Blog: Healthy Journey
by MedJourneyMuse

Day 30 waterfast

Broke waterfast with parasite cleanse. Maybe I still do have bipolar symptoms:/

Date:   6/9/2017 7:23:57 AM   ( 7 y ) ... viewed 469 times

Cucumber and parsley smoothie broke my fast. Gave thanks before I partook. It was the most glorious cucumber and parsley I've ever tasted. 

I became convinced in the last week of my fast that burning fat for fuel promotes Candida. I had multiple symptoms (putrid flatulence - on a fast!? And my face was still congested and having flare ups of Rosacea. Plus, leading up to full moon my insomnia returned full on - more a symptom of parasites than Candida). There is evidence to back this Candida being fueled by ketones. Google Chris Kessner. Anyway I wondered how/if I could go right into a parasite cleanse since the moon is now full and now is the best time. So I have.

2:30 am on Day 30 (yesterday) i broke my fast with a typical Wormwood, Black walnut, Neem, licorice root, Barberine tincture. And waited. Kinda expected to vomit and then wait til next month. But I was fine. So 1/2 hour later I took Caprylic Acid. No problem except it does feel like it burns 1/2 hour later. I like to think it's those worms twisting off my intestines in death throes. Then a little later Pau d'Arco. No issues. Finally juice!!!

My plan is to keep switching the anti parasite herbs every 4 days  (except the wormwood tincture - mainstay). Caprylic acid and digestive enzymes (protease and others) apparently break down their bio-films (as do zinc, garlic, raw honey, cranberry and others). Bio-films are very strong "nests" that house bacteria, fungus and parasites. They build these out of proteins and sugars and seek sanctuary and protection when under attack. If you plan on doing a Candida or parasite cleanse make sure you address this tactic. Instinctively wise and communally wily, parasites, bacteria and fungus have literally learned ways to survive our early cleanse and detox methods. Step it up.

Apple Cider Vinegar gets its own nod. Not only does it destroy Bio-films and its residents but it is delicious.  So it's part of my protocol. I've always enjoyed Apple Cider Vinegar but was unprepared for the ecstasy of having a generous ounce of watered down ACV for the first time in 30 days. I've been sipping water for the past 2 weeks. Nausea has been a fairly constant companion especially after drinking water. But I could not stop. Gulped down the whole glass. Salty goodness. Love. Mild discomfort from a full belly but so worth it. So my last juice yesterday, I added a few tbsp of ACV and will do again today.

Finally, diatomaceous earth. Started with 1 tsp yesterday. Literally kills the enemy by 1000 cuts. Aim to work up to 2 tbsp daily but I'm afraid of constipation at this point. Anxious for my first BM. Same reason I'm holding off on bentonite clay.

So, not sure I'll post again. Water Fast complete. Lost 35lbs in 30 days. Lost 8" off my waist. Bipolar symptoms seemingly non-existent (but I'm not a great judge, will ask husband today). No NSAIDs! My face feels like porcelain. Even toned and bright. Goal is to start a fitness regimen today. Very slowly.  4 weeks of parasite protocol and muscle and cardio comeback. I'm well on my way to improved health. Deeply grateful for my life (an about face from daily plague of suicidal ideation that has dogged me since 9 years old. I'm 44). No desire whatsoever to return to Standard American Diet. Going to try vegan for at least next 30 days and go from there. 

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