Master Cleanse for Mind and Body
by peanut74
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Day 25 into 26   18 y  
It's time to relax
Yesterday I worked 12 hours. When I went home I got a little housework done, fed the animals, and went to bed. It was pretty uneventful. I’ve been hungry for the past couple of days but decided to continue MCing because my body is still detoxing. In the meantime I’m upping my lemonade and taking liberal amounts of molasses. I can do it; only a few days to go. Today I would rather be home in bed. It isn’t that I’m feeling so horrible or anything, just tired. Perhaps this is due to work, PMS or maybe detox. I just hope I’m not getting my husband’s cold. Lately I haven’t gotting e ...   read more

Day 24 into 25   18 y  
Getting closer... getting hungrier
My hubby was home sick last night. It was nice to have him about but he’s a bit cranky when he’s sick. Poor baby :( I’m glad your immune system is working overtime while fasting because I haven’t caught it. I worked on a volunteer project most of the evening (applying for IRS non-profit status for a friend’s organization called Lost and Found Ministries). The last couple of times I went through the application form, it felt completely overwhelming. This time I chipped away at it and got quite a bit done. Hopefully I will finish it by this weekend. That will be a relief, to check ...   read more

Day 23 into 24   18 y  
Just another magic Monday (la la la...)
After work yesterday I spent a ridiculous time at Pet Smart (we have a fish, an albino leopard gecko, 2 rats, and 2 cats). Next I stopped by the import store for two more packages of the hot cayenne I like (I’ve almost gone through 3 bottles so far this fast). Finally I ran some errands for my hubby at Schucks and Safeway. The Schucks people were surprised I didn’t walk to buy car parts as I usually do, even though we have 5 cars. They always get a kick out of that. I went home and played with the animals. It was a nice evening even though I didn’t accomplish a thing. Sometimes that ...   read more

Abdominal Self Massage   18 y  
Encourage healthy eliminations!
I posted this in the MC support forum a while back because this has been so helpful for me.  I notice much better eliminations when I take even a few minutes before bed to massage my stomach.  Sometimes I just rub in the directions on the arrows (instead of pressing in at each x) and still see results. ABDOMINAL SELF MASSAGE LEVEL 1 … This is a great exercise for beginners. Practice this technique daily at bedtime, 5-10 minutes each night, for a period of 3 months. Then move on to Level 2. Level 1 is great for moving energy through your viscera, removing blo ...   read more

Day 22 into 23   18 y  
A glorious day with some family fun
Yesterday I took some relaxation time to sunbathe in the morning. It is so beautiful in the Pacific Northwest when the sun is shining. It was breezy so I enjoyed watching the leaves rustle high above as the butterflies flitted about. What a wonderful way to start a day! I continued to have healthy eliminations which make me feel cleaner and healthier. My eyes were caked when I awoke so it feels like I’m purging impurities from every angle, a good reminder of why I’m MCing. My girls and I went shopping for a birthday gift for my niece. We had a ball scouring the toy section for f ...   read more

Day 20 into 21   18 y  
Quiet day on the homefront
So day 20 was good. I had a bit of a headache so I took a detox bath. My girls are still home (now they are staying until Sunday) and wanted to make my lemonade and bring me water while I was in the tub. They are so sweet. After a couple of noneventful days in the bathroom, if you know what I mean, I started purging more mucous and sludge. The moment it started I felt better. I haven’t done my SWF yet this morning so hopefully it will continue. I was able to sleep in today until nine (what a treat!) and the house is still quiet (everyone seems content to chill out in their rooms ...   read more

Measurements on Day 20   18 y  
Holding steady but still get cleaner
Height 5’ 8” Weight 164 lbs (down 12 lbs since start 1 lb since day 10) Upper Arms 12” L 12.25” R (down .25” since start no change since day 10) Chest 39” (down 2” since start no change since day 10) Waist 32” (down 1” since start no change since day 10) Buns 42” (down 2” since start down .5” since day 10) Upper Thighs 24.25” R 24.5” L (down 2” & 2.25” since start no change since day 10) Calves 15” Both (same since start)   visit the page

Day 20 with 10 to Go!   18 y  
Time for a change in routine and perspective...
I have decided that the last ten days of my fast are going to be wonderful. To make that happen, I am stopping all extras, no more SWF & morning lax tea, no more detox teas (I was steeping one with each lax tea and having another tea with two detox tea bags each day). I will continue to use extra cayenne and oil swish but that’s it, otherwise; this fast is ending by the book. This morning I used half maple syrup, half molasses in my lemonade and it didn’t taste too bad. If you add enough cayenne it covers anything. The smell could be better but no pain no gain. Perhaps the added nu ...   read more

Day 18 into 19   18 y  
Business as usual
Day 18 was much the same as usual. I worked 10 1/2 hours and used a power outage as an excuse to get out of there (my kids were home alone but would have been fine). Once home I made dinner for my daughters, played the game of Life with them, cleaned the house a bit, dealt with some family drama (extended family) and went to bed. I ended up staying up too late (seems to be a problem lately) so was very tired this morning. In fact I didn’t have time for my SWF and skipped the tea as well. Hopefully I won’t pay for it later. The weekend is in sight though so maybe (just maybe) I’ll ...   read more

Day 17   18 y  
Today was quiet... getting into the zone
Yesterday was busy but not too long at work (only 10 hours) which was nice. Then I went grocery shopping afterwards and wasn’t bothered by the smells or temptation. At home I had a quiet evening with my girls. My face is starting to clear up. I did a face mask and micro dermal abrasion last night to speed the process up. It felt nice to pamper myself. The funky smell I seemed to be emanating has dissipated (yippee) and my glands are less swollen. Even my stiff muscles feel better today and this morning’s SWF had almost clear BMs which is a far cry from usual. I must admit that ...   read more

Day 16   18 y  
Another day of ups and downs
I have nothing big to report on day 16. I fielded some positive questions from my coworkers about the MC. Perhaps one of them will be willing to do it with me next time. That would be nice. I’m glad they are feeling less concerned about it being harmful for me. It takes some pressure off. Had to come home from work on time today (thank you pressure wash guys for not coming until my husband had to leave for work - really) so I spent a lovely lazy evening with my daughters. For some reason the popcorn they ate during a movie especially drove me crazy but I managed through. I’m gett ...   read more

Weird Symptoms Gallore   18 y  
Detox symptoms show progress in my opinion
Each odd symptom that appears I see as a new bit of poison fighting to stay in my body.  As I use water, cayenne, lax tea, and SWFs to sweep them out I can almost hear them yelling in terror.  Take that you nasty goo!  It feels like a personal war. ggg Here’s a list of current oddities I’m working through: Metallic taste in my mouth (what is that about?) Breakout on face (since I woke up today) Swollen glands on throat Aching ankle (tore 2 ligaments twice a couple years ago) Stiff muscles especially up ...   read more

Day 14 into 15   18 y  
Busy but productive days
Yesterday I was in great spirits. I felt physically weak most of the afternoon (after mowing the lawn) but pepped up enough for a couple mile walk with my kids by the evening. It is so wonderful to have them home. Last night they read and played game boys in a tent in the yard and are currently squealing in delight with a laundry basket full of water balloons (must have taken them an hour to fill them all). I would love to be out there with them (I did get out there just long enough to get drenched) but have tons of laundry they brought home from their dad’s (need to get everything c ...   read more

Day 13 and into 14   18 y  
Settling into a better perspective.
For the past week I have passed more mucous and bowel sludge then ever before. It seems like I must run out of it at some point. Sometimes it is almost solid and others it is goopy and gross. While I’m very glad to have it leaving the premises so to speak, the emotional roller coaster ride it seems to be taking me on is almost more than I can handle. All the same, I’m continuing to increase my cayenne as well as using lax tea at night, SWF in the morning followed by a second lax tea. I’m considering getting some Oxy-Powder but don’t know much about the product yet. Do I have to buy ...   read more

Detox info from the Tummy Temple   18 y  
Symptoms and treatments for detoxing
Here is an excerpt from my post colonic pamphlet (courtesy of Tummy Temple ), which I felt summarized much of what I’ve seen on the MC forum.   Detoxification Reactions and Support...   While cleansing you may experience digestive upsets, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, cold/flu symptoms, slight nausea, etc.  Do not be alarmed or suppress these symptoms as these are normal during any detoxification process and provide valuable information on what’s going on in your body.  Each symptom points to one defective organ:   Sick feeling: This can co ...   read more

Day 12   18 y  
Day 12 was another uneventful day
Day twelve was another pretty uneventful day. I’m still feeling sluggish and low but otherwise fine. This morning I weighed myself and I’m gaining but that’s not what this fast is all about for me (still a bit disappointing). I purchased some cayenne from a local import store that is super hot (no heat units on label) so I went from lemonaide that resembles tomato soup to barely 1/10 and still hot. I think it is because the new stuff is VERY fine. Hopefully this will increase my results (I’ll up the amount I use in each drink as I get use to it). Happy Friday, Peanut   visit the page

Note about the liberties I've taken this MC   18 y  
A side conversation about customizing the MC
It seems to me I’ve seen two types of posters on the MC forum lately. Some are ”strictly by the book” people and others want to try different things. I started out being strict but by my last fast it felt like I didn’t get as much out of my system. Even now, I’ve discovered my liver is the culprit behind many of my issues (some is recent from depression meds) which wasn’t improved much by my previous five fasts (my liver issue is possibly too much for the MC to deal with from long-term antibiotic use as a child). Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen a big change in my body/health since all ...   read more

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Last Activity: 17 y ago
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85 Comments   Last comment 17 y ago

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Created: 18 y   Jun 21 2006


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Comments (10 of 85):
Re: Liver Flush Su… pengu… 17 y
Re: Liver Flush #38782 17 y
Re: Good thing peanut74 17 y
That makes me hung… Aharl… 17 y
Good thing harmony2 17 y
note of sympathy Zoebess 18 y sorry ren 18 y
Re: Condolences. w… peanu… 18 y
Re: Condolences. w… natur… 18 y
Re: Condolences. w… peanu… 18 y
All Comments (85)

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