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Re: I'm sensitive to 100% of the foods and I'm starving myself for 10 months so far.
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Re: I'm sensitive to 100% of the foods and I'm starving myself for 10 months so far.

Thank you.

First of all, after years of trying self-treatment I am sticking to a treatment in UK I found to believe to be helping me long term. So I am more into nutrient suggestions than lots of supplements.

I have no problems with lecithin in general, it's good for my brain.

I can't even smell NAC. I am so Hg toxic and thiol sensitive that I'm getting horrific rage, insmonia and bruxism crisis from even a single capsula from it.

I can't have any enzyme formula except two in the whole world as I'm protease, bromelaine and papaine sensitive. The one I ordered without those is trying to reach me over USPS for almost 6 weeks so far.

My problem IS candida. I'm not like the 90% of the folks on this forum who have systemic problems and read on the internet that candida might be the issue for it and self diagnose themselves with it. I've been given 14 types and close to 20 times Antibiotics over the course of two years. Including an IV antibiotic. Things went off the roof after the IV antibiotic. This is when my food sensitivenes started.
I have been diagnosed multiple times in laboratory with candida. It's not only in my gut. It's in my prostate, sperm, urethra, penis, throat, tongue, sinus. Multiple times found in sperm and only got tousands time worse since then. I've been candida sick for 8 years so far and I've read plenty of forums and I'm yet to hear about someone with so severe candida.
Milligrams of Sugar or wine can make me sick both with physical inflammation and mental symptoms for 3 days.

I can't have glutation either. I've tried the liposomal one (the other is not absorbed at all) and it stirs the mercury up, worsening my adrenals and mental ability. My detox organs need drainage which can't be done right one. With they not being open any attempt for detox stirs up the toxins over the whole body.

Same goes for candida die-off toxins. I've tried BFB-1 and BFB-2 (prepared the oil mixes by myself oer the recipe). These are hands down the strongest Antibiotics , antimycotics and biofilm dissolvers on Earth. From two drops on my skin per day after few days my die off crisis became so severe that I was hardly able to function. Kidney pain, brain fog, fatigue, shortness of breat were just few of the symptoms to name.
Until the detox paths are open you MUST NOT kill candida, at least if you have as severe candida as mine, as the toxins from the die off can make you WAY worse.

Thank you very much for the deatiled information. What I find helpful for me in it is the amino acids recommendations.


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