yum! 18 y
People love my RAW recipes!!!
Just like I wrote in my last post, taste is by far NOT the downside of eating RAW which is why 80-90% RAW sounds like the right plan to me. I never finished 30 whole days of RAW so maybe I should change my BLOG name...But I did do 14 days straight, then many other days since and I only not do RAW when there is a social event or something along those lines. I’m trying to work my habits out to where they fit with me in daily life and where I don’t binge. I’ve lots of challenges, vacation coming up, my husband coming home. I just want to finally learn moderation, even when I do decide to ... read more
The Downside of RAW 18 y
I've decided what the main downside of RAW is. It's not health nor variety and it's especially not the taste! It's the social aspect.
I’ve decided what the main downside of RAW is. It’s not health nor variety and it’s especially not the taste! It’s the social aspect. I have a friend that’s very understanding of my experimentation with health and alternative eating styles. Still, we’re out, decide there’s no movie we want to see, (In the movie theatre I go to, they have fresh pineapple for sale) so how about we get a drink or a bite and chit-chat, one of our favorite things to do. Ah, but she guesses I can’t b/c of my RAW thing. No, we can sit down and do something. I think quickly about a drink or what my options ... read more
Carrot cake-pudding (as requested) 18 y
Carrot Cake Recipe
Here’s the Carrot Cake recipe from Alissa Cohen’s book - it’s more like a pudding really but the taste is reminiscent of carrot cake.
7 carrots
1 cup walnuts
1 cup dates, pitted & soaked
3/4 cup raisins, soaked for at least 1 hour
1/2 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp cardamom
1/4 tsp nutmeg
3 TBS honey
1 cup cashews, soaked
For Cake:
Process carrtos until well ground. Set aside in large bowl
Process walnuts until fine, place in bowl w/carrots
Process dates until smooth, add the 4 spices
Pour the carrot mixture back into the processor w/d ... read more
Going "Flex" early? 18 y
hmmm, what to do...
After a bad weekend of having cooked food and junk, I jumped back on the RAW bandwagon. I didn’t make it the first day but did on day 2. I wanted to do another 2 weeks but I kind of already want to relax out into my intended future diet of ”Flexitarian”...at least a little. I like RAW and may keep myself permanently 80% raw or so. hmmm, what to do... visit the page
I like RAW 18 y
I think in the end, especially when my husband gets back, I will be a Flexitarian. This lovely word I just picked up (which you may know) but I will lean towards the vegetarian lifestyle (RAW Vegan to be more specific) but I will be flexible. And I'm ok with that.
So I was getting bored. The problem was not cooking and the recipes I tried last weekend didn’t work so well. I get tired of only salads...and I have to eat more greens. So I planned on taking a few liberal days - on for the Saturday pool party and one for the Friday birthday party lunch at a Japanese Grill. Well, the friday party moved to Monday but in the afternoon I was tempted with a treat and decided to still take Friday. In the evening, I went to my favorite health food store and had pesto pasta, a veggie pizza with some alternative for the crust which was reaaaaally good & curr ... read more
still going RAW 18 y
I'm starting to get bored with raw, but I hope it passes, especially after I dedicate some time to trying new recipes
So it’s pretty well decided that I’ll take a break from RAW on Saturday. I think by then it may be a relief. I’m starting to get bored with it. This tells me I should experiment more with recipes, and without that I’ve read it’s difficult to convert from cooked to RAW. The thing is, my days are already long. I’m at work 11 hours every day M-F and I have a lot of homework as well. Eating simply is good, getting bored, not so good. I experimented last weekend and found recipes I didn’t like so much so maybe that’s why.
I’m hanging in there and hopefully my bored feeling is just a p ... read more
Day 15 (again) 18 y
bump on the road to health
This is my second day 15 since I ate cooked junk yesterday between lunch and dinner. Normally the day would’ve been shot. I kinda surprised myself - I was thinking I broke so I could have something cooked for dinner...how about yummy curry veggies over brown rice from the health food store? Now if that’s me eating bad, I’m improving! LOL but don’t get me wrong, the break was cookies & brownies. But I was too full (from cookies/brownies) for a big meal so I skipped and ate some raw carrot cake for dessert. As far as binging goes, this is much less bad then I used to be. Today around ... read more
BREAKTHROUGH!!! Day 15 18 y
Emotional Eating? ME???!!!
I’ve read about the emotional eating, the overeating ”stuffing your feelings as you stuff yourself,” etc. etc. Put that way it seems to literal although I certainly believe people eat emotionally. The picture that comes to mind is the woman breaking up and sitting on the couch with a Pint (or half gallon!) of ice cream feeling depressed. That was not me. I get tons of pleasure from my ice cream, I don’t cry into it! Often times I’m not feeling particularly terrible and then I feel pushed to food.
But here’s the thing: yesterday I was trying new recipes since I got my new wonderful ... read more
end of day 13 18 y
i'm excited about my new food processor!
My new food processor came in today! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!! Yup, I’m excited. My small/weak one was frustrating me so I stopped trying more ambitious recipes and now my new one is here and I’m SOOOO EXCITED TO MAKE A RAW CARROT CAKE!!! About my previous worries, I found based on this morning and what I ate last night, at least in part some of my worries were definitely food combining induced. Fruits at any time wasn’t working for me so well. I was doing whatever to keep from going off but now that I can make more recipes with MY NEW FOOD PROCESSOR....!!!!! Truly, I need to do more with ve ... read more
Day 13 18 y
Time to Cook! (uncook that is...)
Heh, I thought I’d counted my days wrong somehow. I’m on Day 13 AM. I’m feeling that I really need to concentrate on greens more and to do that I have to learn to make stuff. So this weekend, it’s time to do some cooking. visit the page
Day 11 18 y
Why am I craving?????
It’s 4pm on Day 11 and today I am CRAVING FOODS! Chocolate, something bad. Probably just chocolate because that’s what is in front of me but I really want to eat and I’m full! I don’t know why. What I’ve had today:
Wheatgrass shot
Smoothie with Spinach/Mango/Kiwi/Honeydew
3 Small bananas
2 small apples
pumpkin seeds
I know my body is not hungry but why oh why am I craving? Thank goodness this happened after 10 days of changing habits because I’m actually resisting and waiting until I get home at 7pm where I have some RAW fudge. I wish I knew why I am craving - it’s like the ... read more
Goals 18 y
I decided to write about my goals in doing RAW. This summer one of my main goals has been to get healthy. This lead me to the Master Cleanse and to RAW. Here are my goals:
1. ”Pilot” the RAW food diet and get a feel for what it can do for me so I can see how I would like to incorporate it into my full time eating style - and my husbands’ as well. After her returns, I will convert us to being healthier and the method depends on both what I learn this summer and his what he’s willing to do. (Perhaps this is why I’m somewhat worried/preoccupied with getting more dramatic results befor ... read more
TMI ALERT! (potty talk included) 18 y
In spite of some humps, I sense that I'm making progress on the right path...
Although I never considered giving up, I noticed that the great beginnings I was feeling on Day 5 did not continue. I did not feel great or bad - just normal. I noticed that I wasn’t eliminating as much as I was which I was doing that a lot last week, and I’ve decided that’s a result of more regular wheatgrass intake last week. I guess I was hoping that it was also in part due to my natural improved digestion but I guess my body has a lot more work to do on that count. I thought fruits were supposed to make you ”go” and being on all raw would also facilitate that.
Other consideratio ... read more
Day 10 18 y
I just need to get in the Rhythm of eating correctly, and I'm hoping it will become increasingly easy as I continue.
Wow, day 10 seems like a lot but being RAW seems simple - when not eating out. I think I need to incorporate a lot more greens in my diet to feel satisfied. I love fruit but my body seems to want more and greens help. I bought stuff including store-bought sprouted bread for my famous veggie sandwiches, and I am gearing up to try some green shakes. I also want to keep an eye out for any way to incorporate cayenne in my daily diet but I’ll worry about that later or maybe supplement some meals with MC lemonade.
Anyway, this morning I had a 2oz wheatgrass shot. I have 2 bananas, a bowl ... read more
day 9? 18 y
Did I say fast? Ah well...I did very well today. I had watermelon & grapes for lunch. That’s it. I’m considering what for dinner - wheatgrass shot maybe but probably a nice salad. And I’m grocery shopping for new recipes to try. Soon I want to try raw sushi...I REEEEEEALLY wanna have some sushi!!! If the recipe I make is good, I’ll probably make a ton and eat it for 1/2 a week. I will find a sushi recipe and try it this weekend. visit the page
Day 9 18 y
still going
I’m in mid-day 9. Day 5 was great. I’ve had a few not so great days. I know it is difficult to overeat on just raw food but I’ve proved it is possible. I wasn’t craving bad foods, but some type of treat and not just something sweet b/c fruit wasn’t doing it. I think I tried eating too much fruit and found I was craving veggies. I don’t know, I guess I’m still getting used to my body cues. One thing is for sure, when overeating on raw, it is hard on my stomach and some of my old habits were creeping back in with snacking too much. I’ve done a 20 hour water fast almost once a week. ... read more
Day 6 AM 18 y
My first 5 days raw
After reading and reading, I finally decided to do 30 days Raw. Yesterday, day 5, was the first day that I started really feeling a difference. I just felt alert, more energetic, more motivatied, less bogged down. The feeling got better through the day and last night I only slept 6 hours and woke up knowing I was done and feeling fine! WOW - that’s 2 extra hours a day and the time right before going to sleep or right after waking up are useful hours, not foggy!!!!! This will be sooooooo helpful since I am working overtime and have school part time. The more I am on this diet, the mor ... read more