Dr. Blaylock has always been apocryphal and I am quite skeptical of his claims. This is the same doctor who believes that vaccines cause autism, Parkinson's and ALS despite mountains of evidence debunking this claim.
There is a wealth of studies in Pubmed demonstrating that PUFA concentrations above 2% of calories result in lipid peroxidation and lipid peroxidation is one of the greatest predictors of shortening lifespan in animals. There is also a wealth of studies demonstrating the superiority of saturated fatty acids due to their lack of peroxidizability, even going so far as to cure liver disease. PUFA concentrations up to 2% of calories (so for someone like me, that is about 5 grams per day while the average consumption in the US is something like 35 or 40 grams per day) merely results in the production of the "highly unsaturated fatty acids" (HUFA) that are incorporated into cell membranes. Anything above this concentration is oxidized for energy and it is the oxidation for energy that is dangerous and results in peroxidation.
Saturated fatty acids cannot peroxidize and monounsaturated fatty acids only peroxidize at a rate of something like 1-2%. On the other hand, polyunsaturated fatty acids peroxidize something like 35-50% of the time. Lipid peroxidation is a large component of neurodegeneration. By the way, a DHA "deficiency" can be relieved by eating as little as 0.2% of calories as omega 3, making a DHA "deficiency" highly unlikely for most people.
The majority of the fats in the diet should be saturated and PUFA should be minimized.