7 y
Re: Update! Eyesight improving, and general improvements with some side effects from Iodine and Borax protocols
OK professor. It seems you haven't stumbled upon the right literature yet. I don't come on here to argue about retinol, this forum is for
Iodine support, like it says at the top of the main page. So don't be surprised if some moderator comes along and moves your postings to the vitamin A forum, if there is one. If there isn't a Vitamin A forum, you might consider to ask
Webmaster to create one for you, then you can attract the right audience. Maybe start a Retinol Debate forum too, in case anybody cares to argue with you about it.
What's a retinol counterpart ? Which vitamin D molecule are you referring to ?
You might want to look into mesomeric induction before asserting retinol can't terminate radical propagation.
Counter to your assertion, retinol is nothing at all like polyunsaturated fats. Fats are glycerol triesters featuring lipid groups. Way different, even the soap chemists know that. Polyunsaturated oils are not all toxic as you wrongly assert, some are essential for life, some can be very beneficial. Neural tissue in the brain contains, help me out professor, how much EPA and DHA ?
I'd be interested in knowing your source for asserting what is unlikely with regards to evolution, and how the carotene pathway "evolved". Clearly thats nothing but conjecture. Most people coming on here seeking
Iodine information probably aren't interested.
What ever motivated you to take so much retinol ? Thats an insane amount you took.