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Re: I'm sensitive to 100% of the foods and I'm starving myself for 10 months so far.
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Re: I'm sensitive to 100% of the foods and I'm starving myself for 10 months so far.


thank you for your input. I've seriously considered if to try the aminoacids you suggested and selected few of them already.
However, I just estimated that if I can have 300-500g of organic pork per day it should deliver all of those - plus Arginine and Glutamine.

Do you believe I still need those?

Cystein for sure is not an option for me. I'm extremely sensitive to methionine (micrograms), and any form of cysteine or anything which raises it. My mercury redistribution symptoms go off the roof.

I've tried Interfase in the past. I read that essential oils are better in dissolving biofilms as they also kill the microbes on the spur of the moment of crashing the biofilm, as opposed to enzymes which just break down the bilfilm but the microbes spread in other places.

I'm not into killing candida now, as I must first open my detox pathways to prevent danage from the die-off toxins. I'm working on restoring my detox path ways with practitioners.


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