I've had 4 Bartholin Gland Abscess since 2007. The first one was drained. It hurt. Really bad. The second one erupted on its own. The third was as painful as well. The pain of the first two combined into one. They all have been roughly the size of a golf or tennis ball. I believe this all started with shaving, might have been an ingrown hair. Antibiotic, phoebe's method, slice of potatoe, salicylic, golden seal... You name, I've tried it. I currently have my fourth one that formed when the third drained. I've had it over two years now, doesn't hurt. It's just there, like a sack. I have an appointment to see the gyn in April. I don't want a marsupialization. I refuse to get it drained if I'm not put out first. I just don't want to have a sepsis contamination. I'm so stressed. Beyond frustrated. Can anyone offer advice?