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Question about Lecithin
by San2006 19 y
View Entire Thread 9
Hi All:
I have read Lecithin is very good for Liver. Raw Egg Yolks are natures best source of lecithin. I tried looking into lecithin capsules which is basically SOY LECITHIN.
Anyone takes Lecithin supplements? Can I try having raw egg yolks as my source of lecithin, instead of Soy tecithin. I am kind of not too keen on eating soy products.
Would making homemade mayo help increase my lecithin intake?
20,513 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
NON GMO Lecithin
by coatzalcoatlx 12 y
If Lecithin comes from Soybean, and if In excess of 95% of Soy crop is from GMO, where does one source non GMO lecithin?
Your LG products contain Lecithin. How do you get around this?
2,536 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
1 more question for HV regarding soy lecithin/detox
by FL77 15 y
View Entire Thread 4
A few weeks back, I started taking Soy Lecithin, 900 mg capsules, and after about 5 days I started having fatigue/anxiety,trouble sleeping, almost allergic type feelings, (no skin breakouts or Anything) ...It was very similar to candida flare up & die-off feelings that I get..
I thought maybe I had an allergic reaction to the soy lecithin, but lots of the supplements I take contain soy lecithin as a filler and I never had a problem like that...Now granted I was taking huge amounts of the Soy Lecithin 900 mg, (like 10-15 caps per day)...Could this reaction have instead been from the mas ...
6,009 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Must Lecithin be taken with Oil?
by #52560 19 y
View Entire Thread 8
I am taking lecithin to get rid of gallstones and I am wondering if it is necessary for the lecithin to be taken with another oil such as the olive oil/lecithin mixture MH sells, so as to pull out the stones and bile, or can the lecithin be taken on its own and work? Also I know that it is best to take the lecithin on an empty stomach, but I am wondering if it can be taken after eating some food during the evening, I wonder if it helps to digest the lecithin, just some questions.
5,343 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: For Krzyakta & Celcius
R by 23rd Psalm 18 y
Hi Celcius.
All of my old health books recommend Soy Lecithin. I’m opposed to soy, itself, but there are so many great results from the Lecithin. I buy NOW Brand non-GMO. It’s one of those wonder foods like Wheat Germ & BSM.
Some clips from my Lecithin file:
Dr. N.A. Ferri, an eminent physician remarks - “Lecithin has a versatile function in life. It is an extremely important factor in the digestion and oxidation of fats, thus creating more muscle and glandular activity, resulting in greater body exertion and less fat accumulations. Lecithin is essential not only for ...
3,819 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Lecithin info
R by bluandyelo 19 y
View Entire Thread 14
I have been googling Lecithin and gallstones and found this interesting excerpt on this site, I thought some others could benefit too:
Lecithin in the Liver
Meanwhile, back in the digestive area, researchers can pinpoint many of lecithin’s benefits when it comes to transporting valuable resources from place to place in our bodies.
We are constantly secreting lecithin into our bile, says Dr. Zeisel, and that helps enzymes mix with fat so that the fat is digested.
The liver exports fat. To do that, it must wrap ...
16,347 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: question about lecithin
by MH 108 19 y
From what I have read, lecithin has been used medically since before I was born to dissolve gallstones and in more recent times a cure for MS. The brain being mostly lecithin and the blood flows on a lecithin highway, etc., etc. I see it as an important supplement to the normal diet. Those with a natural diet would not need it.
Like dissolves like and the body must be able to take up the plant lecithin and use it possible to make human lecithin, either way, it is cheap and is used allot in commerical cooking, because with out lecithin, many foods could not be sold. I can safely state mo ...
3,787 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
by moreless 18 y
Hi 23rd Psalm,
Lecithin is part of all Natural oils in plants and their seeds, but when these have been processed into the oils we use, many times the Lecithin has been Removed !
The lecithin is needed to enable the body to be able to utilize what we are eating , which has had it’s Lecithin Removed !
Also Lecithin may help the body Rebuild Tissue and Nerves etc back into Health !
Smile Tis your choice.
5,365 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: --Soy Lecithin--
by grzbear 18 y
For powdered, I buy this product locally...
I have not ever purchased liquid, but this source has been recommended on CZ before...
I would like to know where ML gets his lecithin too... as I prefer to purchase in bulk.
3,588 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Organic Lecithin?
by Rick67 17 y
View Entire Thread 3
I found one of your old posts talking about Organic Lecithin from Clarkson Grain Company. What I’d like to know is how to I go about buying Organic Lecithin? I checked out Clarkson’s site and it doesn’t look like they sell direct to the public.
I was able to find Organic Lecithin Here:
What do you think?
3,029 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Lecithin granules Vs gelcaps
by hippo 21 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hi Shelley,
Lecithin granules are not available for sale in my country..all health stores and pharmacies only do lecithin in gelcap form..In your previous post, u mentioned the lecithin gelcaps can be taken in higher dosage in order to get the equivalent results in stone softening as lecithin granules do..I have been taking 2400mg lecithin gelcaps divided to 2 times a day as part of helping to ease my bowel movement. how much would you recommend to take as a stone softening agent prior to LF?
Thanks Shelley:)
3,997 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley
Re: Lecithin benefits
by #117548 15 y
Lecithin is usually for keeping your liver from becoming fatty. But I think the active component is choline, which only about 1% exists in lecithin. There are many foods that contain choline.
I’d stay away from soy derived lecithin
5,590 hits
Forum: Liver Flush
Diet & Climate
Fatty Liver
Lecithin Liquid vs. Granules
by #52560 8 y
View Entire Thread 2
Why do you recommend liquid lecithin instead of lecithin granules, because they are over processed? From what I see the granules contain more lecithin, almost entirely lecithin while the liquid has some soy oil mixed in.
Wouldn’t it be better to take pure lecithin in granules, or do they not dissolve gallstones as well? Thank you.
1,212 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot Herbalist
Re: best/cheapest liquid lecithin?
by MH 108 7 y
I want to try the Liquid lecithin that is recommended by MH.
Does anyone have a recommendation on the
best and cheapest
622 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot Herbalist
The Essential Superfood - Lecithin
by shelleycat 21 y
View Entire Thread 11
Here are a few reasons why Lecithin is so great - and this isn’t even a comprehensive list!
Without sufficient lecithin, your body cannot utilize the fat soluble vitamins A,D, E, and K. By adding an adequate amount of lecithin to your diet, you could improve your digestion and utilization of these vitamins by 100% or more if your diet is now deficient in lecithin.
When a person exercises regularly to improve their muscle tone, the amount of lecithin contained in the muscles increases. This increase in muscle lecithin is in part responsible for the greater endurance ...
5,611 hits
Forum: Ask Shelley 1[A]
Lecithin protocols?
by recovering 19 y
MH I was reading the previous thread about lecithin, and saw this:
”If you eat correct, you have no mud, there for no need for lecithin.If you eat wrong, have mud in your veins/liver/lymph then I suggest the old medical method of using soy lecithin, also a known cure for MS, restoring the flexibility of the grey matter of the brain, etc., etc. And oh yes, if your having trouble having kids, try lecithin.”
and this:
”I do suggest lecithin is better than epsoms salts, but I still don’t mind epsoms salts as long as it is only used when needed and not abused.”
Is there a protocol f ...
2,054 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
great stuff!
by shelleycat 22 y
My naturpathic doctor recommended this protein shake for best energy:
6 oz Vanilla Rice Milk
1 tsp-tbl flax seed oil
1-2 cage-free organic eggs
cinnamon to taste
more vanilla if preferred
1-2 tbl lecithin (buy the powdered kind, not granule, for best dissolve)
Put in shaker cup and shake it up good.
Lecithin is better than eating soy, as soy has by-products that inhibit assimilation and digestion, and inhibits thyroid hormone.
here are some of its benefits:
Lecithin is a lipid that is required by every single cell in your body. The cell membranes in the body are compo ...
2,694 hits
Forum: Juicing Forum
Re: Lecithin?
by MH 108 17 y
In our ateries/viens we have an anti-magnetic substance that allows our blood to flow as a liquid/gas at incrediable speeds. Most people call this material cholesterol. I prefer to call it human made lecithin. 50% of the brain is said to be made of this as well. All nerves is protected by this substance, etc....
This lecithin needs replaced and to do this, we humans need to be consuming some fatty fruits....when we don’t, this used/wasted lecithin starts clogging the liver/gallbladder with what people choose to call gallstones.
The old medical books and many mo ...
3,537 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Safety of lecithin (hexane)?
by Quinta_Essentia 17 y
View Entire Thread 5
wondering what people think about the safety of lecithin supplements. lecithin is a byproduct of soy bean processing and they use hexane to extract it out of the bean. also, allegedly, the pesticides are highly concentrated in the lecithin. anyone have thoughts on how safe lecithin is?
i am wondering if its not more effective to use the purified supplements of Phosphatidylserine and Phosphatidylcholine (both of which are derived from lecithin) which constitute the main beneficial factors in lecithin. maybe i will ask this on another forum to get a wider opinion. thanks for any input.
3,746 hits
Forum: Ask Tony Isaacs
Safety of lecithin supplements (hexane)?
by Quinta_Essentia 17 y
View Entire Thread 5
wondering what people think about the safety of lecithin supplements. lecithin is a byproduct of soy bean processing and they use hexane to extract it out of the bean. also, allegedly, the pesticides are highly concentrated in the lecithin. anyone have thoughts on how safe lecithin is?
i am wondering if its not more effective to use the purified supplements of Phosphatidylserine and Phosphatidylcholine (both of which are derived from lecithin) which constitute the main beneficial factors in lecithin. maybe i will ask this on another forum to get a wider opinion. thanks for any input.
6,992 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
Re: Soy products/ thyroid gland
by #75777 18 y
Soy as a whole product, contains many things, one is lecithin. Soy lecithin supplements simply rip away the lecithin, which does not contain any of the other good/bad things of the soy (except of the inevitably trace amount due to the mechanical extraction process).
Do you know what lecithin is? It is a mixture of glycolipids, triglycerides, and phospholipids. It can be isolated from eggs or soy, but egg lecithin is not the same as eggs, as soy lecithin is not the same as soy.
Before making this claims do some research. In spite of current research against many soy toxins it is imp ...
3,152 hits
Forum: Candida Support
Re: Lecithin?
R by MH 108 18 y
LECITHIN is the WONDER FOOD of all times and our Natural Human foods have it...commercial food suppliers know all about it and use lecithin as a method to sell their otherwise plastic foods..............we thrive on lecithin...
Olive oil is great, but the king has always been Soy Lecithin and all humans who eat commercial foods have eaten plenty of it.
Medically, soy lecithin is the fountain of youth and has been known for at least 75+ years. SOY MILK and powders etc....all SUCK and will make most kids sick, but I hav never seen anyone have a problem with lecithin from plants... NEV ...
3,109 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Egg/Lime/Oil ELO Flush
by telman 18 y
Lecithin is a natural component of fatty foods, especially eggs and organ meats, but low-fat diet trends have reduced our lecithin consumption. Aside from bile acids, phospholipids such as lecithin are the principal bile components that keep cholesterol in solution. Research suggests that egg lecithin may be superior to other types such as soy lecithin in preventing cholesterol precipitation in the bile. Studies show as little as 300 mg of lecithin per day can raise lecithin levels in the bile.
You may also be interested in this article; click on the links below:
http://www.unisci ...
3,357 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Lecithin - Forms and when to take
by San2006 18 y
Also, what is your opinion on lecithin pills? Are they fine to take, or >should I just stick to the granular stuff?
The pill kinds are oil and they don’t have as much lecithin content as the old granulated kind. In fact one gram granulated lecithin is equal to about 6 grams of those liquid kind. Therefore you get higher quality lecithin using the granulated kinds.
Granulated powdered lecithin is generally the safest since there is no oil portion or rancid oil you have ...
3,108 hits
Forum: Ask Moreless: pH
Re: Phospholipids - eg., Lecithin
by cora 18 y
Memory and Mental Acuity
***Lecithin is one of the special chemicals that easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.***
”It is believed that lecithin permeability is necessary for the metabolic processes that occur in all cells but also for the constant regeneration of the phospholipid-rich membranes of the brain.” The choline-containing phospholipid is an abundant form of lecithin and vitally important for the biosynthesis of the important neurotransmitter acetylcholine, malfunctions of which are involved in:
Hun ...
3,508 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Sunflower Lecithin by MH
by MH 108 12 y
In medical history it has been soybean lecithin dating back to the 1940’s and naturally pre-gmo and round up spray.
With the sunflower, I have been using the oil for years now and had no real clue that they could make ”lecithin” from the sunflower....not knowing how they create lecithin in the first place, but appearantly they can and surely it takes a factory to have that ability and since sunflowers are a seed, it takes quite a bit of powder to extract the oil/fat same as it would with the soybean and would seem that there would be more oil in sunflowers than soybean....
I can also ...
1,134 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: lecthin?
by Hveragerthi 17 y
They are wrong. It is not a waste product, it is a beneficial extract of soy.
And it has many beneficial properties in the body. For example it is lecithin that allows the cells to be flexible. If we took all of the lecithin out of our bodies we would be rock hard. It is also a major component of myelin, which insulates the nerves, brain tissue, and bile; which is the component that makes bile an emulsifier. By the same token lecithin lowers cholesterol, prevents gallstones, and increases the absorption of dietary fats and fat soluble vitamins. Lecithin is also a rich source of choline, ...
7,176 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: lecthin?
by Hveragerthi 17 y
The liquids are pretty much worthless. If you have ever seen crude lecithin it is very thick and sticky. This makes it impossible to run through the machinery for packaging. So the crude lecithin is thinned out with a lot of soy oil to make it liquid enough to run through the machinery. So liquid lecithin is mostly liquid soy oil with a little actual lecithin in it. The same applies to the softgels.
Lecithin granules are deoiled, which concentrates the lecithin and its active constituents like phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl serine, and phosphatidyl ethanolamine.
As far as cleansi ...
7,238 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Liver Flush Support
by #89845 16 y
View Entire Thread 2
Thanks MH! One more thing...
Where do I get 1 gallon lecithin if making my own plant fats? And is it ’soy lecithin’ i need, or is there another type of lecithin that’s as good? So if i add avocado or olive oil to the lecithin that’s it? how much olive oil to how much lecithin (ie how much olive oil do i add to the 1 gall. lecithin)?
also is your lecithin-based ’liver cleanse’ in pre-cleanse kit same as your ’liver flush’?
2,195 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Plant fats (cont'd)
by #99447 16 y
Got it, thanks MH! One more thing...
Where do I get 1 gallon lecithin if making my own plant fats? And is it ’soy lecithin’ i need, or is there another type of lecithin that’s as good? So if i add avocado or olive oil to the lecithin that’s it? how much olive oil to how much lecithin (ie how much olive oil do i add to the 1 gall. lecithin)?
also is your lecithin-based ’liver cleanse’ in pre-cleanse kit same as your ’liver flush’?
1,590 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
lecithin, wow
R by superfriend 16 y
View Entire Thread 6
So naturally MH talks about lecithin a lot, so I spent some time searching a lot about it... and here are my results.
Brain is 4-6% lecithin in fresh substance +
30% dry brain weight is lecithin +
17 percent of the nervous system +
spinal cord contains 6-10% lecithin +
and nearly two-thirds of the fat in the liver +
The most concentrated natural and unrefined sources of lecithin are soybeans (1.48 to 3.08% lecithin), peanuts (1.11%), calf liver (0.85%), wheat (0.61%), oatmeal (0.65%), and eggs (0.39%).
Among refined substances, especially concentrated sources of lecithin i ...
4,838 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Memory enhancement product
by Will_I_Ever_Learn 14 y
You may check for Lecithin
What Are Lecithin Granules Used to Treat?
By Sarah Thomas , eHow Contributor
Lecithin granules are often made from soy and contain phosphatidylcholine. Lecithin is naturally occurring in meat products and egg yolks. Lecithin suppliers claim that lecithin can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments and improve body functions, such as cell development. Prior to taking any supp ...
1,206 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper
Re: Why'd they use lecithin?
by MH 108 17 y
Lecithin was used medically back in the 30’s, shortly after Lecithin/soybeans was made popular by one of the greatest American Herbalist who desired everyone live on soybean products and not MEAT.
WHY? Soy lecithin is very much thicker than olive oil. Olive Oil is called an oil, while Lecithin is used to describe the fat of the soybean, so I am ssuming soybeans have far more lecithin than olive oil or not totally sure olive oil has much of any lecithin.
I DO KNOW olive oil makes the liver flush, so the liver looses the gallstones. Does olive oil cleanse/replace the old worn out human ...
7,061 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: 6th flush
by username10 18 y
I believe lecithin comes from soy... It looks like the are starting to make it from sunflower now too. I’m taking the granular version, it says on the canister - soy lecithin.
The term lecithin is like the term soap. The term is referring to what the substance does, not necessarily what it is made from. Lecithin is a substance that acts as an emulsifier. You can have various forms of lecithin, (like the lecithin in your bile, the powdered lecithin from soy, lecithin from sunflower oil, etc). The point is that it is a substance that emulsifies fa ...
2,017 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: 6th flush
by telman 18 y
One has to be very careful about lecithin because it has a number of different meanings. This means that a number a people can be correct but they are talking about different things.
When lecithin is talked about chemically it is called a phosphatidylcholine it is a polar lipid.
When you but lecithin over the counter, it refers to a natural mixture of neutral and polar lipids of which about 20% is phosphatidylcholine.
Lecithins containing are produced from vegetable, animal and microbial sources, but mainly from vegetable sources. Soybean, which is 20 to 22% phosphatidylcholine is t ...
2,413 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support
Re: Cholesterol levels and medical tests in general...
by MH 108 18 y
In the 1930’s the doctors had te cure, they called it soybean lecithin. In Germany it is still the cure.............
The brain is 50% (human) lecithin.
The veins/arteries flow on a caoting of Lecithin
The nerves function because they are insulated with lecithin.
Fruits/Seeds supply natural Lecithin
The lack of natural lecithin eventually starves our Natural Lecithin and it fails to protect the body, it thickens, etc. As it fails, it also needs to be constantly ”patched” and this is what I understand is clgging of the arteries/heart, etc.
To take a drug, from what I have read, ...
2,067 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: 1 more question for HV regarding soy lecithin/detox
by Hveragerthi 15 y
A few weeks back, I started taking Soy Lecithin, 900 mg capsules, and after about 5 days I started having fatigue/anxiety,trouble sleeping, almost allergic type feelings, (no skin breakouts or Anything) ...It was very similar to candida flare up & die-off feelings that I get..
I thought maybe I had an allergic reaction to the soy lecithin, but lots of the supplements I take contain soy lecithin as a filler and I never had a problem like that...Now granted I was taking huge amounts of the Soy Lecithin 900 mg, (like 10-15 caps per day)...Could this reaction have instead been f ...
5,661 hits
Forum: The Truth in Medicine
Re: How soy may decimate the health of your unborn baby a...
by mu-shen 13 y
Soy Lecithin: How It Negatively Affects
Your Health And Why You Need To Avoid It
Soy Lecithin has been lingering around our food supply for over a century. It is an ingredient in literally hundreds of proceesed foods, and also sold as an over the counter health food supplement. Scientists claim it benefits our cardiovascular health, metabolism, memory, cognitive function, liver function, and even physical and athletic perfomance. However, most people don’t realize what soy lecithin actually is, and why the dangers of ingesting this additive far exceed its benefits.
Lecithin is ...
5,390 hits
Forum: Pregnancy/Birth
Diet & Nutrition
Women’s Forum
"Lecithin is more" article by Jim Wright
by superfriend 15 y
I found this article on a bodybuilding website...
Lecithin is worthy of consideration as what we call a ”standard issue” supplement. To us, that means its significance to bodybuilders can’t be overstated. Lecithin can help your brain, liver and immune system, and it can also help in the digestion of fats. Every cell in your body needs lecithin. Its efficiency is matched only by its versatility. Because its actions are so crucial to cell integrity, lecithin is a first-class addition to any bodybuilder’s supplement regime ...
9,778 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot
Re: Lecithin granules?
by trapper/kcmo 15 y
its what you do every day that creates your health. yes, i would stop taking those now that you know. this is one reason why i say ”organic lecithin only.” the other reason is that hexane is used in the extraction process for non-organic lecithin. the organic lecithin originates with clarkson soy products and their new extraction process that does not use hexane.
you cant get organic lecithin at mountain rose herbs as well.
2,618 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper