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Looking for Answers, Advise, Anything
lastresort Views: 556
Published: 9 y

Looking for Answers, Advise, Anything

Hi all -
I've never posted but am at the end of my rope and just hoping to hear from others on what to do. Ive had my B-cycst for over 4 years. I had it drained twice but it was so painful and it came right back so I was determined to never have it drained again.

Over the years, I've tried every home cure I could find but I've had success with none. I'm currently a single parent working full time so there is no way I can spend hours taking site baths and sitting with hot compresses. 15 minutes in the bathroom is a luxury. I had read a lot about apple cider vinegar so I bought tablets and liquid. After 2 weeks of taking 1 pill in the evening and applying ACV to cyst with cotton ball (usually leave it on 15 min or so), I'm seeing no change except the cyst is starting to become painful but no change in size (is that normal? Does that mean it's getting ready to drain? I have no idea but today, it hurt). I also get headaches and feel sick and have tightness in my chest when I take the pills for about half of the following day so I want to stop.

But where do I go from here? I've tried the calamine lotion, tea tree oil and witch hazel on a cotton ball - no luck.

I'm reading a lot about Colloidal Silver but would like to hear from others. I feel like everything has either made it worse with other bad side effects or had no effect on the cyst at all. I'm thinking I may have to just have it drained again by doctor but really, REALLY don't want to. It's uncomfortable to sit at a desk all day and sex is very painful. Plus I've had this thing for years, I'm ready for it to be gone.

Any advice or info on Silver, apple cider vinegar or anything at all would be greatly appreciated.


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