Hi im looking for advice about how to start. i was on the bioresonance and the guy told me that i have Lyme borelia 3 types , Bartonella , chlamyndia and 3 types of candida and 3 types of
parasites prety nasty case. i dont know if those diagnosis is 100% sure , i know for sure i have candida and parasties but im worried abaout lyme , its hard to know wich is wich cuz it have so similar symptoms to
parasites and candida , i have done few test for lyme WB but all came negative. but lets say the guy is not wrong , this is some siurius case ,and ofcurse doctor wont help cuz they dont see nothing on paper.
WERE I NEED TO ACTULY START ? i dont think that battling with candida have any sens if i have other disess ? maybe when i treat one , my immun system will handle other things just like before , there was a time that i was desparete and quit everyhing and go back to my normal life Gym+bodybuilding diet and i dont know what hapen but i got well just like that , i was eating evryhing and nothing come back , 0 candida , no i think i just triger something else that my body is fighting thats why it have space for candida.. i think lots of people have some other problems and they treat candida wich is not source of helth problems...
were to start
parasites or bacteria ?