Sunday (Day 11) 16 y
Stating my intentions for work, school and health
I did some visualizations about the food habits I would like to have and about my ideal perfect body. I also worked out in the morning, which might be really good for me as working out suppresses appetite for me. I’m not sure I’m up for it... I would have to get up at about 3:30 to do that during the week but I may try....
I like today so far. I’m looking forward to my school reading today. I like how intense my workout program is, since I have so much time of sitting down to do either homework or schoolwork. I can’t spend the whole day outside doing something active if I want to k ... read more
Coming up on Day 11 16 y
Stating my intentions for health, school and work.
Something is not working for me here. Today (Saturday) wasn’t so bad for eating. It wasn’t so great. I wish I could just say I need to take stock and do the right thing and I could fix it. It’s not the case because I take stock daily and have been taking stock at least weekly for a long time. I am still stumped in one area.
If the Law of Attraction is to be believed, there is something wrong with my processes. I started this attempt by thinking and focusing in on my ideal body. It had seemed to start doing something good for me, but didn’t get to far. I am not sure the way to ro ... read more
Saturday... more on food 16 y
Stating my intentions for health, work and school.
Well it’s just past Midnight Sat morning... I don’t think I did great for food on Friday - ate too much but not often and not snacking. Felt really like crap when I did my cardio at night b/c what I did eat was mostly grains/nuts and even hours later, tummy was still heavy and cardio was making me feel sick to the stomach. Cardio is better on an empty stomach. It’s funny, I can fast for days or even weeks on MC lemonade, and when I’m not eating I’m fine but when I eat I eat too much. I’m thinking about concentrating my strategy on two things: laying off the heavy nuts - I’ve moved into ... read more 16 y
Stating my intentions for changes to my eating habits.
So yeah, the main thing that I think I’m messing up is food and overeating. I remided myself yesterday the bad way that overeating on good food ends up to eating any food. I ate some junk, not a huge amount, and overate good food. Rats! Part of my lazy attitude on food came I think from trying to follow the Law of Attraction and just believing that my good body is on it’s way and if I focus on that then other things will fall into place. I was eating nutritously; this is a good thing. LOA says not to restrict, think about what not to do. Instead think about what to do. A fine line ... read more
Thursday (Day 8) Yoooooooga 16 y
Stating my intentions daily for school, health and work.
You know, I have tried yoga several times, was never terribly into it, it wasn’t difficult or challenging and I didn’t feel any spiritual high or calming, so whatever. I wanted to so I tried it more but guessed I hadn’t been to a class with enough challenge or the right teacher or something. Whatever.
Anywayz, so yesterday on my P90X workout program which I am loving, I was sore as hell and wondering how I can do 2 more days with my muscles being tired and all. Well we did YogaX - and the yoga was great: challenging, difficult, and with all my sore muscles, I felt way better after do ... read more
Wednesday (Day 7) 16 y
Stating my intentions for work, school and health.
Yesterday was not so good. I think I lost a good bit of positive energy by worrying about my friend who is going into surgery for ovarian cysts. I had some not so good thoughts, such as this journal that I’ve been doing for a week now: it doesn’t seem I’m doing anything different than from what I do in my head anyway: take stock and try to improve daily. I am always trying to improve and I don’t feel much different so far with this.
I did have a few good days and I want to keep track of where my mind is at. Maybe overall it will help me to focus better. I will keep it up because re ... read more
Workouts are going well 16 y
Stating my intentions for the purpose of manifesting
So I used to enjoy working out. Part of it feels good but it’s true that I haven’t had the motivation to be as regular as I want for years. When I first started working out I was super-regular. Of course then it was new. My schedule makes it so I can get to few classes, and always at the sacrifice of not getting home anytime soon - traffic. Bleh. The same old is boring - I would have liked to find other active things to do to keep me interested. Part of that explanation felt real and part of it felt like an excuse until.....
P90X!!!! Ok, this is not an ad, lol, but seriously, I ... read more
Monday (Day 5) 16 y
Stating my intentions for school, work and health
This weekend was very productive and good. Eating yesterday was about the same: ate healthy but overate at dinner. I wrote a paper, got some reading done for school, swept and vacuumed the house (a start), went to a voice lesson and sung in a choir. I also watched Bridget Jones Diary which I enjoyed far more than I thought I would. :-) Oh! And I did my first P90X workout - Core Synergystics. It kicked butt!! I loved it!
Today at work should be a breeze in terms of my emotional intentions; I’d forgot to state another important intention for work: I’ve been scatterbrained at work a ... read more
Sunday (Day 4) 16 y
Stating my intentions and gratitude for work, health and school.
I’m pretty far along with my homework and it has felt as if I’ve had more time than I wanted in front of the TV - meaning I wanted to go back and do something else! It’s true, it’s true, I’m enjoying TV less! I used to use it to relax and well, escape from my responsibilities as I couldn’t get my head around focus, but that has not been the case lately. It feels good to not feel pressured by but to actually ENJOY my classes. I’ve always enjoyed school and learning. I don’t know why I was in some funk last month but with 3 classes and full time work thank goodness I’ve managed to turn ... read more
Saturday (Day 3 16 y
Stating my intentions for Health, Work and School
I think I did well yesterday. I was not uptight at work and had some projects to enjoy. I did not get annoyed at anyone. Nothing dumb happened tho so I’m sure I’ll be tested later, lol.
On health, I had decided to break my water fast which I did for only 2 days, then Day 3 I ate light and started a Liver Flush that night - I’m finishing that up this morning. One phrase I wrote about the water fast was that it is nice to remind myself that I don’t mind not eating. All those times I overeat and get preoccupied with food, it would be helpful to remember that I don’t mind not eating, s ... read more
Day 2 of Stating my Intentions 16 y
Blogging to assist manifestations of what I want in life.
Yesterday I did well on my part of several of my inntentions which are:
1. Learn to be healthy
2. Be kind at work
3. Manifest money and circumstances for graduate school
I did well yesterday with my progress towards health. It was Day 2 of a short water fast. I decided to break at night with some Orange Juice and do a Liver Flush today. I had decided before that I want to do frequent Liver Flushes all spring to get my Liver and digestive system working well and to target one of my major health issues. I’m cool with this. I felt really good about that short water fast. Water f ... read more
NEW BLOG LAYOUT TODAY - Law of Attraction 16 y
This is my first statement of my intentions; I wish to manifest these things by blogging about them and keeping my mind on them positively over the next 100 days.
As an effort to keep my mind geared in the right direction, I want to blog daily stating the things I want to accomplish and how I feel about them. I want to do this for 100 days:
1. I want to learn to be healthy. I’ve learned already that I enjoy eating healthy very much but I still have a tendency to get stuck in a cycle of overeating which I must break on a regular basis. What I want is to be relaxed about food, not think about it all th time, eat light and healthy and feel and look great!
Action: I am currently starting day 2 of a water fast which may go for 3-5 days after whi ... read more
No Snacking 18 y
That turned out to be a very good rule for me. I think it's helping.
That turned out to be a very good rule for me. I think it’s helping. Even when eating well, my snacking would put me on eating binges. Better with good food then bad but it easily translates over if I have something bad. The whole time I was eating 100% RAW, I had this problem. The last few days since I put in the no snacking rule, I had 1 very bad meal, Other good meals, sometimes big, sometimes not and no snacking. I hear it takes what, 21 days to build a HABIT? There should be just enough time before my husband comes back. After all, no snacking is an eating rule that I can prac ... read more
RAW Sweet Potato Pie Recipe (as requested) 18 y
OMG, Sooooo YUM!
2 cups almonds
1/2 cups dates (pitted & soaked)
blend almonds in food processor until fine,
add dates & blend until smooth.
Pat into pie crust.
(I tried it this way but I believe I will prefer the added 1 tsp cinnamon & 1/2 tsp nutmeg as in the banana/strawberry pie crust on
5 cups sweet potatoes
8 medjule dates (pitted & soaked)
1/2 cup apple juice
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
Peel potato, cut into chunks, process until well blended
add the rest of the ingredients, process, pour into crust
Juice from 2 oranges
6 ... read more
New Rules 18 y
In an attempt to learn "moderation"
Rule #1. NO SNACKING AT WORK! At all. For any food, even healthy food. Lunch, good. Snacks BAD. When discussing cravings with someone they mentioned this and for some reason - probably because I didn’t observe it long enough to make it a HABIT, the old habit is squeezing back in. No Snacking at Work! I can wait. And I can concentrate on work. It’s so easy but it’s not the little innocent snack that is actually the’s the chain reaction that it starts. So for me, this is the rule.
Actually, that’s the main one. There are some others I’m considering but this actual ... read more
What is the cure for cravings? 18 y
cravings, triggers, RAW
I’m wondering what people’s experiences are. Sadly, I think it’s way more complicated then a cure although people have written that once your body is truly cleansed, you don’t have them. Of course, others say slip-ups trigger them. I think I have had both the trigger kind and the mental/emotional kind. I wonder if it will not happen so much after my husband returns from overseas. I will also be working out more. I started last week and will work up a regimen after my final tomorrow. In the past, more activity helped me as well. Anyway, wish me luck. I think I may restrict my eatin ... read more
Bad Habits 18 y
At least I eat a lot more healthy food then I used to but when my old habits come back and I have the cravings come back, I get frustrated.
Some days I feel like there is something seriously wrong with me. When I try to eat moderately, I often backslide into my old habits. It only seems to work with me if I take an extreme stance...yet won’t that eventually fail because I’ll feel like I’m missing out? People always say with such a wise tone about eating: ”moderation”. ”Moderation is the key.” Theoretically it makes sense but in reality for some reason, whatever reason, addiction, emotionally eating, whatever the reason, it does not work! Maybe not moderation but minimal treats with COMPLETE abstention from any refined su ... read more
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