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Re: Citrobacter freundii
by leakygut 14 y
Thank you Tony.
I was hoping you would reply. They did do invitro testing on citrobacter freundii, they determined that apicillin, amox./clavulanic acid, cephalothin has no effect on it. Ciprofloxacin, Tetracycline, and Trimethoprim/Sulfa does. I didn’t test positive for Candida. Is it possible that it is an opportunistic citrobacter freundi causing my problems? Its the highest rating for it and I’m non existant with lactobaccillus and low on bifido. What course of action do you recommend? I can find very little information on citrobacter freundii online, some say that its part of the ...
16,259 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: 2nd update - what I am doing now for skin issues
by Tergot223 8 y
The reason I use the term thrush and perioral dermatitis interchangeably is because I see them both as having gut dysbiosis as the same route cause and I also don’t have a 100% diagnosis of either. Dermatologists have not been of much use to me.
If you search citrobacter on here there are many examples of it :
what I found so eerie was how many of my symptoms were described by others with this bacterial infection. No specific mention of EC though but MANY skin related issues.
GI = gastrointestinal.
2,324 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Perioral Dermatitis
Oral Allergy Syndrome
Skin & Face
Re: Citrobacter freundii...Anyone heard of it?
by Johny Apple Bomb 16 y
2,577 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Treatments for morganella morganii and citrobacter freund...
by Xelaetaks 12 y
View Entire Thread 4
Hey. Does anyone know any safer ways to treat possibly pathogenic morganella morganii and citrobacter freundii besides antibiotics like cipro?
Also if with antibiotics which ones would be better?
Genova diagnostics test suggested cipro could fight both and proteus mirabilis, and for morganella trimethoprim could fight that too as well ass citrobacter freundii.
From reading online cipro seems to have a lot of side effects reported from it like tendonitis so I’m wondering if there are any other ways to go about it or if taking cipro for a week could be worth but another option would ...
3,225 hits
Forum: Autism
Parasites Support
Lyme ("Lime")
Leaky Gut
Candida is gone, now I have Citrobacter Freundii overgrow...
by #118665 16 y
View Entire Thread 3
I had a bacteriology/yeast test done back in April (through Genova) which revealed candida overgrowth (2+) and low bifidobacterium. I thought that the candida was the answer to my health issues (lots of bloating and abdominal discomfort after I eat, weight loss, etc)
So, I went on the anti-candida diet, took oregano, anamu, cat’s claw, probiotics (including Probifia, a bifidobacterium probiotic), and eventually got a prescription for Diflucan for 1 week. After all of this, I still wasn’t feeling better, and I had dropped way too much weight (I was already thin) so I asked for a co ...
12,866 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: anyone had a yeast related facial rash or really bad...
by msteck 22 y
i ordered my test via got the results and it showed excess yeast, excess citrobacter freundii and excess e. coli. hardly no good i’ve got to work on getting more good bacteria, low carbing, and possibly cipro or some herb for the citrobacter. i have threelac and vital 10 and lactobacillus gg as probiotics. as of today, i am taking them all several times per day.
2,244 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Fasting with Citrobacter freundii complex. Do antibiotics...
by barkbark 10 y
View Entire Thread 3
I recently received the results for a stool analysis, and I have +3 bacterial overgrowth, Citrobacter freundii complex. I thought I had candida, but I have no yeast or parasites. I am booked to do a supervised water fast this summer. I was so sure it was candida this whole time, I was going to fast with urine for up to 30 days and let that take care of it. Now I am not so sure that will be effective, it’s more difficult to find information on citrobacter freundii. I have also considered taking antibiotics that it’s sensitive to (like ciprofloxacin), followed by flooding my body with probio ...
4,330 hits
Forum: Fasting: Water
Ask CureZone
Fasting General
Leaky Gut
Urine Therapy
Re: Herbals for Dysbiosis
by TonyOrlando 14 y
I think the Olive leaf is worth a try. Also, the C. Freundii is susceptible to Oregano Oil, and other essential oils. It’s somewhat irritating though so may be harsh on your system depending on how sensitive things are.
One product that I’ve never tried, but is highly recommended by Dr. Leo Galland (who deals with Dysbiosis a lot) is Gastromycin. It’s a general, broad spectrum antimicrobial. If I remember correctly, you mentioned in an earlier post about potential ulceration in the ascending colon. If so, there is a complementary product called Mastica by the same company which can help ...
5,547 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Parasites: Protozoa
Ulcerative Colit.
Candida Glabrata and bacterial overgrowth in intestines
by plshalpme00 8 y
After suffering a multitude of digestive issues, I was recently diagnosed with a scant growth of Candida Glabrata and heavy growth of Citrobacter Freundii in the intestines through a stool test.
This may be a stupid question, but I’m wondering if these can be transmitted sexually? I want to make sure I don’t pass this along to my partner in any way.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
349 hits
Forum: Candida
Re: candida and anti-fungal drugs
by msteck 22 y
i ordered the comprehensive stool analysis from gsdl at since no doctors were in my area except very expensive naturalpaths...the test was $217 and includes consultation. i received my results today and was surprised to find citrobacter freundii...i’ve never heard of it, but also have excessive yeast. i think their facility is excellent. however they did not find any parasites , yet i passed a worm during a colon hydrotherapy session just a few days after i submitted my sample....
1,644 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: How do you get rid of bad bacteria?
by mollygibson 13 y
I suspect my problem is caused by this bad bacteria, not candida, but it isn’t possible to know for sure. From my reading, citrobacter freundii can cause problems with your pancreas and bile systems,which I have according to Genova ( freundii), and I have 4+ of this bacteria. I think I may go on hydrocloric acid, and stay on a low carb diet as this is supposed to starve bad bacteria as well as candida. I just am uncertain as to how to kill of the bad bacteria - I am doing lots of garlic and liposomal as that is known to kill of bad bacteria.
3,780 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Ask The Candida Expert
Stool results and susceptibilities
by petluvr10 14 y
My stool pH came out at 6.8 (range is 6-7.8) and my urine pH was 5.
How are these levels? Any suggestions based on these results?
These were herbs my infections were susceptible to. Any thoughts?
-A. sobria: black walnut, caprylic acid, oregano, uva ursi, citrus seed extract
-A caviae: black walnut, caprylic acid, uva ursi, citrus seed extract (oregano was middle ground)
-Klebsiella pneumoniae: citrus seed (capryllic acid was middle ground)
-Citrobacter braakii: citrus seed and silver (but i’m toxic in silver according to my hair test)
-citrobacter freundii: ci ...
3,360 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
How to kill Klebsellia
by Aerose91 9 y
View Entire Thread 9
I have SIBO and my Metametrix stool test showed infections with Citrobacter Freundii (4+) and Klebsellia Oxytoca (4+)
The Citrobacter showed susceptibility to Uva Ursi but the Klebsellia was tested against berberine, oregano oil, uva ursi and plant tannins and was resistant to all of them. It was susceptible to cipro,cephalothin and tetracycline but i dont have a doctor, nor do i want to take harsh antibiotics right now with how low my good flora is.
Has anyone here been able to kill off klebsellia herbally? I was going to try olive leaf extract but that gave me a lot of liver tr ...
1,310 hits
Forum: Probiotics
Leaky Gut
Lyme Disease
Re: HELP!! bowel/intestinal disorder
by msteck 22 y
i got my results back from great smokies today and same citrobacter freundii bacteria...also said yeast was ”many”. came here to do a search and found your post. we have identical symptoms. i have so much wiggling/crawling/tingling sensations going on, i know this bacteria has escaped via my leaky gut and moved into other areas of my body. i even felt it swimming into my liver and then from right to left lung. i have had the diarrhea so bad, light colored stools, bad breath, and have lost 23 lbs in two months. have you found a candida product and a product for the citrobacter ?
5,068 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
2nd update - what I am doing now for skin issues
by Tergot223 8 y
View Entire Thread 5
Hi everyone,
well my EC is still in remission but I continue to suffer from my other long term skin issues.
I am in the 3rd week of an 8week program which is designed to eliminate a bacterial infection I have of citrobacter freundii. This was picked up on a stool analysis I had which identified it. The prescriptive agents to treat this are :
and the natural agents are:
plant tannins
I have done enough research to know to avoid the antibiotic options and so the routine I am following is prescr ...
2,112 hits
Forum: Peeling Lips
Perioral Dermatitis
Oral Allergy Syndrome
Skin & Face
Re: Best zapper for systemic infections/ Bob Beck protocol?
by Tacoma 9 y
A lot of infections. Systemically and locally in places like the GI.
Bacterial in GI: citrobacter freundii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, a lot of Streptococcus.
no lacto, enterococcus and e.coli growth either.
non bacterial infection; candida/yeast, parasites; chilomastix mesnili and occult blood.
I have severe health issues ; skin, arthritis, back, gout, fatigue, insomnia, anemia, low stomach acid, congested liver (liver supports helps tremendously), food sensitivities (leaky gut), hormonal imbalance (hypothyroidism, high cortisol, low dhea), soreness/pain ...
2,724 hits
Forum: Zapper Debate
Parasites Debate
Hulda Clark Debate
by shehana 8 y
Hi, My son has been having food intolerance issues from birth. He is 9 years old now. We have done numerous tests and all have come out negative. Recently we did a ”Faecal microbiology” test that shows that he has an overgrowth of Citrobacter Freundii. The Naturapath we have been seeing says that this could be the cause of his food sensitivities. Please see attached file for test results. Please advise if this is actually a problem that needs to be treated.
551 hits
Forum: E. Coli
Acid Reflux
Leaky Gut
Re: has anybody cured candida?
by brazilianguy 11 y
I think if we do comprehensive parasitology stool test. One guy from propeciahelp did it and cured it. He was trying to cure it alone then he used high dosage milk thistle and got a crash, shrunken testicles, pênis, poor sleep, no energy, no emotions, no cllmax, no erections, no libido, muscle wastage etc. Then he went to a nutritionist, did the test, took herbs that kill the specific pathogen he had. Klebscia, citrobacter freundii, he started in june, in october he was cured.
He didn’t use vitamin D or iodine. Grizz is getting profit with this somehow. We have leaky gut, then food part ...
1,639 hits
Forum: Candida
is it ok to take prednisolone?
by PapersPlease 11 y
View Entire Thread 4
I recently went to see my doc and she went over my gut n stuff results which showed low growth of positive flora and moderate growth of nontxigenic e coli and citrobacter freundii, microbials? she called them. but nothing else no yeasts, ova , parasites, she called it dysbiosis
but to get to the point, is it safe for me to take my medrol dosepak prescribed to me by a neurologist with this in mind?
i will be taking it for six days starting at 12 mg the first and then tapering down day by day to 2mg on the last day. so 12mg, 10mg, 8mg, 6mg, and so on. my only concern is it says to no ...
1,061 hits
Forum: Candida
Re: Feeling helpless. Can anyone help?
by fectoid2 11 y
Yes, Happy’s aware of all that. If your Naturopath hasn’t ordered a CDSA then he/she’s probably just shooting in the dark. In many cases Candida albicans may not be the overgrown bacteria/fungi. In my case, the overgrowths were Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida parapsilosis and Beta Streptococcus . I was recently exchanging information with another dysbiosis sufferer on the Brain Fog Forum, and his/her stool analysis came back with overgrowths of Klibsiella oxytoca , Citrobacter freundii, Enterococcus faecium and Rhodotorula species.
2,936 hits
Forum: Candida
Leaky Gut
Brain Fog
Herbals for Dysbiosis
by lzqosoz94 14 y
View Entire Thread 7
I need a way to bring these down. We tried 1 trillion units of bacteria for 2 weeks via VSL + Bifido strains and Lactoflam to stop diarrhea but i had no luck.
Any reccomendations on herbals that are effective against these strains?
I see Olive Leaf extract is effective for E. Cloacae, but i dont think C. Fruendii.
My doc told me to try herbals for a bit, but if we cant control this i’m back to tetracycline (he is a naturopath but this kind of overgrowth may warrant antibiotics or a stool transplant if herbals arent effective).
Please help.
5,630 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Parasites: Protozoa
Ulcerative Colit.
Re: Digestive Bitter Question/concern
by lzqosoz94 14 y
One last thing, well 2 actually.
My family friend is a well known Dr who uses Oxygen therapy (he does Ozone injections and Ozone drinks to his patients at his office).
He also works with very sick people, cancer patients and vietnam vets, he brings them down to Ecuador for stem cell treatment.
I’ve been interning with him and i’d like to know if the Ozone therapy would complicate this at all, or if drinking the ozone would feed the Aerobic Citrobacter Freundii or affect the facultative anearobe Enterobacter cloacae.
Also he has offered to bring me down to Ecuador with him when ...
7,263 hits
Forum: IBS
Candida Support
Supplements Support
How to treat citrobacter, kiebsiella with oregano and oli...
by Sendo 12 y
View Entire Thread 6
My cultures came back +4 for both citrobacter freundii and kiebsiella oxytoca. The lab indicated susceptibility to oregano, olive leaf and uva ursi. After a month of uva ursi, I still have reflux, brain fog, lethargy, bloating and belching after eating and suspect these opportunists are still hanging around. I am trying to resist treatment with antibiotics.
How to treat with oregano or olive leaf? What is a proper ”high stregnth” dosage? How long to take either of these? With food or empty stomach?
Other potent treatments for these bacteria?
Thanks for any help.
7,203 hits
Forum: Acid Reflux/GERD
Candida Support
Parasites Support
Can Genova give false negatives for parasites?
by mollygibson 13 y
Has anyone had false negatives with Genova Diagnostics?
I recently got back a comprehensive digestive stool analysis from Genova which says I have no yeast, and no parasites, but I do have some bad bacteria. The thing is I still see what I am virtually sure is candida and hookworms. The test also indicates I have malabsorption problems, which could be caused by the bad bacteria. And pancreatic enzyme deficiency - which I cannot figure out another reason for besides parasites. I guess my plan for now should be to fight what I know? This is my bacteriology results:
Good - lactobacillus 2+, ...
564 hits
Forum: Parasites Support
Help! Need advice about bad bacteria!
by mollygibson 13 y
Hi - I am new to this forum - have been on the candida forum for a long time, but some recent tests show I either 1) never had candida or 2) got rid of it. (I was diagnosed by symptoms by my osteopath and have been for 6 months on a very strict anti-candida diet, lots of probiotics, tons of coconut oil and other antifungals....).
My test results from Genova show some info about bad bacteria though which may be a clue to my ongoing adrenal and neurological problems (head tremors). Here is the info:
Good bacteria (not too bad but can use a little work):
Lactobacillus 2+, E Coli 4+, Bif ...
580 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support
Other supplements ok while on the Candida Plan?
by Sendo 12 y
View Entire Thread 2
Dr. Jeff,
I recently came across your plan and am eager to begin! However, I have a few concerns:
My stool sample came back positive for citrobacter freundii and kiebsiella oxytoca (+4) two months ago and I am still having symptoms (reflux, brain fog, lethargy, bloating). A month of uva ursi didnt seem to help, so I feel like I still need to treat those as well. I’m planning on using oregano and garlic - is this compatible with your candida plan? Even complementary?
I also have adrenal fatigue and am on a dessicated adrenal supplement, high dose vitamin c, pantothenic acid and ...
1,137 hits
Forum: Ask The Candida Expert
comprehensive stool analysis
by #152961 13 y
View Entire Thread 4
I took the Great Plains Lab conprehensive stool analysis and got the results.
I was wondering if someone here can help me understand them.
expected/beneficial flora-
4+ bacteroides gragilis group
4+ bifidobacterium spp.
3+ escherichia coli.
lactobacillus- no growth
enterococcus -no growth
2+ clostridium spp.
imbalanced flora-
1+ alpha hemolytic strep
2+ enterobacter cloacae
2+ gamma hemolytic strep
1+ staphylococcus aureus
dysbiotic flora-
3+ citrobacter freundii
Does anyone knows what the numbers on the sides mean(1+,2+)?,and does the bacter ...
3,909 hits
Forum: IBS
Feces Diagnostic
Flush ok with major Disbiosis?
by emcpete 21 y
View Entire Thread 4
I have major disbiosis of the gut, and from what I have read, leaky gut. I have had major Candida like symptoms since I can remember (age 3). 2 CDSA (stool) tests in the last 6 months have shown almost zero beneficial bacteria and a huge amount of many harmful bacteria strains (klebsiella pneumoniae, citrobacter freundii, alpha haemolytic streptococcus etc.)
After 10 years of using anti-fungals, pro-biotics and anti-candida diets it seems I have only gotten worse. I am ready to start liver flushing.
My only concern are the colonics. I completely believe in their effective ...
1,978 hits
Forum: Ask Andreas
Low fecal S-IgA and Ph?
by natalie 22 y
View Entire Thread 9
HI team
In the beginning of sorting out my illness, I had a stool analysis done at Great Smokies (1998). I recently got a hold of the results from my Dr, who at the time said that it was normal. Well it wasn’t normal. I had a low feacal S-IgA, low Ph, Citrobacter Freundii, Trichosporon, slight dysbiosis and mucous.
I know the low S-IgA means that my gut immunity is bad. But how does this happen? Is this because of poor diet, antibiotics or a parasite/bacterial infection?
The other question is if you have a low faecal Ph in your bowel how do you increase that without making your ...
2,153 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Low fecal S-IgA and Ph?
by natalie 22 y
Sorry I automatically think that low is alkaline. Mine was 28. The reference range for ’normal’ is 44-188. So I am a bit acidic!!! I thought you needed an acidic bowel? So being too acidic can affect flora as well. Tricky thing this body and getting it all the organs, enzymes etc to function together.
You don’t see much info about citrobacter freundii. I remember this Dr saying that citrbacter was normal flora. I don’t think so!!!!! It apparently is the same as salmonella and its funny that I have recurring salmonella on ’lab’ stool cultures but never this bacteria.
Does this goat p ...
2,249 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Please help me. No one will help.
by #196999 10 y
Hi everyone. I want to apologize for the lateness of my reply. Over the past few months it has been hard on me and I had hardly any energy to reply but I did want to let you know that your suggestions helped me a lot. I am now on treatment by Dr. Omar Amin, but I still wanted to post my results to help other people. I sent in my stool sample to Dr. Omar Amin. I highly suggest him. I have been on treatment for two weeks and I am getting to where I feel almost normal again. I will have to take treatment for half a year but it’s a lot better than a lifetime because the other doctors finally d ...
7,287 hits
Forum: Parasites
Parasites Protozoa
Parasites: RX
Parasites: Skin
Need help with csda - natural agents
by leakygut 14 y
View Entire Thread 2
I had a csda test and is showed 4+ of citrobacter freundii. I believe this has caused most of my health problems I have constant diarrhea especially if I eat a sugar or carb product I get foggy headed after eating one of those products as well. I’m constantly hacking up green mucus. My csda showed it was susceptible to tetracycline so I took it for 10 days and it did little. The only success stories I’ve read of people with a freundii overgrowth are those who took natural agents like citrus seed extract or urva ursi, they tested susceptibility with a csda test. I emailed Genova diagnostics ...
2,598 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Feces Diagnostic
Allergies & Intolerance
Leaky Gut
Re: Need help & advice - Test results from Doctor's Data
I read a sample report from Drs Data and the last part of the report gave a good discussionof the abnormal results and what to use, both mes and supplements. Do you have this part of the report?
Secretory IgA (outside) 48.5 (reference range 51 - 204 mg/dl) A little low, does your Dr. have an explaination?
A search for ’low secretory iga’ brought up some websites and information.
Expected/Beneficial flora
1+ Bacteroides fragilis group
NG Bifodobacterium spp.
2+ Escherichia coli
NG Lactobacillus spp.
1+ Clostridium spp.
No Bifidobacterium or Lactobacilli grew in the ...
6,415 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Parasites: Protozoa
Liver pain after olive leaf extract
by Aerose91 9 y
View Entire Thread 8
I recently did a stool test for SIBO and it came back
4+ citrobacter freundii
4+ klebsellia oxytoca
The citrobacter showed susceptibility to uva ursi and the klebsellia was resistent to everything. However, ive seen people have success against klebsellia with olive leaf extract so i decided to try that.
While eating low FODMAP I first did a week of uva ursi, then replaced that with the o.l.e. No problems while on the uva but a few days after the o.l.e. i started getting a dull, achy pain in my liver and feeling pretty lethargic. I stopped for a few days and the pain didn’t subsi ...
3,165 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Leaky Gut
help-Citrobacter freundii,Rhodotorula sp,candida lusitani...
by carmeninfl 18 y
View Entire Thread 4
Hello Friends
I have been suffering with trying to get my Energy and life back. I had a Comp. Stool Anaylisis done 1 month ago. It came up positive with Citrobacter freundii 1 +
a Dysbiotic flora. ?How bad is this to have? What is the BEST way to fight it off.
I have a report showing agents it is Sensitive to- I have tried them caprylic acid, regano oil- They ave not relieved much.
Should I take the antibiotic -Bactrim? or Ciprofloacin? Do u think i need something that strong to get rid of this- Citrobacter ?
Anyone that has or had this similiar problem Please help and tell me w ...
7,153 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: In need of encouragement
by fectoid2 11 y
Firstly, I'll preface my message by saying that I am not a health care practitioner, nor am I selling anything. I asked about your stool test, because for me, that was the key to determining how to attack my problem. Brain fog, depression & severe fatigue, especially in hot weather, were just a very few of my symptoms.
You'll see many people in the Candida Support Forum with very similar symptoms to your own. However, I believe that most are suffering from some sort of dysbiosis, or GI tract bacterial/fungal overgrowth of unknown origin. I encourage people to hav ...
1,272 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Re: Digestive Bitter Question/concern
by TonyOrlando 14 y
Ok, so that’s good. You know what you’re up against now. They’re both tough to get rid of, but the clocae is the more hostile.
I don’t see how probiotics can solve this, but they could stop it somewhat from getting worse. That’s good that you’re adding more bifidus. Although it’s curious that no bifidus showed up in the CDSA, but lacto’s did, even though you’re supplementing large amounts. I wonder if those are weak bifidus strains, or the bad bacteria are suppressing them that quickly.
It’s a little concerning that you have no e. coli or bifidus detected. Sometimes they are there i ...
7,500 hits
Forum: IBS
Candida Support
Supplements Support
Re: Citrobacter: Antibiotic treatment and can it infect t...
by White Shark 8 y
You should ask your doctor about antibiotics, that is what they know.
But I found this here:
It seems to be a natural part of our environment and our microbiom, so finding it in stool may not mean anything unusual.
It is natural part of stool of both humans and animals, but there seem to be strains that may be more problematic.
Have you ever done any liver flushing ?
C. freundii is a soil organism, but can also be found in water, sewage, food and in the intestinal tracts of animals and humans.[3] The Citrobacter ge ...
1,816 hits
Forum: Parasites Protozoa
Parasites: RX
Liver Flush
Leaky Gut
Re: Help makin sense of stool test?
by ericbakker 12 y
Hi there, thanks for your post and for the opportunity for me to reply to it. You have some interesting findings my friend:
NG Bifidobacterium species (Nil Growth) and only a 1+ when it comes to the Lactobacillus species. You want at least a 2:1 ratio of Bifido to Lacto, i.e, you want a 4+ Bifido and a 2+ lacto, or you want a 2+ Bifido and a 1+ Lacto, but your results are showing NO definable levels of Bifidobacterium in the stool, they could not culture or obtain any viable Bifidobacterium, this is MOST significant to your health.
You have Citrobacter freundii, which is not unusual ...
3,891 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Leaky Gut
How do you get rid of bad bacteria?
by mollygibson 13 y
View Entire Thread 7
Dear Dr. Jeff,
I recently got back some labs from Genova which show I have no candida, no parasites, but some high levels of bad bacteria. My good bacteria is ok, with lactobacillus at 2+, E Coli at 4+, and Bifidobacterium at 2+. My bad bacteria is alpha haemolytic Streptococcus at 3+, Citrobacter freundii at 4+, and Enterobacter cloaca at 2 +.
The tests show some malabsorption issues, and pancreatic enzyme deficiency (which I am wondering if could be caused by parasites as I can’t think of another explanation?).
My questions are:
1) Could Genova give false negatives? I am still ha ...
4,055 hits
Forum: Ask The Candida Expert