Hi Ho Nat,
I brought this same subject up about a week ago and, like you, I was hoping to get input from folks about the various products they were trying - (Lapis provided some primo info on sestemic enzymes in general).
I started with Vitalzym 2 weeks ago via info provided by :
The initial vibes are good.......But it's flippin' expensive!
Listening to the William Wong tape, the emphasis seems to be on one of the components : serrapeptase - What I've found frustrating is that the mg of the components aren't listed on the bottel - emailed the company and was told that it's "a Proprietary Formula".
>>>The nature’s plus enzyme (acti-zyme) looks good. Anyone tried this and would this be systemic in nature?<<<
Systemic just means you're taking it between meals (so that it gets directly to the blood stream without having to mess with digesting food).
One other very interesting thing on the Wong tape : Relative to enzymes, vitamins are co-enzymes and minerals are co-factors.
Personally, this systemic premise feels like a biggie.......We shall see....... Later