The two food 'probiotics' I have been taking have been gently improving my bathroom experiences, slowly, but quite well.
Yet I have still been awakening (after a muddled night's sleep), with the 'headache' that most concerns me.
The headache lies behind my right eyebrow and seems to 'penetrate' through to the upper back of my skull.
At one time these pains were 'shooting', and seemed more on the surface of the skull, or in the bone, even now there is one spot on the upper back of the head where I can sometimes pinpoint the scalp nerve involved...along with the spot on the eyebrow ridge.
I got myself a CT scan, once when the shooting pains became alarming. Nothing was 'wrong', they said...though my regular doctor thought CT scans, themselves, can have side effects.
She then sent me to a young specialist, who thought he saw a possible anurism in the shape of a blood vessel up the back of my neck, and wanted me to have an $800 MRI scan. Magnetism worried me, so I declined. Also, the various pains I've had at the back of my neck, in different places, felt like something else than a single I took the bull by the horns, and made my own choice. Scary, but self-empowering.
The shooting pains stopped soon after the discussion of an MRI. Don't know why.
The back right of the neck now hurts, too...and the back right corner of my jaw and other close regions are slightly involved...noticible from time to time.
Amalgam may be a contributing factor, as may posture, or the height of my pillow, or gallstones, or
parasite 'die-off', or sitting too long, or not enough sunshine, and on and on.
Yesterday I was motivated to continue settling into this new-to-us house, and prepared good dishes with garden-fresh veggies...even the sweet cherry tomatoes with dill greens, parsley, and red chard that made my salad.
I mention the tomatoes because my 'allergy' or sensitivity to them used to give me tiny blisters that itched terribly for hours, mainly on my feet, and hands.
The fresh tomato soup I had a couple of nights ago, DIDN'T. Hooray! Perhaps it was
parasites causing that reaction, or the bit of ginger, or garlic, I am adding may be helping.
So far, my daily dish of fresh pineapple and papaya, and a whole container of Bio-K (first thing in the a.m.), seem to be just what I needed, at this time.
Last evening I had one of those lovely calm periods where there was absolutely nothing 'wrong' with me. I even felt slim, and young, and had no inclination to smoke. It was as though I was ready to take on the future, looking for my next step. I think I could call it 'anticipation'. I enjoyed it very much.
Another feature of this type of feeling, recently, has been the lifting of all resentments, and spontaneous warm conversations with people in my life.
When we have these 'parasite' issues solved universally, I think we will be amazed at how thoroughly they once influenced us...even into restlessness, and the 'blues'...maybe even into prison and other institutions. The costs must be horrendous.
Our immune systems are of paramount importance, of course, and it may be that
parasites assail us more and more as our immune systems weaken. Just guessing.
I am completely in the dark about all these things that are 'good' for us. I just try to avoid most of the 'bad' stuff (making little fuss in 'social' situations), and get the 'good' in its simplest forms...Vitamin C, and more, from the garden...iodine, and more, from kelp...etc.
Still stalling on the salt bath. I don't do well with modern-day tubs anymore...but I'll try again, soon. I'm doing well with my campaign to dress standing in the middle of the room...even including socks. (Pats self on the back.)