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Very thin to begin with, First week of candida diet, please help, I need some hope
annab4387 Views: 23,493
Published: 15 y

Very thin to begin with, First week of candida diet, please help, I need some hope

I have been ill for about a year now, infection after infection, lyme disease, have taken multiple Antibiotics , steroids for bad infections, spent so much money on doctors, you name it. I just never feel good, never go out with friends anymore, had to quit my job, feel like an 80 year old woman. I was recommended the candida diet by my naturopathic doctor. I will do ANYTHING to try to feel better. I am pretty thin to begin with, 23 yrs old 5'6 and weigh 115 lbs. I am on day 5 of the diet and I have already lost 5 lbs, I really hate to complain but I feel so miserable and extremely depressed. I really can't afford to lose anymore weight and I just don't know what to do anymore. Does anyone have advice of what I can do? And most importantly, has this diet really made a big difference for anyone? I'm starting to wonder if its just a quack..Please let me know. I need hope :(


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