You are right, Danq!
I began my understanding of probiotics some years ago, when eating Super Blue-Green Algae. I didn't get far, however, as I didn't find anyone teaching the full subject.
I did learn there are some 400 types of 'friendly' bacteria known to populate our guts and help digest our foods.
Two questions arose from that, and remained unanswered for years, in the reading I came across.
...How does a person know what probiotics actually still exist in supermarket foods, and,
...Have some probiotics gone extinct in modern-day man?
I found no reliable answer to either question.
Then I read R.G.'s belief that digestive enzymes are being replenished all the time in our daily food.
He didn't say so, in these words, of course, but I assumed that we wouldn't live through a
parasite cleanse without a regular new supply.
I gathered that it must be quite difficult to get completely AWAY from digestive enzymes. I mean, look at folks who live mainly on canned or frozen or fast foods.
On the other hand, we all play 'supermarket roulette' every day...taking in all that is available, whether we know it or not...and each of us choosing different foods, preferences, and combinations.
I decided that I was looking too closely, for what little I know or can guess...and that my body might tell me what I need, intuitively. Also, I might benefit from larger amounts of some foods at some times.
After my first round of Humaworm, I thought to up my consumption of enzymes, bacteria, etc., for a time.
I had read the opinion that a combination of fresh pineapple and fresh papaya contained all the enzymes we need. Okay, those fruits were do-able.
I had home-sprouted mung beans; and a friend had suggested Bio-K. All were easily available, and all were 'living' foods, as best I knew. I treated myself to them for a week or two, and got good bathroom results.
I'm doing the same again, hoping to allay some of this headachiness I get from time to time, and helping other annoying symptoms.
I swallowed a container of Bio-K an hour ago, on an empty stomach, right after I 'swished' my mouth with a little castor oil, just in case.
Posting here was interupted by a bathroom trot...which was much better than usual, but not conclusive.
Now I'm savoring a dish of pineapple and papaya.
I'll start sprouts today, though they may take four or five days. Separating the beginnings of each of my 'medicines' may tell me something more of what each does for me.
Another suspicion is that we need greater quantities of certain digestives, at times. I wouldn't hazard a guess at what those might be, or when.
We had a curious turn of events in gardening. We found ourselves welcomed onto acreage where some fellows are practicing third-world growing methods. Dh realized a life-long dream of vegetable gardening, at 82. And I am eating up a storm, and designing dishes.
Thank you for the link, Danq. It will certainly be part of my next explorations...maybe in a week or two.
My best,