Hi. I have had reoccuring cysts over the past 20 years. I have had them drained in the past, but the last few I have let it run it's course. This last time I'm not quite sure if it was infected or not. It was about the size of a walnut and really uncomfortable. I tried everything. The calamine, witch hazel, tea tree mix. Homepathic, everything. This time I was doing the whole30 cleanse. No sugar, grains or dairy. I'm pretty sure that is why it never got too big or painful. But it seemed to linger longer than ever. about 3 weeks. Anyway, I was doing sitz baths but it never helped. At the very least it felt good. I guess I was lazy about buying epsom salt, so I didn't use it until the very end. I picked up some Dr. Teals form the super market. The detox/energizer one with ginger and clay. So I soaked in it for about 20 min and went over to my boyfriends house. Woke up at 3 AM and felt wet. It drained!!!! It was reddish pink. Anyway, I continued to soak and kept it very clean. Haven't had sex yet since he left for a 10 day trip the next day. So it gave me plenty of time to let it heal. It didn't drain much after that at all. I pretty much sqeezed it all out. It felt like it was there still a tiny bit, but not bothering me at all. I feel like it's always just there a little waiting to rear it's ugly head. But I soaked in that same epsom salt this morning and i noticed later in the afternoon I was feeling it again. I went to the bathroom and noticed some pink on the tissue. It was draining again. I jumped in the tub with some more epsom salt and sqeezed it all out. And now it's completely gone. So, I think that epsom salt is the answer to my prayers. I'm going to continue to soak in that at least once a week or post sex for sure to help it drain. It's amazing. I found it the cheapest at Walmart. I ordered 10 bags! I also truly believe for me that I get these when I'm not being honest about my feelings or feeling guilty. I think there is a huge emotional component to this. So soak in this and resolve and process your issues. And hopefully we will all be free of this beast! Does anyone know why there is blood when it drains?
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