I also want to add that systemic enzymes are not just regular enzymes used for digesting food. Very few people seem to mention them at all. If you take them on an empty stomach it will give them a chance to pass through your intestinal lining and get into your blood stream. If you take them anywhere from 3 to 5 times a day on an empty stomach it will help to digest parasites, candida and bacteria in other areas of your body other than your stomach. Without enzymes life would not be possible. It takes anywhere from 2- 6 months before you'll see drastic results however i've been doing it for 1 month and i feel great. I take one called "Zymactive Proteolytic Enzymes" You can get them at this website called ( http://www.iherb.com
) for pretty cheap. You should also do a google search on "systemic enzymes and parasites" that should help too.