Vibrational Health Village
by vibr8
Page 11 of 13

HMO & teen's death   17 y  
from today's L.A. blames HMO for teen's death
Family blames HMO for teen’s death     Cigna refused to pay for a 17-year-old leukemia patient’s liver transplant until the family staged a protest Thursday, but Nataline Sarkisyan died shortly after the reversal. By Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer 10:41 AM PST, December 21, 2007 A grieving family is blaming an insurance company for the death Thursday of a 17-year-old leukemia patient, who died hours after the company reversed course and agreed to pay for her to receive a liver transplant. Nataline Sarkisya ...   read more

losses   17 y  
a comforting blog to share about releasing, ritual, and connecting with the earth
This is something from dynamic-polarity’s StumbleUpon blog that I thought was quite excellent.  Inevitably, we all will have losses in our lives, and losses really do not get easier to handle as you go along, either.  Further, sometimes we think more about our losses at holiday time, because the holidays tend to remind us of beloved people (and pets too) who aren’t with us physically anymore.  Yet nobody much wants to listen to anyone else talk about their losses at holiday time, as everyone seems to have enough holiday stuff of t ...   read more

soul   17 y  
I just love this writing by Traverlaw from his StumbleUpon pages. I'm sure it is copyrighted so please do not recopy it without crediting him.
Nov 27, 11:42pm This is the very instant of creation. The Universe did not materialize 4,000 years ago or 4,000 billion years ago. It is born in this moment, here, right now. It all starts with this heartbeat, this word, this letter, this blink of your eye. Reality erupts from Mind as a luminous, intense, continuous pyroclastic flow of unspeakable delight. It is a volcano closer than your jugular vein, more intimate than tears. It is the unbound, eternal, and constant outflowing of the present. Creation is unencumbered by a nonexistent past and undirected by an unre ...   read more

New Chakra   17 y  
verrry interesting.....
Subject: A new source of healing has been found for the leading cause of imbalance From: "Jo " Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 20:09:44 -0600 Dear Friends, For your entertainment..... New Chakra Scientists have found that all our problems can be placed under one heading: Seriousness. Seriousness ...   read more

But I Do Not Need Kindness   17 y  
by Gregory Corso
Note from the writer of this blog:  This poem is copyrighted by the poet and his estate,  and is simply reprinted in this blog.  Please do not reprint it again in any form.  Thank you.   Also,  for those of you who emailed me privately to ask if I’d ever met Corso....yes...he was in Boulder intermittently once Naropa was established.  He insulted me once at a post-poetry-reading party at Burroughs’ townhouse, and I felt somehow...honored.  He gave a reading/concert at the Blue Note,  a club that once thrived in Downtown Boulder,  right around the time his Autocthonic Spirit book came out ...   read more

Thanksgiving   17 y  
let us be conscious of Indigenous People everywhere as we give thanks
Hello CureZone Readers, I just wanted to share with you something from my StumbleUpon pages,  regarding Thanksgiving...   Edward S. Curtis Edward S. Curtis is famous for his photographs of our Indigenous People...  Please humor me while I ramble for a moment........ It is important to remember at this time of we sit down to supposedly celebrate the "Pilgrims" peacefully sharing a meal with the "Indians" that before and since that time Indigenous People have been and are being genocided on th ...   read more

Wanting Sumptuous Heavens   17 y  
by Robert Bly .... from the New Yorker
Wanting Sumptuous Heavens The New Yorker Robert Bly No one grumbles among the oyster clans, And lobsters play their bone guitars all summer. Only we, with our opposable thumbs, want Heaven to be, and God to come, again. There is no end to our grumbling; we want Comfortable earth and sumptuous Heaven. But the heron standing on one leg in the bog Drinks his dark rum all day, and is content.   read more

Birdwings   17 y  
by Rumi
BIRDWINGS Your grief for what you’ve lost lifts a mirror up to where you’re bravely working. Expecting the worst, you look, and instead, here’s the joyful face you’ve been wanting to see. Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birdwings. -Rumi   read more

The Power of Thought   17 y  
MacLean speaks of how disease manifests in the body
Quotes from  Conversations With My Higher Self  by Kenneth J M MacLean - A virus is nothing more than a thought stream to which much attention has been given; it has been honed and clarified and agreement reached upon it. Then that thought stream is launched, as it were, out into the broader world where it is broadly agreed upon, amplified, and further clarified; the consciousness within the biology of the invader, being interrelated with the consciousness of the human, responds accordingly and so disease and illness manifests within the body. As per our discussion above, the v ...   read more

Getting Free   17 y  
good solid usable information for anyone leaving an abusive relationship
I found this article in author Ann Rule’s online journal, for people who are dealing with ending an abusive relationship or marriage.  Seems like good advice.  Website link of origin is below article... ************************************************** Getting Free I received this sometime ago from a reader. While all the suggestions might not work for you if you are in the process of separation, divorce, or just tryin ...   read more

Sri Chinmoy   17 y  
in remembrance
In Remembrance of Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) Sri Chinmoy (1931 - 2007) * courtesy of Sri Chinmoy, a spiritual teacher who dedicated his life in the service of humanity, entered into mahasamadhi - the mystic process through which spiritual Masters exit the body - and passed behind the curtain of Eternity on the morning of 11 October 2007. In his 43 years in the West, he endeavored to ...   read more

Reunion, Rawluck, & Spiritual Healer   17 y  
a busy Sunday for vibr8
All 3, all in 1 day. Today. So where am I? It’s a bit after noon, Colorado time, and I’m at my office, writing this. Although it would clearly be beneficial for me to see the Spiritual Healer who is only in town for 4 days, twice a year, and this is probably his last day doing appointments, I have not yet arranged to see him. Partly, it’s a money issue. And partly, it’s simply that I thought a few weeks ago I didn’t need to see him this time, now I’m having doubts about that, as it’s always cleansing and purifying and regenerating to go in for a session with him, and I could sure ...   read more

Local Aromatherapist Neighbor   17 y  
fragrance as an art form
October 4-10, 2007 Scent sculptor Boulder perfumer gains international attention by turning fragrance into an art form by Pamela White Boulder perfume artist Dawn Spencer Hurwitz always knew she had a sensitive sense of smell. She would catch a whiff of milk from the carton and know that it was about to go sour. She would tell her mom if the meat thawed for the night’s dinner didn’t smell right. And even as a child, she fo ...   read more

exquisite madness   17 y  
a poet's vision
There’s a poet in L.A.  I absolutely adore (though I’ve never met him) and I’d like to share some of his words with you today:       "If I had the dough, I would throw a party and pay to have all of my favorite people in the same room at the same time. We would all expire in the gravy of our exquisite madness together as spectacular sunrise in the sacred valleys of the moon singing hallelujah anyway. You have no idea how much I would love to make this happen for any and all. So I simply roll along attempting to save myself before the next and ap ...   read more

I think I understand   17 y  
these changes that are happening with our blogs
I was reading Spirit’s message on the Webmaster Support forum about connecting blogs and forums for the purpose of increasing visibility and readership of blogs. Sounds well-intentioned. But perhaps some of us bloggers rather liked our obscurity. Well, it hasn’t really seemed like obscurity to me, as the numbers seem to indicate lots of visitors to my blog. I don’t do it for popularity anyway, but rather simply because I enjoy doing it, if that makes any sense. I’m amazed that people read my blog, and appreciate the readership very much, and also appreciate this CureZone website for ...   read more

Angel Gate   17 y  
A place where they teach only love
While I was at the Metaphysical Fair last weekend, I visited a booth that was most interesting. Angel Gate Creations of Lakehills, Texas is the name of the business. They’ve created some amazing tuning forks, oils, chimes, and other healing essentials. I think they also do some teaching for healers who want to use the tools they provide. This is not meant to be a commercial. I just wanted for you to know that I liked their energy. A very pleasant energy. I have not actually purchased anything from them yet, due to my humble budget, but hope to sometime before Winter is upon us. ...   read more

Slavery and Prison   17 y  
understanding the connections
I found this article in a friend’s blog tonight, and think it is worth sharing here. Read on: *********************** Slavery and Prison - Understanding the Connections by Kim Gilmore   read more

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A place at Curezone where you can hear about & comment on this writer's adventures experiencing various subtle energy therapies on the challenging road to achieving a state of healthy balance.… more...

Last Activity: 12 mon ago
214 Messages   Last message 12 y ago
318 Comments   Last comment 12 mon ago

viewed 1,309,907 times
Created: 19 y   Apr 22 2005


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Comments (10 of 318):
Re: Biomodulator Shapokol… 9 y
Re: My Recent Expe… vibr8 9 y
Re: My Recent Expe… #1921… 10 y
Re: Hello CureZone! sunnd… 11 y
Re: My Bit About M… suman… 13 y
Re: MLM's sumangoud 13 y
Re: Healing Herbs vibr8 14 y
Re: Healing Herbs Avocade… 14 y
Re:'s ev… Avoca… 14 y
Ya-Hoo #76762 16 y
All Comments (318)

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