I have been getting these for years now and have dive lots of home treatment and also had or surgically drained twice. I recommend having your dr remove the sac,which is where all the puss is stored. If you do not, these will continue to appear. If you do go this route, have them marsupialize you. This is where they basically sew the home open a little larger.
The cyst is caused by a blockage in the gland,the opening of the gland is very small,invisible to the naked eye and so if it gets blocked is almost impossible for the gland to work properly. When it becomes infected is when there is a problem, you can have an uninfected cyst and live with it forever, but once infection occurs it must be treated.
If you wish to avoid going the surgical route,which I totally understand, it's quite traumatic and painful, you can absolutely try home remedies. Clindamycin and ciprofloxin are commonly prescribed to help fight the infection, am your dr about these
Antibiotics . Meanwhile take very warm, too hot baths as often as you can to encourage drainage. Sometimes it helps to alternate got and cold packs on the area. You may have to "pop" it yourself. Meaning you may need to push on it to drain it. Now, if you feel it isn't draining when you push on it, do not continue! Keep doing the baths and alternating hot and cold until it does begin to drain.
If the problem lays for more than 5 to 7 days, you probably aren't going to be able to fix it by yourself. You will have to do to am obgyn to be seen, a lot of them have never done a drainage or removal before so ask them if they have or if they can get showings who has add is a bit complicated. Ask for sedation or a heavy painkiller! Don't let them do just general anesthesia, I've done that, and it SUCKED! They may also suggest a word catheter,another suggestion,don't do it! I know marsupialization sounds scary, but it is by far a better option,this may Prevent future cysts,because unfortunately it tends to be a recurrent problem for most.
I know this is all super scary and terribly painful, but don't be discouraged and try not to be too scared. It's fairly common and you are perfectly normal. If it's too much go back to your obgyn, it isn't my favorite way to take care if it, but it's the fastest and probably the best way to take care of it.