15 y
Re: Systemic Parasites- Movement everywhere/EDIT
Have you tried a good chiropractic adjustment of the C1 and 2 vertebrae? That might help you tell the difference between bugs and nerves/muscles that can give you the same sensation.
Try Humaworm, too.
Jsmom posted recently about someone painting the spots with iodine and that killing off parasites under the skin. Iodine is good at getting parasites, too. You need it for the thyroid as you do this program along with the Cataplex B that helps with your adrenals. The Protefood or complete amino acid complex has detoxifying amino acids in it. You need the B6 to activate it. Natural vitamin C helps your liver make glutathione for detoxifying.
Don't worry about the weight. That will come off as you get your liver cleaned out. The body makes fat to have a place to store the toxins. I went down 5 sizes in clothes from when I started this program. I've had to get used to the me I see in the mirror now.
Keep up with killing the bugs off. You're doing well. After 2 weeks into killing off the bugs you can start flushing out your liver. The Coke flush on this forum worked well for me. No problems. Not very many according to some, but I'm over the 100 mark on the flushes and still getting out some old stones and debris from the rest of my body that's coming down thru the liver with the blood. The liver filters the lymph, too, so that comes down thru the liver and can be flushed out.
Yeah, it's kinda tough in the beginning. Hold on, keep going, keep up with the dewormers, keep the elimination--digestive channels open. You'll need a colon cleanse somewhere along the line in order to eradicate all the parasites.
Systemic enzymes or the pancreatic enzymes taken between meals will help get the toxins in the rest of the body.
You should start to feel some better after you start liver flushing. It's an up and down journey, however, things should start to look up soon. This is a gradual process and takes time. Better than what you're putting up with now. You'll start to see progress not too far into this program.
Edit: Oh, BTW, I dumped about 14# of parasites, over 10# of junk off the colon wall and how many #'s of liver stones? I don't know, but I've lost the 30#.