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Re: Three Major Prophecies About Billy Graham's Death
Vekky Views: 2,295
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Re: Three Major Prophecies About Billy Graham's Death

"If we see so many of these crazy videos being produced so heavily...why isn't the church putting out more to counter it?"

I see plenty who are doing this. For example, a man at our church works for a tv station that is focused on bringing gospel teaching, as opposed to TBN where the focus is to distort the gospel into a health and wealth prosperity message and everything else which opposes the true gospel.

Refreshed, you've expressed a few concerns you have about Loquat in these last several posts, but I have a concern about you. You seem to be more disturbed over his view on eschatology and his debating on that issue, than you do about false prophets being posted on here, which you are always mysteriously quiet about. These false prophets are evil enemies of God, liars and deceivers, who are seeking to devour the body of Christ, yet you don't seem to mind that all that much. In fact, it seems to bother you when they are warned about. So that's my concern for you. You might not like how Loquat has handled certain issues on here, just as you never liked how I handled things either, but from my point of view, Loquat isn't the one to be so concerned about. Even if he is wrong about his eschatology views, which I don't believe he is, but even if he is, what huge damage will that do? On the other hand, watch all these false prophets, watch these enormous crowds following them around, and then just sit silent about it if that is what you feel is right to do, but I don't and many others don't.

And even if you think you see less of believers sharing in the wonderful news of the gospel with each other and more of what you call "bashing" of these false prophets and teachers, maybe it's for this reason:

Jude 1:
3 Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. 4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

So maybe you are seeing some people who have to do the "dirty work" of contending for the faith against all the wolves who have come in to try to destroy the church. And maybe you don't like seeing that and would rather see everyone just sit by the campfire worshiping the Lord together in the awesome salvation he has given us. I want to see that too, but just like it says there is Jude, sometimes there are more pressing matters, like contending for the faith.



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