into the ”world that waits”. This world exists as a kind of time bubble that protects them from evil. There is an unparalled amount of choice in this world. In this world people can flex their spiritual, mental/emotional, and physical muscles. They will begin to live the life they choose to live in the future and thus start their transition into the 5th World.
Many people will realize more and more that their most troubling and debilitating fears involve the future and not the present. They will also realize that feari ... read more
Grace Revisited 15 y
~ entering SacredSpace, touching future ~
another take on grace -- from Jamie Sams: Medicine Stories
Little Swan flew through the Dreamtime, looking for the future. She rested in a mooment of coolness in the pond, looking for a way to find the entry point to the future. It was a moment of confusion for littleSwan for she had happened into the Dreamtime by accident.
As Swan looked high above Sacred Mountain, she saw the biggest swirling black hole she had ever seen. Dragonfly came flying by and said ”Swan, that is the doorway to the other planes of imagination.”
Swan asked Dragonfly what was necessary for her to earn e ... read more
~when/where liberty lay wanting, no lives are lost in vain ~ 15 y
the ancient stories tell us -- our love will make us strong
The moonlight it was dancing
On the waves, out on the sea
The stars of heaven hovered
In a shimmering galaxy
A voice from down the ages
So in haunting in its song
The ancient stories tell us
Our love must make us strong
The breeze it wrapped around me
As I stood there on the shore
And listened to this voice
Like I never heard before
Our battles they may find us
No choice may ours to be
But hold the banner proudly
The truth will set us free
My mind was called across the years
Of rages and of strife
Of all the human misery
And all the waste of life
We wonder ... read more
Build a Web of Love 15 y
~ Be part of the solution ~
~ In the deep moments of your most precious joy --
Running, playing, dancing, singing, meditating, praying, sliding, diving, sharing, roaring, twinkling, loving -- allowing yourself to simply be doing what brings you the most joy –
Say a prayer for us all – let the love, joy, peace, freedom within your heart stream out from its source within you to touch the joy and love of others. Feel the energy of this web of love – be a light in the world.
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Whirling Rainbow Prophecy 16 y
~Do not allow yourself to be caught in the quicksand of petty tyrants. A true, worthy opponent will present lessons to make you grow beyond any high drama and into a sense of unity with Self~ Jamie Sams (Sacred Path Cards)
Jamie Sams quotes her teachers in Sacred Path Cards ”Many will remember their purpose for being on this earthWalk and will learn to develop their gifts to assist the whole of humanity. Truth will shatter the bonds of separation and goodness will prevail. Some details of earthChanges will come into the dreams of those who are being warned to move where they will be safe. Others will be told that their talents will be needed in areas where the changes occur. Everyone will have to trust their personal vision and follow their hearts in order to assist the whole. Each person will be able t ... read more
Cradleboard Prophecy of Creation 16 y
"The ability to respond to the Present is to seek beauty in every moment of the day -- using our gifts, talents, and abilities for the greatest good of all. As we walk gently on the earthMother, honoring the sacredSpace of all life-forms, keep a twinkle in y/our eyes and joy in y/our hearts – we learn gratitude with every blessing in life." From Sacred Path Cards – authored by Jamie Sams.
In Sacred Path Cards Jamie Sams relates the Cradleboard Prophecy of Creation. It begins: ”I want to share these prophecies with you because they will help us look to the future with hope rather than despair.”
Jamie writes ”Our earthMother never destroyed all the Children of Earth in any of the four preceding worlds and will not do so in this one. I was told that the girth of Earth has expanded at the end of each world creating new land masses and eliminating others. Each time those of her children who were able to read the omens were shown safe places to live. ….
The Cradleboar ... read more
~The One You Feed~ 16 y
~Two wolves locked inside a struggle~
Cherokee Grandfather was teaching about life. He began, ”A fight is going on inside me... it is a terrible fight between two wolves.”
The story went on to show how one wolf represented fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. -- The other wolf stood for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.
He ended the story saying .... ”This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other perso ... read more
Wavelength 16 y
The time draws ever nearer ... How strong is your love/connection?
~ Wavelength ~
Love is a connection which creates entanglement with others.
There is power in this connection of love. It is the very source of power in this world. It creates, it refines, it lives, it is forever … it exists when all that is – has moved on -- and is no longer …
What is your relationship w/the world? Is it loved based? Are you able to connect w/things and people in your world? Family, friends, animals, plants, your computer? And how is that connection – one of patience, compassion, acceptance, gratitude, or …..?
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Grace 16 y
~ an ally of belief ~
By the grace of God; thru the grace of our Lord, Jesus; Hail Mary, full of grace … what is grace anyway?
I used to think of grace as a big bank of good stuff that you got kinda because you deserved it, even tho you messed up. I figured it cld be added to because there were little details in prayer books where numbers were attached to prayers detailing what they were worth. I mostly remember the ones that were spose to cut years off purgatory, cause I figured I wld need a lot of those (purgatory was where you went while you were waiting to get into heaven).
Whatever grace is, I thin ... read more
Weather Warfare 17 y
Whats a poor girl 2 do thez dayz? sometimes one just has 2 get back to basics? billions of years of evolution cant be that wrong ... not w/my planet, u dont!
Many indigenous tribes dance to keep the earth and forces of nature in balance. It seem that technology wish to capture these principles and like modern medicine synthesize and target specifics. Which do you think will be the more powerful – technology or people? Assumption: there are people who exist that understand that people control the weather.
Given the technologies that exist outside the control of most people, what do you think people can do to alleviate the danger to us from these technologies?
What do you think of the “intention” experiments discussed at UnknownCountry ... read more
The Comfort Women 17 y
secrets and dignity
The comfort women
I know your pain
I, too, have a history
which has been hidden
spoken about only
behind closed doors
stung by delegation of a task of questionable wisdom
did u not forsee that this cld happen?
regardless of how/what or who
r u not still responsible?
What of the good hearted emperor!
Cld he not apologize
And in one breath cleanse
A hall that history claims
to free japan of a yoke of shame
We all make mistakes
they r worthless when we do not learn from them
I have forgiven those who have wronged me
I am stronger for it
And, in forgiving ... read more
The Choice 17 y
Love, wisdom, and compassion OR comfort, greed, and profit
Existing in a time that bends to one’s perceptions, individual men choose which path s/he is walking within one’s life.
Does one value and strive to practice love, wisdom, and compassion in one’s life (in thought, word, and deed)?
Are one’s life’s motivating forces one’s own comfort, an abundance of material possessions, and the characteristic of acquiring one’s abundance by negating or minimalizing the existence of others?
To what extent do our lives fall into one path or the other?
One may feel as tho one has an eternity to deal with these choices. Yet within t ... read more
solar flare hurled at earth on 12/13 18 y
not by water, but fire this time
I havent seen these indexes in a while ... not alarming, of course, but I thought worth mentioning ...
brought to you by ....
”The CME was hurled toward Earth on Dec. 13th by an X3-class explosion from sunspot 930:”
its just a just a tease of course (nothing like the ”shot off the bow” from 2003) which probably wld have caused quite a bit of damage,
but nevertheless, considering we are not quite outta solar minimum,
http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2005/15sep_solarminexpl ... read more