My illness is a long story and some what complicated, but the reason for my infection was because I was ill with a dental abscess (I didn’t know I had this), when I had my wisdom teeth out. I was advised to do this because the Dr's thought that this was where my infection was- not so. The dental abscess was the primary source of infection. I had the dental abscess for nearly three years and in that time I acquired secondary problems e.g. salmonella, Giardia, Mycoplasma (gentian) plus liver toxicity, MCS and CIDS. IN the first year I was on so many
Antibiotics (broad spectrum ones) for the infection of unknown origin, which complicated my immune system even further.
I can't afford a magnetic pulsar at the moment. I have a zapper and I bought Beck's blood purifier but my system can't handle that yet. I don't know if it is the radiation that comes off that, but it really affects my heart and I feel quite unwell with it.
I read the posts discussing systemic enzymes and I am looking in to buying these. I was on digestive enzymes but you can’t buy them here at the moment because of the current trouble with PAN Pharmaceuticals. They produce most of the vitamins etc for major brands in Aus and have been forced to stop production because of bad practices. That was 6 months ago and still there isn't a solution. The sceptics are loving it because it has had major effect on the alternative health care system.
I take an oxygen supplement called ‘oxypower’ which is quite good but short acting. This actually relieves my jaw pain and gall bladder/liver pain.
Just for interest sake. When I had the dental abscess it was in my right upper canine. IN the first year I had excruciating knee pain and pain over liver. Each of your teeth relate to many parts of your body. When I had this tooth out my knee pain was instantly gone. This knee pain was so sore I couldn’t bend my knee. I thought that I had this pain because I was a runner. The dentist before he removed the tooth even asked me if I had knee pain. The pain over my liver went for a couple of weeks but then returned. Each time I have my bone debrided, in the canine tooth area and in the lower jaw, my pain goes and I can eat without feeling like I have drunk a bottle of scotch in ½ hour. You know that hung-over, vomitty, icky feeling.
Anyway, thanks Lapis for your input. I am waiting patiently for that little thing that turns my health around. I am eagerly writing all the info down and searching on the net to get the best price. We are limited here in Aus. with diversity and quality of products. Shipping charges are a bummer!!!!!!
Take care