I recently went to see my doc and she went over my gut n stuff results which showed low growth of positive flora and moderate growth of nontxigenic e coli and citrobacter freundii, microbials? she called them. but nothing else no yeasts, ova , parasites, she called it dysbiosis
but to get to the point, is it safe for me to take my medrol dosepak prescribed to me by a neurologist with this in mind?
i will be taking it for six days starting at 12 mg the first and then tapering down day by day to 2mg on the last day. so 12mg, 10mg, 8mg, 6mg, and so on. my only concern is it says to not take if you have any fungal infections and that since it causes problems with yeast overgrowth like candida is microbials considered the same? its such a short term low dose but i would hate to take it and start up something like a candida infection.
thanks :)