Vibrational Health Village
by vibr8
Page 8 of 13

Love to All of You on V Day   17 y  
let's make this a joyous holiday
Date:   3/18/2007 12:32:03 PM   Really I’m just dropping in to send lots and lots of love to all of you on St. Valentine’s Day. What’s wonderful about this holiday is that it’s primarily about love, and it’s symbol is the heart. Think about it. And love is where you find it. It begins within your own heart, and radiates outward from there. It’s amazing. Wishing the warmest and most loving Valentine’s Day ever to you and your loved ones. v8   visit the page

Rewilding   17 y  
we can all be a part of creating a more sustainable and less destructive cultural environment
Date:   2/18/2007 8:03:56 PM Though I received the latest issue of Adbusters in the mail a few weeks ago, I just got around to taking a look at it yesterday. Really liked an article by Kalle Lasn entitled ”Rewilding” which is about rewilding our cultural environment. There are some other references/uses of the word/concept rewilding on CureZone, and I’ll provide a link for one of those as well as a link to the Adbusters website, at the end of this blog message. I would like to quote in full the ”six ways to rewild consumer culture” from Kalle Lasn’s marvelous article: ************ ...   read more

"The Secret"   17 y  
Respected author/teacher Dan Millman reviews/critiques "The Secret"
Date:   3/3/2007 5:06:10 PM   Status:     R (Message recommended by moderator) Here in Vibrational Health Village, this film ”The Secret” seems to be the talk of the town. Two friends of mine have been rather insistent that I ”simply must see it.” So on last Sunday evening I accepted an invitation to a friend’s house for dinner and ”The Secret.” Honestly, this film made me uncomfortable, and I’ve thought about it intermittently during the days since, to see if I could figure out why it made me so uncomfortable. Then, tonight while wandering the ethereal hallways of the internet, I c ...   read more

Spiritual Healing, Part III   17 y  
Date:   1/21/2007 5:40:17 PM So, the Spiritual Healer from the Philipines came to town again recently. I think it best to actually protect his identity, and plan to go back to my other blogs about him and do just that. He is pure of heart and spirit, and for those who are open to receiving the healing that comes through him, it is an amazing process. With any real healing, the results are not always immediate, but rather the results are gradually assimilated. This is deep work, and requires dedication to following through with whatever the Spiritual Healer assigns. My follow-up ...   read more

Thriving   17 y  
grateful v8 celebrates joyous 13 years in recovery!
Date:   3/18/2007 12:32:03 PM Though I have been so occupied with life that I did not stop to celebrate it or even talk much with anyone about it last week, I did celebrate 13 years drug free. The day came and went. It’s an accomplishment, really. I’ve spent much time being mindful of what brought me to a dangerous level of addictive living, what helped me survive during it, and what choices I made that brought me out of it and into enjoying an amazing life beyond it. So many people die before they figure it out. Many more die after they think they’ve got it all figured out. ...   read more

Help Keep Almonds RAW   17 y  
There is a plan in the works to pasteurize all almonds before they reach the marketplace
Just received a group email, from someone I very much respect, regarding an impending plan to pasteurize, all almonds in the US before they reach consumers, yet these pasteurized almonds would still be represented as RAW. The email has a link in it so that people can pass around and sign petition to help keep almonds from being pasteurized in the future. Here’s the email: **************************** almonds update Posted by: ”Coco” Wed Apr 4, 2007 7:03 pm (PST) Pasteurized almonds absolutely absurd I wanted to bring this to the attention of everyone to see if they would ...   read more

Happy New Year!!!   18 y  
Vibr8 invites you to share your resolutions with her and everyone else here at Cure Zone...
This CureZone place means a lot to me, and that means all of you. Those of you who come here to read the forums, and blogs, and all of the other information that’s everywhere and anywhere among this sea of CureZone links. And, of course, those of you who make this site happen, and those of you who share your wisdom here for others to read. Bless you all! In this moment, as I am writing, my entire focus is on you. I want to sincerely wish each and every one of you the very happiest of New Years. I know that the internet is worldwide and that for many readers this is not, in fact, wh ...   read more

Holidaze   18 y  
"Take me to the station, and put me on a train/I've got no expectations/ To pass through here....again..." ~Rolling Stones lyric
In a daze, I continue to move through the holiday season. As I get older, for some reason, though I make some efforts to structure it so I can make it through these supposedly joyous holidaze peacefully and relatively unscathed, and let my dear relatives and friends know how much of a gift they truly are to me, the holiday season just seems to get more and more painful and difficult for me emotionally as the years go on. Thank heavens nobody saw me walking from my relative’s house to my car parked on deeply snowy icy streets two blocks away, hot burning tears streaking down my cheeks ...   read more

An Alternative to Xmas   18 y  
Festivus: for the rest of us
Today I learned about a holiday that’s been celebrated at this time of year for many years now, unbeknownst to me! I was talking with my son on the phone, about a pre-holiday celebration we’re planning mid-week because one of our most integral people is going out of town this Thursday. I was talking about gingerbread people and animals and such, and suddenly my son mentioned Festivus. ”We’re making it a Festivus party,” he said, with a hint of merriment in his voice. He talked about the ”airing of grievances”, the ”feats of strength”, and the Festivus pole. Although Festivus bec ...   read more

Ch'i   18 y  
The universal life force
This morning I’ve been thinking about ch’i or qi as it’s also known, the universal life force. I talk about it a lot with the clients at my alternative health office, explaining my various theories about how the body heals itself. Some of them seem to have studied vibrational healing for lifetimes longer than me, but for the most part they are humble about their advanced knowledge and listen to me going on and on, with a polite smile. Anyway, I was thinking...what do I really know about ch’i? It’s a buzzword of sorts, and many years ago when I lived among meditative devotees of a spi ...   read more

In-Laws   18 y  
can cause holiday angst, even ex-in-laws, and how vibr8 finds the strength to transcend it all
It’s holiday time in America once again, and a lovely time of year for those whose lives are arranged so very perfectly that holiday get-togethers are enjoyable from start to finish. Some people ignore the holidays altogether, going on long hikes, or parachuting in the desert, or whatever distracting enjoyable escape they have created for themselves over the years. Many disagree with the basic premise on which this upcoming holiday, Thanksgiving, is based. Certainly giving thanks is a great principle and in fact an admirable spiritual focus. However the whole idea that an entire na ...   read more

Clean Water   18 y  
Although this is a local election issue today, the adding of toxins to drinking water is happening everywhere and deserves your attention
It’s election day in the USA, and locally clean water is a much-debated issue. Most of the issue centers around our right to vote not to have our water fluoridated. There’s apparently also lead and arsenic content in the water here. Huge numbers of dentists and other people who call themselves medical professionals have spoken out in favor of continuing to dump toxic chemicals into our drinking water, stating that, reducing it to the most basic terms, our teeth will rot if we don’t have fluoride in our drinking water. Personally, I don’t use the tap water much at all, except in a v ...   read more

Sunny Day   18 y  
wherein V8 speaks of sunshine, snowstorm, family, reducing stressors, upcoming election, and more
It’s the third sunny day following a major-seeming snowstorm. There were low visibility and blizzardish conditions all around our state late last Wednesday night through noon or so on Thursday. It was yucky during morning rush hour on Thursday. Thankfully I have intentionally created my ”career” schedule so that I will not be driving during morning and evening rush hours. Most of the time, anyway. This lessens my life stress experience significantly. I just know it! And stress reduction is beneficial healthwise. Speaking of stress...those of you who live in the USA, have you ...   read more

Who Am I?   18 y  
zig-zagging through the ever-changing territory of self
What an idea. I was sitting in one of my town’s original non-franchise tea/coffee places, when this unoriginal yet stunning concept came to me. I was thinking that I hadn’t written in my CureZone blog for over two weeks, and although many topics entered my mind to write about, the one that stood out in my mind was this ”Who Am I” topic. I thought of the old song from the 60s from that great old album by Country Joe and the Fish, of the same title: ”Who Am I.” It’s a classic song for some. I like many of Country Joe’s other songs better. Anywho, I was thinking about this: how did ...   read more

A Week in the Life   18 y  
meditative 9.ll, music, family, and a safer cell phone
Really, I’m just checking in. It’s been over a week since I’ve written in this blog, and so much has happened in the world. My life, on the other hand, is a bit like those predictable rides in the amusement park, where you’re driving a little car and although you move the steering wheel from side to side, the car just stays on the same course. Ah, childhood memories!! We were invited to a peace-focused meditative party in the mountains on the llth, but didn’t end up getting a chance to go. We’ve got it on the schedule for next year. The couple who host it are delightful, and they’ ...   read more

In a Metaphysical Wonderland   18 y  
while much of America is busy boozing and BBQing, v8 goes to a humongous new-agey FAIR
On Sunday I went to a massive metaphysical fair in a nearby city with a few friends. Large buildings full of new-agey people, or full of any collection of beings so crowded together that there’s often not enough room to walk through the aisles without stopping every few feet, creates in me a feeling of extreme discomfort. Having existed within this body for many years now, I should know this usually happens and anticipate, i.e. prepare for, the inevitable discomfort by creating a plan to have someplace to go that will be silent, spacious, and comfortable, and most importantly, where I ...   read more

Animal Consciousness   18 y  
"Whether you search the wood or the city or the universe, the only interesting thing you will ever find anywhere is the thrill and mystery of awakening life."
In a recent issue of Well Being Journal is a delightful article: ***************************** Power of Animal Consciousness A tribe living near Lake Mweru, in Africa, uses the word chumfo to refer to the supersensory capabilities of animals. ”By way of approach to our subject.” writes William J. Long in his excellent book How Animals Talk (Bear & Co., 2005, ). ”Let it be understood that chumfo refers in a general way to the animal’s extraordinary powers of sense perception....Every wild creature is finely ’sensible’ in the true meaning of the wo ...   read more

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A place at Curezone where you can hear about & comment on this writer's adventures experiencing various subtle energy therapies on the challenging road to achieving a state of healthy balance.… more...

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Created: 19 y   Apr 22 2005


J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine
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Comments (10 of 318):
Re: Biomodulator Shapokol… 9 y
Re: My Recent Expe… vibr8 9 y
Re: My Recent Expe… #1921… 10 y
Re: Hello CureZone! sunnd… 11 y
Re: My Bit About M… suman… 13 y
Re: MLM's sumangoud 13 y
Re: Healing Herbs vibr8 14 y
Re: Healing Herbs Avocade… 14 y
Re:'s ev… Avoca… 14 y
Ya-Hoo #76762 16 y
All Comments (318)

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Morning and Evening Walk  16 y  (37)

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