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Ok let’s assume you’re vata/kapha for the time being, which
cloverbelle Views: 2,790
Published: 8 y
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Ok let’s assume you’re vata/kapha for the time being, which

Ok let's assume you're vata/kapha for the time being, which one is primary is unknown.

** Yeah, I have studied both and I am more VATA than Kapha, but do have Kapha characteristics

For water drinking, first boil your water down from a ratio of 2:1 ie pour two cups of water into pot, boil down to 1 cup, cool it off and drink warm.

** It's amazing that I always want warmer water and everyone thinks something is wrong with me!! haha.

Ginger should be a big part of your life as it pacifies vata and kapha well. You can juice it, grind it and cook with it, have it in tea, add it to your orange juice. Garlic also should help. Also look into asafoetida. But all of these are covered if you google a little bit.

** I am a ginger lover ... I will incorporate it more.
Love garlic, I have a whole container of whole, peeled garlic all the time.

Mint should also help with bloating to some degree. But if the main cause is parasites you have to address that. Diet will interact with the parasites but sometimes you have to just attack.

** Always have mint around, I just bought a mint plant 3 weeks ago and eat the leaves occasionally.

Have a try with Realsalt (brand name from Utah salt lake beds), different colors of himalayan salt, and okinawan salt.

** Thank you, I am always looking for top notch salt.

Why do you stop at half a glass of orange juice? I guess this is a good compromise between vata and kapha, though if you feel good with banana and orange (sweet?), then maybe you don't have a problem with sweets. It's very important for fruit to be ripe and sweet. I think adding in ginger to your fruit juice will help tremendously.

** My body never wants a whole glass of OJ. I'm not sure why, 4 oz does me good. I don't have a problem with sweets ... I have always naturally had a sweet tooth, ever since I was little, but that was more candy. But do love sweet fruits.

If you can get into the sun a lot during the summer that would be good.

** I work from home and take several breaks in the day to spend time in the sun. My body CRAVES IT!

Vata should not eat anything cold out of the refrigerator; everything should be cooked fresh, even water should be cooked (boiled). I would try avoiding salads and see how that goes. Then go back to it and see the difference.

** I am curious to see what this will do. I ate cooked veggies (broccoli, bamboo shoots, red pepper,etc) in red curry last night and it was so satisfying.

Don't jump back into taking thyroid hormone unless you are supervised or feel confident you can self treat properly. The hormones must not be synthetic, and there are only a very few brands that are natural now. You could try a raw thyroid glandular, not sure how easy it is to get these now but i think there are New Zealand sources?

** The one I have is not synthetic and is from New Zealand source.

Cook all of your foods except fruit, and even fruit you might want to try cooked.

** done. thank you for giving me this clue or secret to help my body. Will this reduce bloating??

I will keep you updated on how it goes.

THANK YOU AGAIN!!! I feel like I owe you $$ for all of this amazing information!!!


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