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Re: Very thin to begin with, First week of candida diet, please help, I need some hope
annab4387 Views: 22,105
Published: 15 y
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Re: Very thin to begin with, First week of candida diet, please help, I need some hope

Every response helps, I really appreciate it more than you know, I don't know if its too soon for a die off and maybe thats why I am feeling so miserable but starting the 2nd day I didn't feel well and that could be why. Do you think its too soon for a die off?
I am really new to all of this.
Anyway, Yes I do eat meat, all I have been eating is chicken and beef. I make sure to buy the vegetarian-fed beef with no Antibiotics and I also buy top quality chicken too. Green veggies too, I am cooking with Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil and using that mixed with lemon juice for salad dressings. I am going to try brown rice, I just wasn't sure because everything I look up IS very controversial. I eat gluten free/dairy free though (I think the gluten problem is honestly from the candida) I have a huge appetite, I (before) this diet ate over 3000 calories a day (a LOT of junk food), but I have been thin my entire life. I just am not too creative with recipes and I haven't been even getting 1000 calories in a day, I don't know if its the die off, the lyme again, or not but I feel extremely malnourished. I have the willpower to continue but at the same time, I feel like I am just making myself sicker. I will try the raw sauerkraut, I am open to absolutely any suggestions, I really appreciate your time in reading and replying to my response.
Thank you so much, best wishes to you!


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