600 Messages Page: 1 of 16
Re: Could the short protocol I did..actually worsen thing...
by hsongi90 9 y
There is a lot of info in curezone’s old posts. Just type it in the search part of the forum.
systemic enzymes
Google synergy and bartonella
2,490 hits
Forum: Parasites
Parasites: RX
Parasites: Skin
Re: Digestive enzymes same as systemic enzymes?
by 2dreem 18 y
Thanks! I think when people are talking about digestive and systemic enzymes their talking about how they function in the body. So that would mean systemic enzymes are used to cleanse while digestive enzymes are used to promote digestion. Like when your fasting your enzymes are used to cleanse and when your eating your enzymes are used to digest. So the enzymes can work both ways depending on how there needed. Not quite sure....just a guess.
2,720 hits
Forum: Raw Vegetarian
What systemic enzymes are you using?
by natalie 21 y
View Entire Thread 8
HI there
I have chatted briefly to Lapis on a previous post about systemic enzymes. Lapis if you read this, your input would be great. I have done a search through google, on systemic enzymes, and wanted to know what brands people are using. I only found wobenzym and vitalzym. I am sure there are more but my eyes are getting sore and I am getting quite fatigued looking at this screen. I am taking the easy option by asking!
I understand about systemic enzymes but when I checked them against some normal brands that weren’t promoting themselves as systemic, I really couldn’t find a diff ...
4,481 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
by #11976 21 y
Wobenzym. Go to Ebay and search for Wobenzym. This is a wonderful product. I had chronic sinus problems, inflammation of the sinuses and joints. By taking this natural enzyme product, it helped me immensely. I no longer have to take nose sprays and my pain in the joints has gone away. It’s a simple fact that systemic enzymes are important to our health. Systemic enzymes are absolutely essential to maintaining a healthy body and an active lifestyle. Your body uses systemic enzymes to rebalance the inflammatory response and ...
1,086 hits
Forum: Arthritis: Osteo
Re: Has anybody tried Synflex for pain and range limits?
by wobenzym 21 y
you should try Wobenzym. This is a wonderful product. I had chronic sinus problems, inflammation of the sinuses and joints. By taking this natural enzyme product, it helped me immensely. I no longer have to take nose sprays and my pain in the joints has gone away. It’s a simple fact that systemic enzymes are important to our health. Systemic enzymes are absolutely essential to maintaining a healthy body and an active lifestyle. Your body uses systemic enzymes to rebalance the inflammatory response and fine-tune repair pro ...
1,666 hits
Forum: Arthritis: Osteo
Inflammation relief
by wobenzym 21 y
View Entire Thread 2
you should try Wobenzym. This is a wonderful product. I had chronic sinus problems, inflammation of the sinuses and joints. By taking this natural enzyme product, it helped me immensely. I no longer have to take nose sprays and my pain in the joints has gone away. It’s a simple fact that systemic enzymes are important to our health. Systemic enzymes are absolutely essential to maintaining a healthy body and an active lifestyle. Your body uses systemic enzymes to rebalance the inflammatory response and fine-tune repair pro ...
1,842 hits
Forum: Acupuncture
Inflammation and Pain relief
by wobenzym 21 y
View Entire Thread 2
you should try Wobenzym. This is a wonderful product. I had chronic sinus problems, inflammation of the sinuses and joints. By taking this natural enzyme product, it helped me immensely. I no longer have to take nose sprays and my pain in the joints has gone away. It’s a simple fact that systemic enzymes are important to our health. Systemic enzymes are absolutely essential to maintaining a healthy body and an active lifestyle. Your body uses systemic enzymes to rebalance the inflammatory response and fine-tune repair pro ...
1,305 hits
Forum: Exercise
Re: Can wormwood/cloves/black walnut tincture kill brain ...
by forbetterorworse 9 y
Systemic enzymes will help the body rid itself of the dead parasites. Its just as dangerous if not more dangerous to have live ones knawing on your brain. What are your symptoms? Are you sure their in your brain? are they in your scalp? Get on a good systemic enzyme. U can get them online or healthfood shop.
2,994 hits
Forum: Parasites
Re: re: albendazole
by crystal29 14 y
The best thing I have ever tried in my life and it saved my hair from falling out is Mira Hair oil. Go to the website it stops hair from falling out and it even makes your hair grow 2-3 inches a month!!
Also make sure that you are taking systemic enzymes. Google this ”systemic enzymes and parasites” and you will see what i mean. Double strength ”Zymactive” proteolytic enzmyes can be purchased at ” ”
4,001 hits
Forum: Parasites: Drugs
The Benefits of Systemic Enzymes, by Matt Monarch
by plzchuckle 11 y
The following information is for education only and is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or treat illness. It is valuable to seek the advice of an alternative health care professional before making any changes.
All of the Healing Health Food Institutes that I know of help people heal from various degenerative diseases. The three most common tools these Institutes use to assist healing are…helping a person improve their diet, cleansing the colon A LOT, and giving everyone green juices (vegetable juice and/or wheatgrass) . I like to term this fabulous trio… the ‘Healing ...
11,661 hits
Forum: Barefooters' Library
Re: Okra Pepsin and Oxygen/Magnesium Compounds
by wombat 18 y
Are the systemic enzymes you’re referring the same as Udo enzymes?
What exactly do they do?
8,155 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Systemic Enzymes
by lapis 21 y
Systemic Enzymes for Inflammation
While many people are familiar with the use of supplements to aid digestion, there are other important applications for supplemental enzymes. Enzymes can be used ”systemically’ throughout the body to treat and prevent various~ conditions. Unlike digestive enzyme therapy, which does not require absorption, the goal of systemic enzyme therapy is to get the enzymes into the bloodstream and to the various tissues to assist cellular functions. For systemic purposes, enzymes are taken on an empty stomach to facilitate entry into the circulatory system.
Th ...
3,438 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: mystery illness
by intoyourhands13 12 y
Real Maple syrup and baking soda .
Look it up..for cancer 3 parts syrup to one part baking soda. Take a tsp 3 x’s a day. Heat on stove on low until well mixed..10 into a glass jar and refridge.
The syrup acts as a carrier with the baking soda and gives one energy.
Also take daily plain gelatin in water and drink that:
Get on systemic enzymes the best one for you I recommend is Wobenzym and look into digestive enzymes to take WITH systemic..u need both.
Also if money is a problem you can take MSM and VIT C together..a must and/or with gluthiome sp...
It wi ...
1,990 hits
Forum: Ask Humaworm
Re: Seeking advice for killing eggs after ascaris removal
by intoyourhands13 12 y
Take cloves everyday and take them with cranberry juice or apple juice.( tannins)
Also look into systemic enzymes and digestive enzymes.
Dr Wong has good information.
Add, MSM with Vit c.
SSS tonic..pill form that has all you need...iron , B’s, zinc,etc.
Elecampane will clear the lungs... this is where they hatch.
Also look into seaprose enzymes, (protease will assist in upper colon) These enzymes will assist greatly but both are needed daily as well as cloves with apple juice and cranberry juice.
The systemic enzymes are typically taken 45 minutes before foods.
9,426 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Re: 187047: Specimen Might Be Intestinal Fluke
by forbetterorworse 9 y
Im not ICU but adding systemic enzymes to the protocol may help. Be sure thet you get the ones that say systemic (not digestive), some have both systemic and digestive in the enzymes. The enzymes help carry the meds to the tissues in the body and disposing of the dead ones.
3,296 hits
Forum: Parasites
Parasites: RX
Parasites Protozoa
Parasites: Skin
Re: Systemic Parasites- Movement everywhere
by crystal29 14 y
I also want to add that systemic enzymes are not just regular enzymes used for digesting food. Very few people seem to mention them at all. If you take them on an empty stomach it will give them a chance to pass through your intestinal lining and get into your blood stream. If you take them anywhere from 3 to 5 times a day on an empty stomach it will help to digest parasites, candida and bacteria in other areas of your body other than your stomach. Without enzymes life would not be possible. It takes anywhere from 2- 6 months before you’ll see drastic results however i’ve been doing it for ...
3,436 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Sutter
Systemic Enzymes for Leaky Gut
by North Star 17 y
View Entire Thread 2
I haven’t seen anyone mention systemic enzymes for digestive problems. It seems to me like this would help with leaky gut, since from what I can tell the therapy is quite powerful. The enzymes can eat away internal scar tissue, for example. I listened to a CD by Dr. Will Wong on systemic enzyme therapy and a product called Vitalzyme that sounded promising. He is selling a product, but he is also a licensed doctor (a naturopath, I believe).
I also read Burton Goldberg’s, ”Alternative Medicine Guide to Weight Loss,” which has a whole section on enzymes. It describes how enzymes are crucial ...
2,856 hits
Forum: Leaky Gut
Systemic Enzymes
by Lapis 18 y
Systemic enzymes are used for ”gobbling up” stray proteins and other materials that get into the bloodstream which work to cause auto immune conditions (like inflammatory processes that end in ’itis’)
Systemic proteins must be taken well away from regular meals to be active. The best time is before bed and then again overnight.
Use of enzymes in the healing process is on my ”top things to do to regain health” list.
3,118 hits
Forum: Soil Based Organi.
by sandy777 18 y
Hi Zioness,
Well, then brother or sister I come in agreement with you that you are going to walk again. Hallelujah!
I have used 2 types of systemic enzymes (SE). Zymitol and Wobenzym N (the latter is cheaper but I take more of them). I personally don’t have MS or any disease, but I like to experiment with supplements that keep you young and clean and I’ve never felt cleaner than when I’m taking them. In Europe, and especially Germany they use systemic enzyme therapy for many things, MS included. I was reading a very interesting article on them once how the Germans came into the k ...
2,517 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp
Re: Emu oil update as asked
by Lapis 21 y
Another thing you can try is to add some liquid oxygen (couple drops) to the few drops of emu oil you are applying to the bruised areas. My wife did this recently with great results. She also used a magnetic pulser too.
The three work synergystically together. Another thing to consider is systemic enzymes. If you don’t have a magnetic pulser you could do hot/cold sheet thereapy on the areas, utilize systemic enzymes and then use the oxygen/emu oil. The emu oil pulls the oxygen into the affected areas.
1,609 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Toronto friends .. megan, janaki, wellnessyoga, cigar...
by Lapis 21 y
Another thing you can try is to add some liquid oxygen (couple drops) to the few drops of emu oil you are applying to the bruised areas. My wife did this recently with great results. She also used a magnetic pulser too.
The three work synergystically together. Another thing to consider is systemic enzymes. If you don’t have a magnetic pulser you could do hot/cold sheet thereapy on the areas, utilize systemic enzymes and then use the oxygen/emu oil. The emu oil pulls the oxygen into the affected areas.
1,639 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: cystic fibrosis
by panacea 21 y
Dear BnChat:
Yes, there is a product that I think can help you resolve your cystic fibrosis problem. My wife (an R.N.) and I handle a variety of health products (non-MLM) and do private consulting (mainly directing people to good information sources so they can teach themselves). One of the products we use ourselves and distribute is an incredible Systemic Enzyme that works within the bloodstream to dissolve various forms of fibrosis, including cystic breast fibrosis, fibromyalgia, etc.
If you would like more information, send an e-mail to: and in the subject li ...
2,183 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Market Place
Re: Anti-Inflammatory Botanicals, Enzymes
by Hveragerthi 15 y
Thanks for all these wonderful articles, HV.
Sounds like systemic enzymes are a very GOOD THING, don’t you think?
I feel they are OK for short term use. But I don’t like substituting for the body’s own production long term due to the risk of shutting down the body’s own production. For chronic inflammation I prefer building up the adrenals since the adrenals produce the body’s own anti-inflammatory corticosteroids. I also like licorice root and yucca root since they are both great steroidal anti-inflammatories and also both help build the adrena ...
3,867 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: OMG I just had an you think niacin (B3) tak...
by monroe444 8 y
Thanks Parazapper!
I took about 1/4 of a 500g tablet this morning and felt like I was on fire - it might be the brand because I used to take B3 and I flushed but not like this. I just took another 1/4 and the flush wasn’t bad at all. I could feel it, but it didn’t hurt.
So I’ll try what you said with lesser amounts - that makes sense.
I’m going to take the B3 with my systemic enzymes, COQ10 and when I resume the Paragone in a few days, I’ll take it with that too.
I haven’t felt anything crawling in days since I started the megadosing of COQ10 and systemic enzymes.
1,507 hits
Forum: Parasites (Alt Med)
Re: fasting and kidney stones
by CLEW 12 y
Try systemic enzymes for helping breakdown kidney stone concretions. They also help breakdown scar tissue lesions caused by MS. All kinds of build up and plaque can be whittled away with a regimen of systemic enzymes. A search will bring you a ton of results but 2 good ones I’ve used are VitalzymSEB and Zymessence.
Another note on the MS if you can take it is BVT(Bee Venom Therapy)The components of the venom also breakdown scar tissues. Here is a lady who worked her way out of a wheelchair using bee stings after conventional medicine had written her off! ...
9,996 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water Only
Systemic and Digestive Enzymes
by Lapis 21 y
Pancrease MT is a porcine blend of pancrease enzymes. The blend is lipase, amylase, and protease. This blend is a digestive blend. Personally for digestive enzymes I prefer a blend with more enzymes and vegetarian in nature. I like to get cellulase in there as it breaks down clee walls of plants (works to dissolve candida).
A systemic enzyme blend will include bromelain, papain, trypsin, chymotripson, pancreatin, etc.
The key to taking systemic enzymes is to take them well away from food. The best time is on an empty stomach before bed and again during the night. These enzymes ...
10,203 hits
Forum: Cancer Support
Enzyme compatibility question
by #81179 17 y
View Entire Thread 3
I started taking systemic enzymes (Vitalzym) to help with some injuries. I’ve only been on them 3 days and they have already made a HUGE difference with my injuries and Carpel Tunnel. They are very expensive though at over $100 per month. I have to take them 3 times a day on an empty stomach. I stopped taking the MMS though since I started the enzymes to be sure there is no conflict since I am paying so much for them I don’t want to be cancelling any effects from them with the MMS.
I do not know if it is still o.k. to take them though AND take MMS. Yes I would take them at sepera ...
1,813 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Systemic Enzymes and Side Effects
by #29996 11 y
View Entire Thread 4
Hello Dr Bakker,
I began taking systemic enzymes (Zymessence: created by Dr William Wong) about 3 weeks ago. After the first week I noticed spot bleeding and breast tenderness. Now into the third week, I am having full bleeding every day (just like a menstrual cycle). Before this, I hadn’t had a period since January, (I’m 53 years old).
I wrote to Doctor Wong about it, and he asked me if I had fibroids, or cysts, or endometriosis . . . He said: ”Breast tenderness when taking a systemic enzyme is from scar tissue / fibrosis / cysts being lyse ...
20,887 hits
Forum: Ask Dr Eric Bakker
Re: pulmonary fibrosis
by Pippin 20 y
Dear buttonsmom-
There’s exciting information about the effects of systemic enzymes on fibrosis. You can contact World Nutrition and request Dr. Wong’s tape (it’s free).
Systemic enzymes have dramatically reduced keloid scars on my body and I’ve read of scarred lungs also being healed. As a matter of fact some of the severe scars I had can be seen now only if the light is *just right*.
World Nutrition sells a product called Vitalzym and it is very good. I used it for some time but my body needed something stronger so I switched to products by Generation Plus. Below I list th ...
1,616 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Colonix "plus" these 4 things? Or should I wait
by MsPep 16 y
That’s the million dollar question, and I only know half of the answer, the rest, like all of us afflicted with Candida, you will have to decide for yourself based on the progress you are making. I think you will naturally come to a decision in the future, as you begin to feel better, when the appropriate time is to stop taking antifungals/glutamine. Re the antifungal therapy, some people say 6 weeks if you stick to the cave-man candida diet like glue; others say longer. I think it depends on how sick you are, how well the antifungals and probiotics you are taking actually work to remed ...
3,924 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Adhesions
by Dr.Jeff 14 y
Visceral manipulation, Mayan massage, and systemic enzymes can all help to break-up adhesions. I doubt that you’d be able to see any on X-rays. CT and MRI would also probably miss them. They don’t have to be too big to cause problems, either. Systemic fungal Candida can increase tissue inflammation leading to increased formation of adhesions.
The usual way for a surgeon to detect them is through exploratory surgery.
2,247 hits
Forum: The Candida Expert
Re: Systemic Enzymes and my plan of attack. I need your ...
by Sigurros 14 y
Thanks, I have been reading a lot about enzymes and I am just learning about biofilms and how systemic enzymes can breakdown the candida biofilm. I have posted a topic on the Dr Jeff forum, I am waiting to hear what he says about the information I have given him. If the ’biofilm’ information is correct, then I will be changing my ’plan of attack’.
here is the post, it has interesting info on it:
6,052 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Regeneration of Human Scar Tissue with Topical Iodine...
by wombat 15 y
People have reported the same thing with painting iodine on the face...hmmm, if I only had some uninterrupted time:)
Internal scar tissue? We need to look at systemic enzymes, maybe?:
18,304 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Digestive and Systemic Enzymes
by wombat 18 y
What signs/symptoms would indicate a need for digestive enzymes?
& at what point in cleansing/healing/detoxing would systemic enzymes be introduced and for how long?
& How long should the okra pepsin be used?
& at what point while taking okra pepsin would colonics be most beneficial?
& I think that’s it! :D
8,539 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: 3x's x-ray doctors says nothing
by Lapis 21 y
One more thing. If you can get two types of enzymes, they may be helpful. Get a good dietaty enzyme blend such as Udo’s ultimate enzyme blend (there are others) and a decent systemic enzyme blend such as wobenzyme. Take the digestive ones with meals and the systemic ones away from meals (32 or more hours). Some people take the systemic ones during the night for maximum effect. This will help stray macro molecules of undigested food be dissolved along with antibodies. (It’s a leaky gut thing that goes along with dysbiosis, candida etc.)
You could also try to pails of water. One co ...
2,110 hits
Forum: Bad Doctors
Re: Pelvic Pain, CA 125
by dr.jeff 17 y
Cleaing up the body to remove as many sources of toxicity as possible can help to eliminate precipitating causes. Some people have used systemic enzymes like Wobenzyme to help break-up adhesions, scarring, etc. This may also increase the flow. Natural anti-inflammatories like fish oil, cod liver oil etc., can also help. Acupuncture can be a good option to consider. Look for an acupuncturist who is also an Oriental Medical doctor.
1,933 hits
Forum: Ask Dr. Jeff
Supplements, etc.
by North Star 17 y
View Entire Thread 8
Hi, I was wondering if you think it would be too much to take/do the following all at once as part of a health regimen:
Liquid ionic magesium supplement
Thyroid glandular extract
Liver flushes every three months
Mullein root 2x/day, in tincture form, @ 30-45 drops ea. time
Natren probiotics
Tincture of gotu kola, goldenrod, and eyebright @ 30 drops 2x/day
Bilberry capsules of an as yet undetermined strength
Vitalzym systemic enzymes
Natural progesterone cream 14 days per month
6 different individual flower essences
(Also, tentatively: hyaluronic acid and miso)
2,133 hits
Forum: Ask Dennis Hardy ND
Re: Something happened!!! YIKES
by Candibar 13 y
Im only 3 weeks in, but I feel like something deep has released already. Im taking candex and some other systemic enzymes which are dissolving some stuff im sure. I know if I go to my primary DR he will just give me anti biotics and I REFUSE obviously. Im never taking antibiotics the rest of my life. would you reccomend anyhthing just in case it is an infection? The bleeding has gotten less, but still burning and frequent urinating.
1,906 hits
Forum: Ask The Candida Expert
Re: Strokes
by Minxie 11 y
Is there a good way to prevent or address this inflammation/deterioration? My guess is to use systemic enzymes (which I personally take twice daily), but I don’t really know.
1,313 hits
Forum: Ask The Candida Expert
Re: Help with my Diet
by Dr.Jeff 10 y
I would start balancing the intestinal flora and eliminating the effects of past antibiotic use. Do the Candida Plan - You may need to supplement with HCL at meals and probably will want to take a good systemic enzyme like Wobenzym to help the kidneys handle the extra protein.
657 hits
Forum: Ask Candida Exp.