If you aren't too sensitive to caffeine make some extra strong lipton tea, boiled down two parts water to one part. The tannins in tea and other foods work well against gram negative bacteria. Any bright colored food that has staining properties will also work, and while you're at it try some low dose
Lugol's Iodine like 1-3 drops.
If you can tolerate dairy make your own yogurt or kefir.
You also need to feed your flora with soluble fiber, I don't know how strict the fodmap diet is but if you avoid all carbs and fermentable fiber then your flora will not have a chance. Food preparation is they key to dealing with sibo and carbs. I would say for now don't eat anything raw at all and fry things you like in coconut oil and see how that helps.
I had some old posts about how frying coconut oil may release the lauric acid or make it more assimilable and a few people had massive candida die-off and release just from doing this.
You can also try clove tea and see if it will knock out either of these infections.
Long term is another issue and sibo is a long term thing. Cartilege broth (not bone broth) is excellent.
If you tolerate fats well then saturated fats should help: unrefined red palm oil, coconut oil, ghee.
Salt is another big one, and dependent on your dosha can help a lot with sibo and adrenal.