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Re: Why is the World at Their Mercy?
browbie Views: 3,848
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Re: Why is the World at Their Mercy?

At early stages, it is likely that a number of cataracts can be healed, and if that is right, it is true that a high number of ophthalmologists would not tell anything about it, it seems...
But in advanced stages of the disease, do we really know for sure of something that could work, or did it ever exist ?
Although I agree that artificial lenses do not match natural ones WHEN IN MINT condition, they are still more reliable than those - natural - that are badly damaged, as one can usually work, drive, live and do most many things without being disabled, dangerous to others possibly, or far too slow not to be themselves seriously disturbed in their lives. Therefore one should be glad of all the improvements that have been made in cataract surgery and of some or many(?) surgeons' skills, in spite of the important risks that do exist and remain, since they are usually not as bad as some of those that will definitely occur at very advanced stages of the disease, it seems.....
One may expect quick, safe and reliable enough surgery when required these days, and it's not right to see doctors as a whole, like ruthless money makers with no ethics I believe...Till something ends up working...
In (very) high myopia, some doctors end up being tempted to remove the lens as its power is basically directly opposite the glasses (or contact) lenses' power needed to correct the myopia (say about +14 vs -14 I think), which would theoretically lead to same vision but without glasses (excuse my poor english if required - hope you understand)...I read a book about cataract by a renown french doctor - Dr. Pouliquen -, where he tells about it, and why it should not be done...Don't know about CLE, but he would agree with you it seems on that one.
Has Alpha-lipoid acid shown any results so far


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