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Why is the World at Their Mercy?
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Why is the World at Their Mercy?

Mainstream MDs or professors, the ophthalmology profession is committed to ensuring that surgery remains the only option for cataract. Every ophthalmology department in every university in the world teaches students only how to destroy the lens, not how to save it. Therefore the lack of treatment options is hardly surprising. Greed and power are the main reasons why 90 million people are living this nightmare. In the US, the surgery generates $14 billion per year for the eye profession and that figure is still rising. For those with advanced cataracts, only surgery can restore sight, which apart from the money must give surgeons a tremendous sense of satisfaction and power. If somebody were to come along and save the lens, the eye profession would not only lose a large part of its income, but also the power it holds over the entire world population. Some charities offer free cataract surgeries in third-world countries, and while that is certainly better than nothing, it can also be seen as an attempt to reinforce the idea that surgical destruction of the lens is acceptable, to 'whitewash' their denial of responsibility to treat cataract, and to fool people in the developed nations that the eye profession is a 'humanitarian' organization.
Recently, in an effort to further increase profits, they also offer a procedure known as CLE (Clear Lens Extraction) where clear lenses without cataracts are replaced by IOLs so that people 'can throw away their eyeglasses'. On the contrary. Once they have been surgically implanted, they'll never be able to throw away their eyeglasses (IOLs).

During the last 50 years, biochemists and chemists - who stood to gain nothing from their discoveries - already found several pathways to reverse cataract, pieces of the same puzzle. Judging from the scientific papers they published, they apparently held the naive belief that the eye profession would use those discoveries to offer patients a way to avoid surgery and save their lens. But of course none of them were ever followed up, showing just how much their trust in the eye profession had been horribly misplaced.


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