Travel Wellness 18 y
herbal preventive health care with a marvelous creative twist
I was just talking with a healer/herbalist who recently moved into a workshop in the busy hub of artists and industrious people near my studio.
I knew she worked with herbs as I had talked with her in one of our parking lots a few weeks ago.
She has created an herbal throat spray that entertainers use, called Vocal-Eze. Ingredients in Vocal-Eze include Marshmallow Root, Osha Root, Licorice Root, Echinacea flower and root, and Ginger Root. She gave me a sample bottle to try, and also an Artist’s Emergency Kit which traveling musicians and others who prefer natural products and spend ... read more
Solution Focused Therapy 18 y
Solution Focused Therapy challenges the notion that an explanation is both realizable and indispensable if a problem is to be resolved.
There are times when I mention, though often in somewhat veiled terms, that my place of fulltime employment offers traditional allopathic inpatient and outpatient therapeutic services. Every now and then a new and exciting therapy actually makes a noticeable difference in our clients’ lives, and Solution Focused Therapy is truly the leader of the pack in that regard! I’ve seen some absolutely amazing changes in clients AND in other staff members that can easily be attributed to Solution Focused Therapy. I found an article from Counselor Magazine by Teri Pichot, a local therapist and au ... read more
Freeganism 18 y
Freeganism is a total boycott of an economic system where the profit motive has eclipsed ethical considerations and where massively complex systems of productions ensure that all the products we buy will have detrimental impacts most of which we may never even consider.
There was an article in one of our local news media about Freeganism. I had not heard of it, but realize I’ve observed it going on all around me, and even participated in some ways. Here’s somewhat of a Freegan definition from the Freegan website. It’s also defined and described in other places all around the ’net.
”The word freegan is derived from ”free” and ”vegan”. Vegans are people who avoid products from animal sources or products tested on animals in an effort to avoid harming animals. Freegans take this a step further by recognizing that in a comp ... read more
Qi Gong and Cancer 18 y
just found this information about some hopeful strides in healing cancer research
Marvelous information/research from Qi Gong Master Hong Liu’s website:
A Review of Research in China on Effects of Qi Gong on (a) Cancer, (b) Side-Effects of Treatment, and (c) Biomarkers Related to Cancer Prevention
A. Effect of Qi Gong on Immune System
A-1. Effect on Non-specific Cellular Immunity
The Chongqing Medical Institute conducted studies on the effects of Qi Gong on blood. Results generally show that Qi Gong increases white blood cell count and phagocytic power. For example:
Qi Gong exercises were ... read more
Index & Overview 18 y
Categories are alphabetical, links within categories are chronological...
As I’ve journeyed through this year or so on CureZone, I’ve zig-zagged here and there, up and down, all over the map as I’ve given to you from my heart what my experience is and has been with alternative health approaches and gadgets, and other stuff like poetry and such, whatever has helped bring me and people and creatures in my bright loving sphere to an evolved state of healthiness.
Yesterday I was thinking that an index of sorts might be helpful in locating specific blog message topics, now that there are almost 100 messages here. Of course I intend to update the index as Vibratio ... read more
Timeless 18 y
listening to Bob Dylan today was vibr8's pause that refreshes
I have for so long experienced a quality of timelessness when listening to Bob Dylan’s music. His isn’t the only music like that for me, but it’s what I’m listening to right now and there are some specific lyrics I want to make slightly more timeless by placing them here in Vibrational Health Village. Lyrics by Bob Dylan. If you haven’t heard this song, please do listen to it. It’s lovely.
Gates of Eden
by Bob Dylan
Of war and peace the truth just twists
Its curfew gull just glides
Upon four-legged forest clouds
The cowboy ... read more
Chakra Fun 18 y
daily chakra balancing with an earthy, beautiful, accurate system utilizing gemstones and aromatherapy
Sometimes there will be one single event in life that offers much new knowledge, and such was the case with my choice to attend the Just for the Health of it Conference last weekend. In the conference vending room, there was a small booth in the corner. There were only 3 vendors in the vending room at this conference, which, honestly, was quite pleasant.
This little booth in the corner was ChakraLife Products. Mostly, they had many wooden boxes of various shapes and sizes with carved designs or no designs at all on their wooden lids. One of the boxes was open, and their creator, Jac ... read more
Adam 18 y
he teaches self-empowerment in an amazing way
Although I was not able to get to every event at the recent Just for the Health of it Conference last weekend, I did attend Adam’s lecture and workshop.
I had heard a bit about Adam and had hoped to get to see him at the conference. These events are quite expensive, and honestly, readers, I live on a shoestring budget most of the time, so it wasn’t a definite plan until the last minute. At the last minute I decided to splurge and spend money I really don’t have (in other words, charged it all on a credit card) in order to attend some parts of the conference.
Enough of my scarcity t ... read more
Shamanic Journey 18 y
vibr8 comes upon a real African Shaman at health conference
I’ve been taking in the Just for the Health of it Conference in bits and pieces this weekend here in town. It’s at a pleasant hotel at the edge of the creek path. Many healers are present, both on and off the program!
I had shown a friend to the vending/book room and she was looking at pendants and visual DVD guides showing how one of the healers on the program performs group healings. I was sitting at the autograph table, as it was almost dinner break time, and no autographing was happening.
An elder yet bright-spirited woman with long wavy gray hair had been circulating around t ... read more
Virus 18 y
vibr8's trusty computer is in the hospital!
In less than a minute, last Wednesday, something happened that hugely affected my carefully balanced little world at my alternative health office. Really it is affecting my whole life. Only, of course, because I am making a choice to allow this event to continue to affect me.
A computer virus. That’s what happened. I thought I had all the latest updated protection necessary to not let something like that virus into my computer. But it did get in. Many of you have probably experienced computer viruses. I had too, but not one like this.
I tried to fix it myself with the various ... read more
Detox Foot Bath 18 y
is vibr8 brave or foolish for trying this device?
I’ve mentioned my Detox Foot Bath experience in my walking blog here, and want to share my internet research about the foot baths here at Vibrational Health Village too.
There are many theories out there on the ’net about how the foot baths work, and some of the doubters say that the foot baths don’t do anything at all and are a total ripoff. When I read that sort of information I get doubts and feel foolish having prepaid for 6 sessions with 3 sessions yet to go at this point in time.
I’m pretty good at gauging my own experiences. I’ve had good results with these foot baths. ... read more
Esperanto 18 y
the international language you can easily learn!
Today while I was out enjoying the Farmer’s Market and getting my morning errands done, I had a thought. My thought was about Esperanto. Have you heard of Esperanto? Many of the people I know locally have not, and they look puzzled when I try to explain it to them.
One of my dearest relatives, who died several years ago, had a PhD in Esperanto. Esperanto enthusiasts from all over the world came to see her, and she travelled to be with them, for most of her adult life, especially after she retired from her professorship.
When I was younger, she tried to teach me Esperanto, but I di ... read more
Help Save Hunted Whales in Japan 18 y
still a worthy cause...
We’ve all heard much about this cause over the years, and it is still an important cause. I got an email from Care2 recently bringing this issue to my attention and they’ve got a petition for folks to sign, on their website. Here’s a copy of the email I got, although I don’t know for sure if the links will copy in a way where they will still function, so I’ll include a link to the Care2 website (a wonderful nonprofit!) at the bottom of my blog message.
Whales are being hunted by Japan.
But what about the global ban on whaling, you ask? ... read more
A Grain of Salt 18 y
makes me think of that Byrds song, "Turn, Turn, Turn."
In a small town in Colorado, there’s something amazing that the public can go see. It is called the Salt Monument. Inside it, there is one grain of salt to represent each human being on the Earth. Each day the woman who is the keeper/creator of the Salt Monument adds grains of salt to represent people who were born on that day, and removes grains of salt to represent people who died. It is a daily ritual that is respectful, solemn, and joyful all at the same time.
The public can apparently visit and observe/participate in the daily ritual.
Here is some information from the Salt M ... read more
Spiritual Healing : Part Deux 18 y
there are some events in life containing a deepness beyond mere words and this is one of them
Many months ago I wrote excitedly yet briefly about my first experience ever with a spiritual healer who was in town here for 4 days providing healing sessions for people who who had an interest.
Last night I received a phone call from the woman who hosts the spiritual healer when he travels through this region...and he’ll be here on the 3rd weekend in May. I spoke with her about the possibility of volunteering in exchange for healing sessions and she was very open to that, which is way cool! My volunteer job will be challenging but it’s a positive challenge so we’ll see how it goes.
... read more
Cinco de Mayo 18 y
a meaningful holiday to celebrate in our multicultural world
The 5th of May is an important holiday here in America. What do you know about it? As for me, I realized that I didn’t really know much about it. That’s why I looked through some information on the ’net today to find out more. I decided that the following brief but apparently thorough overview of the holiday’s history was one of the better bits of information to share with you. Raw foodists out there, do you have any special recipes to share for Cinco de Mayo? That would be great! Here’s the information about Cinco de Mayo from the Viva Cinco de Mayo website:
******************** ... read more
Raw Luck Housewarming 18 y
socializing on the slopes of "Mount Theobromine"
Last night I decided to go to a rawluck housewarming that was the 2nd 6-hour segment of a 12-hour 2-location raw foods party.
I’m glad I went. Found out about some new things, like Miracule Water. Their water purifier does all sorts of neat things to water. Then they sell this processed water for $5 a gallon. If you wish to read about it, simply go to your favorite search engine and type in ”Miracule” into the search window. You’ll probably find it.
I’m happy with the glacier water that the company next door to my office so kindly provides for my alternative health office. I do ... read more
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